Freedom for Birth: A Documentary

We want to share with you our excitement about a new documentary that reframes childbirth as the most pressing global Human Rights issue today. There are 1000 planned screenings premiers,  in 51 countries,  in 17 languages to launch the movie all over the globe on the same day--Thursday 20th September 2012 . It it our hope that our members, chapter leaders, and the larger ICAN comminty will join in those events accross the United States and internationally as an opportunity to bring awareness and educate our commnities about the importance of this subject and our work in ICAN.  read more »

ICAN Supports the National Rally for Change!

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For Immediate Release
International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN)

ICAN and the "National Rally for Change"

We are very pleased and excited to support our members’ participation in the “National Rally for Change,”  a national movement to improve birth in America. At least 40 cities across the country are holding a “National Rally for Change” on Labor Day, September 3, 2012, to bring awareness to the alarmingly high rates of medically unnecessary cesarean sections and labor inductions. This campaign, organized by, seeks to educate and empower women with evidence-based information in order to make truly informed choices regarding their maternity care.  read more »

ICAN Supports "Trial of Labor" Movie

ICAN is pleased to support "Trial of Labor," a documentary about the journey of four women who are pregnant, had undergone c-sections, and were determined to try to birth naturally. This is an important film that is aligned with ICAN's mission and message.
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Cesarean Rate Nearly Static at 32.8%

Redondo Beach, CA, November 23, 2011 – The National Center for Health Statistics has reported  that the cesarean rate in 2010 has  slightly dipped to an overall rate of 32.8 percent, down from 32.9 percent from 2009.  The one-tenth percent reduction reflects the first decrease in fourteen years.   read more »

Who is ICAN?

Who is ICAN?


The International Cesarean Awareness Network, Inc. (ICAN) is a nonprofit organization that was founded by Esther Booth Zorn and many other motivated women in 1982.  ICAN has now grown to over 170 chapters throughout the United States and worldwide.  read more »

Has ICAN helped you?


ICAN is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. If you've found ICAN's information or support helpful, please consider making a donation so that we may continue to offer resources, improve upon our services, and work to reach more women that need our help.  read more »

ICAN Volunteer Positions Available

ICAN has several volunteer positions available. Please visit the Volunteer Page to see how YOU can help.  read more »

ICAN Online Webinars

Upcoming Webinars and Online Support Meetings


ICAN Webinars offer consumers and childbirth professionals the opportunity to learn and interact in an exciting format: through live video and audio sharing. To participate, all you need is a computer with internet access and speakers or a headset. We look forward to seeing you on our next educational webinar or online support meeting.  read more »

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