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Independent Living

Health A–Z : 1-13 of 13 Results
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Assistive Technology Products  External Link

Find information about assistive technology products and rehabilitation equipment available to assist people with disabilities.... Details >

Abledata  External Link

Autism After Age 21: What Now?  External Link

Easter Seals offers services to support adults with autism as they navigate through the barriers they are likely to encounter in their day-to-day lives, such as finding a job, day programs, residentia... Details >

Easter Seals Inc.   External Link

FAQs about Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities  External Link

Find answers to questions about education and training opportunities after high school for students with disabilities.... Details >

HEATH Resource Center at the National Youth Transitions Center  External Link

FAQs-National Resource Center for Supportive Housing and Home Modifications  External Link

Here is a collection of commonly asked questions received by the National Resource Center for Supportive Housing and Home Modifications regarding finding contractors, government grants and more.... Details >

National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification  External Link

Find an Easter Seals Center  External Link

To find the Easter Seals nearest you, enter your zip code or city and state. Easter Seals has more than 500 centers nationwide offering services that help people living with autism, developmental disa... Details >

Easter Seals Inc.   External Link

Getting into College: What Students with Disabilities Want to Know  External Link

This module assists students with disabilities to understand the college admissions process.... Details >

HEATH Resource Center at the National Youth Transitions Center  External Link

Independent Living for People With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - (PDF)

For persons with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), daily activities, such as working, managing money, and maintaining a home, present huge challenges. Learn about assistance and support to help... Details >

SAMHSA Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Center for Excellence

Informed Consumer Guide to Accessible Housing  External Link

For people with disabilities, a dwelling must be fully accessible to become a home. Learn what accessible housing is and types of products that are available to achieve accessibility.... Details >

Abledata  External Link

JAN - Job Accommodation Network  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

Job Accommodation Network (JAN) offers free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Find answers to questions about the Americans with Disabili... Details >

Job Accommodation Network  External Link

National Directory of Home Modification and Repair Programs  External Link

Home modification refers to converting or adapting the environment to make tasks easier, reduce accidents, and support independent living. This page is a directory of home modification and repair pro... Details >

National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification  External Link

People with Disabilities

Also available in: Spanish 

This web page provides information for people with disabilities about healthy living, safety, school, transitions, independent living, and finding support.... Details >

Disability and Health Programs, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities/CDC

Resource Page: National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification  External Link

Articles and other up-to-date resources on health, home modification and other related needs for the elderly.... Details >

National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification  External Link

Transition to Adulthood   External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

Transition services are intended to prepare students to move from the world of school to the world of adulthood. When the student has a disability, it's especially helpful to plan ahead for that trans... Details >

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities  External Link

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