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April 23, 2010


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Grandparents Day, Safe Routes to School mash-up


National Safe Streets to School is more important than ever before. It will make children and the parents that walk with them healthier. Also, in our local school districts here in South Orange County, the regular full sized school buses a number of kids used to use a quickly becoming things of thepast as school districts eliminate or greately reduce their bus programs to save money. OCTA serves a number of middle school and high school campuses, but schedules have been reduced and service to some schools eliminated with the March 2010 schedule changes. Except as to special education students, that leaves walking and bicycling as the means of transportation for many students. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

I too like to walk or bike to school with my elementary school daughter. Tonight I heard your interview on NPR- thank you for your efforts in promoting safe walking and biking in our country.

Great for the enviroment great for the kids(safety and exercise)everyones a winner.What about when it rains though?

Being a Grandparent there is nothing more important than the safety of the grand children. We spend a lot of time talking about the traffic and what to look out for while biking and walking on the street.

The iniciative with the walk is great since it also benefit the children by activating them.

More people should do this with their kids these days. The public health program is already very expensive and if our children and grand children learn to work out then the expenses will surely be reduced.

I think this is awesome.It's very enjoyable way to going school.I have a son ( John ) and we are walking too.He is so happy while going to school with me.

We, as adults should join such a responsible projects.We have already shared and discussed this with our neighbors.

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