Information Sources

Our information hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, eastern time.

Ways to Contact BLS Directly


General inquiries
Consumer Price Index (CPI) inquiries
Producer Price Index (PPI) inquiries
Current Population Survey (CPS) inquiries
Current Employment Statistics (CES) inquiries


Call (202) 691-5200 to speak with a BLS information specialist.

Information and assistance is also available from any BLS regional office.
For detailed program information, contact phone numbers are available for each program.


Send a question by fax to (202) 691-7890

Write or Personal Visit

Bureau of Labor Statistics
Division of Information and Marketing Services
2 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E. Room 2850
Washington, D. C. 20212


Information voice phone at: (202) 691-5200
The Federal Relay Service: 1-800-877-8339

Other Ways to Access our Data


Federal Depository Libraries provide free access to government documents.
Many of these libraries receive BLS publications. Check with a location near you.

To Order Publications

Copies for purchase:


GPO Superintendent of Documents
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
(202) 512-1800

Ways for the News Media to Contact Us

To speak directly with the BLS Press Assistant, Gary Steinberg, please call
(202) 691-5902, or send email inquiries to


Last Modified Date: November 6, 2009