
The National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) manages and supports the center’s three major activities for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science—testing and evaluation, scientific research, and leadership computing.

Jim Hack is the director of the NCCS, guiding the overall vision and direction of the center. Buddy Bland is the director of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility project, which oversees the upgrading and installation of the NCCS supercomputers. Doug Kothe is the NCCS director of science, responsible for guiding the research teams that use the computing systems. Jim Rogers, NCCS director of operations, manages day-to-day operation and planning.

The organization, with input from an advisory committee and operations council, works closely with computer vendors to bring new high-end hardware and software into productive use, provide leadership-class resources for scientific users, and guide the development of future leadership computing systems.

Download the NCCS Org Chart (Updated: 1/25/2012)

NCCS Division and Groups

Last modified on January 25th, 2012 at 1:25 pm