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Lead Poisoning

Health A–Z : 11-17 of 17 Results
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National Lead Information Center Document Request Form

The National Lead Information Center (NLIC) provides the general public and professionals with a form to request information about lead hazards and their prevention. ... Details >

National Lead Information Center

Occupational Exposure to Lead  External Link

Information about lead exposure and its effects on health, written for employers and the general public. Describes problems that lead causes, signs of lead poisoning; and explains how you can protect ... Details >

American Academy of Family Physicians  External Link

Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home - (PDF)

Learn these simple steps to protect your family from lead poisoning.... Details >

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Renovate Right - (PDF)

Read this important lead hazard information for families, child care providers and schools.... Details >

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Ten Tips to Protect Children from Chemical and Lead Poisoning

Also available in: Spanish 

Follow these simple steps to protect your children from environmental hazards around the home.... Details >

Office of Pesticide Programs, OCSPP, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

What You Can Do to Protect Children from Environmental Risks

Also available in: Spanish  Vietnamese - (PDF) 

Find steps parents and caregivers can take to protect children from health risks caused by the environment, including indoor air pollution, lead poisoning, carbon monoxide poising, sun exposure, mercu... Details >

Office of Children’s Health Protection, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

WQA Water Information Library   External Link

Want to know more about water? This resource provides a convenient, encyclopedic search mechanism for individuals who want information on contaminants, water quality technologies, applications, regula... Details >

Water Quality Association  External Link

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