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Abbreviations and Acronyms


Alternating Current MSDS Materials Safety Data Sheet
AF Artic Floater MTLP Mini Tension Leg Platform
AFFF Aqueous film-forming foam MUX Make Up Crossover (X)
AI artificial island MWD Measurement while drilling
Bbl Barrel(s) M/V Mobile Vessel
Bbbl Billion barrels NE Northeast
Bcf Billion cubic feet NRC National Response Center
BDV Blow Down Valve OCS Outer Continental Shelf
BOP Blowout Preventer OCSLA Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
BOPD Barrels Of Oil Per Day PAC Pacific OCS Region
BOPE Barrels of Oil Per Day Equivalent PF Platform
BOEPD Barrels of Oil Per Day Equivalent PINC Potential Incident of Non-Compliance
BR Barge POV Pressure Operated Valves
BS&W Basic Sediment & Water PPE Personnel Protection Equipment
BWPD Barrels of Water Per Day PPG Pounds per gallon
CAIS Caisson PSE Pressure Safety Element
CFR Code of Federal Regulations PSH Pressure Safety High
CO2 Carbon Dioxide PSHL Pressure Safety High/Low
CT Coil Tubing PSI Pounds per square inch
CT Compliant Tower PSIG Points per square inch, gauge
CTM Coil Tubing Measurement PSL Pressure Safety Low
DC Direct Current PSV Pressure Safety Valve
DCP Driller's Control Panel ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
DOT Department of Transportation RTU Remote Terminal Unit
DS Drillship SAFE Safety Award for Excellence
ESD Emergency Shut Down SBM Synthetic base mud
FIXED Fixed Leg Platform SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Ft Foot (feet) SCR Spot check report
FTP Flowing Tubing Plug SCSSV Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety
FPS Floating production, storage SD Dynamic positioning semisubmersible
FPSO Floating production, storage & offloading SDV Shutdown Valve
G/L Gas/Liquid SEMI Semisubmersible
gal Gallon             SITP Shut-in Tubing Pressure
GOM Gulf of Mexico SO2 Sulfur dioxide
H2S Hydrogen Sulfide SPAR Floating production system
in Inch SS Semisubmersible
INC Incident of Non-Compliance SS Stainless Steel
IWOCS Installation and workover control system SSANC Fixed anchors or mooring piles
JU Jackup SSMNF Subsea manifold
LACT Liquid Automatic Custody Transfer SSTMP Subsea templates
LEL Lower Exposure Limit SSSV Subsurface Safety Valve
LMRP Lower Marine Riser Package SSV Surface Safety Valve
LN Land SU Submersible
LSH Level Safety High SW Southwest
LSL Level Safety Low TD Total Depth
MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure TIMS Technical Information Management System
MCC Master Control Center TLP Tension Leg Platform
MCFD Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day TSE Temperature Safety Element (fusible material)
MD Measured Depth TSH Temperature Safety High
MM Million USCG United States Coast Guard
MMbbl Million Barrels VPS Velocity Seismic Profile
MMS Minerals Management Service VRS Vapor Recovery System
MO Mobile VRU Vapor Recovery Unit
MOPU Mobile Producing Unit WP Well Protector
MOU Memorandum of Understanding WHRU Waste Heat Recovery Unit

Last Updated: 11/19/2010, 05:05 PM Central Time