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Safety Messages List

Recommendations Specialist Rachael Gunaratnam Discussing the Importance of the CSB's Recommendation to Zurich
Recommendations Specialist Rachael Gunaratnam Discussing the Importance of the CSB's Recommendation to Zurich

Recommendations Specialist Rachael Gunaratnam Discussing the Importance of the CSB's Recommendation to Zurich ... More

Tesoro Anniversary Safety Message
Tesoro Anniversary Safety Message

Marking the one year anniversary of the tragic accident at the Tesoro Refinery in Anacortes, Washington, the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) released a video safety message ... More

Ban Natural Gas Blows
Ban Natural Gas Blows

U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) Chairman Rafael Moure-Eraso calls for a ban on the cleaning out of debris from gas piping using pressurized natural gas, a practice that is referred to in the industry as a gas blow. ... More

Oil and Gas Sites Need Security and Warning SIgns
Oil and Gas Sites Need Security and Warning SIgns

The U.S. Chemical Safety Board has collected information on a number of oil tank explosions between 1985 and 2008 that resulted in fatal injuries to teenagers and young adults. In general, these occurred when teenagers were gathering, socializing, or playing around petroleum storage tanks. ... More

Without Safeguards, Pressure Vessels Can Be Deadly
Without Safeguards, Pressure Vessels Can Be Deadly

Improperly installed or modified pressure vessels have led to a number of serious chemical accidents. ... More

Take More Action to Prevent Dust Explosions
Take More Action to Prevent Dust Explosions

One year after 14 workers died in an explosion at Imperial Sugar, combustible dust fires and explosions continue to occur at U.S. businesses. OSHA has not begun rulemaking on a comprehensive combustible dust standard, as recommended by the Chemical Safety Board in 2006. More needs to be done, according to CSB Chairman John Bresland. That's the safety message for February 4, 2009. ... More

Protect Public Employees from Workplace Accidents
Protect Public Employees from Workplace Accidents

Millions of state, county, and city employees perform vital work for the American people. But in 26 states, public employees are not covered by OSHA standards. It's time to change that, according to CSB Chairman John Bresland. That's the safety message for January 26, 2009. ... More

Prevent Accidents During Subfreezing Weather
Prevent Accidents During Subfreezing Weather

As temperatures continue to drop, it's important for process plants to be prepared for the unique safety challenges of subfreezing weather, according to CSB Chairman John Bresland. That's the safety message for January 7, 2009. ... More

Maintain Process Safety During the Recession
Maintain Process Safety During the Recession

Refineries and chemical plants are facing serious economic difficulties but still need to maintain their focus on process safety, according to CSB Chairman John Bresland. That's the CSB Safety Message for December 22, 2008. ... More

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U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
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