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Men's Health

Health A–Z : 11-20 of 34 Results
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Genital Problems in Men  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

This chart provides information about genital problems in men. This resource is not a substitute for medical advice.... Details >

American Academy of Family Physicians  External Link

Healthy Men

Men can take daily steps to live a safer and healthier life, and protect themselves from disease and disability.... Details >

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Insights Newsletter  External Link

Sign up for a free subscription to Insights and get the latest news and research on prostate cancer from the Prostate Cancer Research Institute. ... Details >

Prostate Cancer Research Institute  External Link

Just the Facts: Differences Between Women and Men in Specific Diseases and Conditions  External Link

Differences between the sexes exist and whether a person is male or female matters in the prevalence and severity of a broad range of diseases, disorders, and conditions.... Details >

Society for Women's Health Research  External Link

Male Infertility  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

About one-third of cases of infertility are caused by male factors alone. Learn how male infertility is diagnosed and can be corrected.... Details >

American Academy of Family Physicians  External Link

Men Staying Healthy: Do You Know What it Takes?

Men can take this short quiz to learn more about staying healthy. ... Details >

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Men: Get the Preventive Medical Tests You Need

Screening tests can find diseases early, when they’re easiest to treat. Find out which preventive medical tests you need to stay healthy. ... Details >

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Men: Stay Healthy at 50+ - (PDF)

Use this information to help you stay healthy at ages 50 and above. Learn which screening tests you need and when to get them, which medicines may prevent diseases, and daily steps you can take for go... Details >

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Publications Clearinghouse

Men: Stay Healthy at Any Age - (PDF)

Also available in: Spanish 

Use the information in this pamphlet to help you stay healthy. Learn about which screening tests to take, whether you need medicines to prevent diseases, and steps you can take toward good health. ... Details >

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Men's Health

Also available in: Spanish 

Find information and tools to help men of all ages and backgrounds live stronger, healthier, and even longer lives. ... Details >

Office on Women's Health

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