
News, announcements, training, search functions, Ask-a-Professor, and similar services with direct links supporting DoD acquisition.

Acquisition Process

Three processes cooperate to deliver capabilities needed by warfighters: the requirements process (JCIDS); the acquisition process (DAS); and the program and budget development process (PPBE). Includes links to DoD and Service policies, guidance, tools, and resources:


Information on career management, the DoD Human Capital Initiative, career planning, leader­ship training, over­arching planning and guidance documents, and relevant professional organizations.


Encyclopedic source of acquisition policy that follows a hierarchy of policy issuance (i.e., executive, legislative, federal, etc.) and filtered according to organization, career field, and special topics.

of Practice

Links to communities of practice and special interest areas, the latest contribution and discussion posts for open ACC communities, community highlights, and links to related communities.

Training and
Continuous Learning

Information on training and continuous learning that supports DoD acquisition, information that helps manage professional training portfolios, and information on training available from DAU and DoD and Services activities.


Information on DoD industry partners that helps the participation and execution of DoD processes; including industry support pages, news, information, and links to private sector acquisition contractors.


Functional Gateways

Fifteen functional knowledge gateways, one for each of the defense acquisition career fields.

Special Topics

Better Buying Power

News, policy, and media that support greater value and efficiency in defense acquisition.


About this page...

This page introduces and illustrates the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) and provides a few links to the documents, multimedia, and training that support JCIDS.

For more information, select any of the sub-topics under “JCIDS” in the menu on the top-left.


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Featured - JCIDS Process

Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System


The JCIDS process exists to support Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) responsibilities in identifying, assessing, validating, and prioritizing joint military capability requirements. JCIDS provides a transparent process that allows the JROC to balance joint equities and make informed decisions on validation and prioritization of capability requirements.

JCIDS operates with participation and advice from other organizations that have equity in the capability requirements process.

JCIDS uses Joint Capability Areas (JCA) as an organizing construct for Functional Capability Boards (FCB) and portfolio assessments. This provides the FCB with portfolios of similar DoD capabilities functionally grouped to support capability analysis, strategy development, investment decisions, capability portfolio management, and capabilities-based force development and operational planning.

Interaction of JCIDS with the Defense Acquisition System and PPBE Processes

JCIDS (capability requirements and non-materiel solutions), Defense Acquisition System (materiel solutions), and PPBE (resources) are three key processes in DoD which must work in concert to ensure consistent decision making while delivering timely and cost effective capability solutions to the warfighters. Together, the three processes provide a means to determine, validate, and prioritize capability requirements and associated capability gaps and risks, and then fund, develop, and field non-materiel and materiel capability solutions for the warfighter in a timely manner.

The USD(AT&L) manages Defense Acquisition System as the primary process for transforming validated capability requirements into materiel capability solutions. JCIDS documents provide the critical link between validated capability requirements and the acquisition of materiel capability solutions through five major Defense Acquisition System phases: Materiel Solution Analysis, Technology Development (TD), Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD), Production and Deployment (P&D), and Operations and Support (O&S). The figure below depicts the relationship between the acquisition process and JCIDS documents.

Initial Capabilities Document (ICD)Materiel Development Decision (MDD)Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA)Milestone A (MS A)Technology Development (TD) phaseCapability Development Document (CDD)Milestone B (MS B)Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) phaseCapability Production Document (CPD)Milestone C (MS C)Production and Deployment (P&D) phaseOperations and Support (O&S) phase

CJCSI 3170.01H, Figure 3.

The Deputy Secretary of Defense manages PPBE as the primary process for enabling the funding of the various JCIDS and Defense Acquisition System activities that develop, field, and sustain effective capability solutions to the warfighters.

Related Tools
Defense Acquisition Guidebook

Defense Acquisition Guidebook

Integrated Life Cycle Chart

Integrated Life Cycle Chart



Rapid Deployment Training
 Briefing outlining Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM WSARA) 09-027 by Prof Brad Brown
Dec 2009 - Implementation of the Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-23) into the DoDI 5000.02.
 DoDI 5000.02
May 2009 - DoDI 5000.02 - "The Honorable John Young, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics approved a major revision to the DoD Acquisition System (DoD Instruction 5000.02) on December 2, 2008.
 FAQ - Rapid Deployment Training DoDI 5000.02
February 2009 - Some frequently asked questions from the Rapid Deployment Training DoDI 5000.02 sessions conducted.
 Joint Capability Integration and Development System (JCIDS)
June 2009 - JCIDS Brief, from RQM 403 - Requirements Management Executive Overview, Defense Systems Management College - School of Program Managers, DAU, provides current overview of the JCIDS process.
 DoD's Business Transformation
December 2005 - This briefing provides an overview of the DoD's Business Transformation using these three support systems.
 Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Process
March 2005 - Ms. Siobhan Tack, DAU, presents overview of PPBE process.
 Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Process
June 2005 - Mark Keehan, DAU, provides update of changes to the PPBE. This video supplements the revised PPDE posted elsewhere in the ACC. Approx. running time: 39 minutes.