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Política de privacidad y seguridad

1.  Privacy Policy Summary

Thank you for visiting the website (“Website”) presented by the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and reviewing our privacy policy.  Our policy is simple:  We collect no personal information about you unless you choose to provide that information to us.  We do not sell any personal information to a third party.  Other than as further described in this policy below, we will not give, share, or transfer any personal information to a third party.

2. Personal Information Collected From Users

Some of our web pages (such as our customization feature, and our registration to list job postings) let you voluntarily submit personal information.  In those cases, we will provide a specific Terms of Use notice before you begin submitting any personal information, explaining how your information will be safeguarded.  Regardless, we will collect personal information only as necessary to administer the TEACH outreach campaign, and the information will be used only for that purpose or as required by law.  We will allow you to customize your account by submitting your e-mail address, zip code, and password to us.  An account will permit you to create and modify e-mail preferences and save your searches of teacher preparation institutions, job listings, and scholarship information.  This is entirely voluntary, and you will be able to fully utilize the functionality of this Website if you choose to not create an account.

If you include personally identifiable information (PII) in feedback provided to us through the use of the website, e-mail, social media or otherwise, because you want us to address issues specific to your situation, we may use that information in responding to your request.  In other limited circumstances, including requests from Congress or limited other parties, we may be required by law to disclose information that you submit.

To the greatest extent possible, ED and the TEACH campaign will avoid of PII and the use of Tier 3 –multi-session technologies with PII.  On occasion, we may collect PII from users in connection with optional contests.  Such information will be used as indicated at the time of the collection and in conjunction with the applicable contest rules and the requirements of OMB Memorandum M-10-22.
If you want to know more about how we record non-personal information about your visit or how we use information that you voluntarily submit, read on.

3.  Non-Personal Information Automatically Collected From All Users

If you do nothing during your visit but browse through the Website, read pages, or download information, our Website's operating system will automatically record some general information about your visit.  Visitors to this website who have JavaScript enabled, which is typically a default setting in most browsers, are tracked using Google Analytics and cookies, which are employed as Tier I – single-session web measurement and customization technologies, as defined by OMB Memorandum M-10-22.  Google Analytics is used to provide aggregated statistics on how the Website is used so that we may optimize the performance of the website for future releases.  Google Analytics uses single-session cookies and collects IP addresses along with additional non-personal information. Google Analytics data is shared with Google as a condition of its use. To learn more about Google Analytics privacy, please visit

You may opt out of Google Analytics by disabling JavaScript within your browser or using the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On.  Disabling Google Analytics or JavaScript still permits you to access comparable information or services. To disable JavaScript, refer to your vendor’s browser instruction guide (e.g., Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox).

To opt out of cookies, you should refer to, which contains general instructions on how the public can opt out of some of the most commonly used web measurement and customization technologies.

4.  Creation of Personalized Account By Registered Users

If you voluntarily register through the Website to create a personalized account, we will ask for your e-mail address, zip code, and a secure password so that we can deploy Tier II, multi-session technologies that will allow you to create and modify e-mail preferences and to save for future visits your searches of job listings pertaining to the teaching profession, scholarship information pertaining to the teaching profession, and teacher preparation programs.  Registration is not required to generate searches.  Further, sending yourself an e-mail with your search results using any of the functions is possible without registration.  You may opt out of the registration portion of the Website simply by not registering.

5.  Cookies

A cookie is a tiny piece of data stored by a user's browser that helps a web site or service recognize that user's unique computer.  On, we use single-session "cookies" to help you use our Website interactively, such as path to teaching search results.

The cookies on do not collect information about you, but only about your browser "session."  The cookies make it easier for you to use the dynamic features of these web pages, without having to provide the same information again as you move from one page to another. These cookies expire in a very short time frame or when a browser window closes.

To protect your privacy, be sure to close your browser completely after you have finished conducting business with a website that uses cookies.  If you are concerned about the potential use of information gathered from your computer by cookies, you can set your browser to prompt you before it accepts a cookie.  Most Internet browsers have settings that let you identify and/or reject cookies.  As noted above, to obtain directions on how to opt out of cookies, you should refer to  Please be aware that preventing cookies from being used, you may be unable to fully use the Website.

6.  Information You Send to Us

If you are in interested in receiving e-mails from us that will notify you of such things as web site updates, publically available job fairs/events in your region, and other timely events, you may affirmatively request and join (or subscribe) our list-serve by sending us your e-mail address using the subscribe feature of the service.  Conversely, you may contact us to opt out (or unsubscribe) from the list-serve.  We will not sell or rent your e-mail address, and we will not disclose your e-mail address to any third party other than as required by law or to our contractors that have enter into non-disclosure agreements with us.
If you send us PII because you want us to address issues specific to your situation, we may use that information in responding to your request.  In other limited circumstances, including requests from Congress or limited other parties, we may be required by law to disclose information that you submit.  We also may disclose your PII to our contractors that enter into non-disclosure agreements with us.  Because e-mail is not necessarily secure against interception, please only e-mail us information that is necessary to help us process your request.

7.  Information Collected from Interactive Forms

On some of our web pages we offer interactive forms that let you voluntarily submit personal information (such as your e-mail address, name, or organization).   We will use all submitted information only for the purposes of administering the TEACH outreach campaign and, the information is only made available to website management partners or as required by law.

8.  Links to Other Sites

Our policy discloses the privacy practices for the website.  But ED provides links to other websites.  When you leave the website (, you will be going to sites that are beyond our control.  We try to ensure that links that leave our site are clearly labeled, usually with a Disclaimer (exiting to another site) statement at or prominently near the link.  These other sites may send their own cookies to users, collect data, or solicit personal information.  The privacy policies and procedures described here for do not apply to any external links.  We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any site you link to from ours, before you share any personal information with them.  Be informed.  You are the person best qualified to protect your own privacy.

9.  Social Media

We are using third-party social media sites to provide ED content in formats that may be useful or interesting.  We will collect no PII about you using third party social media sites unless you choose to provide that information to us, and the team will review and monitor the PII that becomes available through these third-party social media sites.  Any PII collected through the use of third-party social media sites will not be shared internally outside of the team.  PII that becomes available through the use of third-party social media sites will be used solely by authorized individuals in the performance of their duties in responding to your feedback as part of a conversation.  When a user of social media “makes PII available”, the PII will be retained until it is no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes or three (3) months, whichever is greater, according to National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) General Records Schedules (GRS) (per GRS 20, Item 1(c) or GRS 23, Item 7).

We will mitigate the risk of using third-party social media sites by:  (a) directly linking to this privacy notice from the social media site, if possible; (b) including links on the Website to our official social-media pages and accounts; (c) using the logo on our social media pages and accounts to make it clear that this is an ED site related to the TEACH campaign; and (d) providing comparable information and services through the Website or other official means.  For example, members of the public will be able to learn about our activities and to communicate with us without having to join a third-party social media website.  In addition, if we use a third-party service to solicit feedback, we will provide an alternative government e-mail address where users can also send feedback.

The privacy policies and procedures described here for do not apply to any social media sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, LinkedIn, Flickr).  We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any site that you link to from ours, before you share any personal information with them.  Be informed.  You are the person best qualified to protect your own privacy

10.  Records Management records are deleted and destroyed when we determine they are no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit or other operational purposes, or up to three (3) months, whichever is greater according to NARA General Record Schedules, including GRS 20, Item 1(c), GRS 23, Item 7, and GRS 24, Item 6(b).

11.  Security

We maintain a variety of physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect your personal information.  For example, we use commercially reasonable tools and techniques to protect against unauthorized access to our systems.  Also, we restrict access to PII to those who need such access in the course of their duties for us.  Your own efforts to protect against unauthorized access play an important role in protecting the security of your personal information.  You should be sure to sign off when finished using a shared computer, and always log out of any site when viewing personal information.

12.  Acceptance of Teach Privacy Policy

By using this Website, you agree to the terms and conditions within this Privacy Policy.  If you do not agree to the terms and conditions, please do not use the Website.

Terms of Use:  Please make sure to read’s Terms of Use to understand the additional terms and conditions which apply to your use of this Website. 

Changes to this policy:  The privacy policy will be revised or updated if our practices change or if we develop better ways to keep you informed.  We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this policy at any time.  Your continued use of following the posting of any changes to these terms indicates your acceptance of those changes.  You should refer to this page often for the latest information and the effective date of any changes.  If changes are made to this policy, a new policy will be posted on our site and the date at the bottom of the page will be updated.  Changes to the policy will not apply retroactively.

13.  Questions?

If you have questions about this policy, please contact

Original, September 15, 2010.


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