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You are hereHome > 10th Annual Supplier Diversity En Banc

10th Annual Supplier Diversity En Banc

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Event Date and Time: 
10/04/2012 - 8:30am - 3:30pm


$32 billion in 10 years is success! The next step is to not just increase the overall dollar amount, but also to encourage more minority ownership. The spirit of the CPUC’s Supplier Diversity Program is to foster new entrepreneurs not just maintain the status quo!

Where: USC Bovard Auditorium, 3551 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles

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Did you know...

Between 2002 and 2007, minority-owned firms outpaced the growth of non-minority firms in gross receipts, employment, and number of firms. Minority firms are an engine of job creation.
Graph for MBE Growth

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