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Transferring Property

If a federal agency is interested in excess property, that agency must file a Standard Form 122 (SF 122), Transfer Order - Excess Personal Property, which must be submitted to GSA for authorization and approval.

Costs and charges: Transfers between federal agencies are normally made without charge for the property itself. The acquiring agency must pay for shipping and transportation.

For transfers to project grantees, the sponsoring federal agency must pay the U.S. Treasury 25 percent of the original acquisition cost of the property unless the project grantees are specifically exempt by law. The acquiring agency covers the cost of the property’s care, handling, and transportation.

Direct Transfers

A federal agency can transfer excess personal property directly to another federal agency without first reporting it to GSA. Once the transfer is complete, the agency must report it to GSA. Direct transfer procedures contained in the Federal Management Regulation (FMR) 102-36.145 allow transfers under the following conditions:

• Total acquisition cost is $10,000 or less per line item. The authorized official at the acquiring agency must file an SF122 (Transfer of Excess Personal Property) and provide a copy to GSA office within 10 days.

• Total acquisition cost exceeds the $10,000 per line item limitation, but the appropriate GSA Personal Property Management Office has verbally approved a prearranged transfer. In this situation, the receiving organization must prepare an SF122, with the name of the GSA official and the date of the verbal approval. The acquiring agency must send a copy to GSA within 10 days.

• When the owning federal agency has separate statutory authority to dispose of such excess personal property, and the acquiring agency is an eligible recipient.

Agencies conducting direct transfers must pay reimbursement for the excess personal property.

How to Expedite Transfer of Excess Property

Federal agencies interested in expediting disposal of excess personal property should contact their GSA Area Property Officer for approval.  Department of Defense agencies should contact the GSA Central Office - Office of Personal Property Management.  Provide complete and accurate property descriptions and condition codes on the report of excess personal property. Requests should:

  • Provide a digital photograph of the property
  • Transfer any available operating manual, parts list, diagram, maintenance log, or other instructional publication along with the property itself
  • Advise the designated recipient of any special requirements for dismantling, shipping, and transportation
  • Provide advance notice of a facility closing, if the personal property is located at a place planned for closure. Agencies should also ensure there is sufficient time for screening and property removal

Sara Woods
(703) 605-2975

Cynthia Patton
(703) 605-2758

property transfer, transferring property, direct transfer, personal property