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USTR Kirk Comments Following Trade Markups In Senate Finance, House Ways and Means Committees

Washington, D.C. — United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk issued a statement following informal markups in the Senate Finance Committee and House Ways & Means Committee of trade legislation. President Obama has called for the swift approval of trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama, along with a bipartisan agreement on Trade Adjustment Assistance. From Ambassador Kirk:

“The Senate Finance Committee took a significant step today to enable the formal submission of the pending trade agreements with South Korea, Panama, and Colombia, by voting to advance those agreements along with a responsible, cost-effective renewal of Trade Adjustment Assistance. The House Ways and Means Committee has also now considered the pending trade agreements, and we appreciate the numerous statements of support from that Committee for the bipartisan TAA compromise as well. We are eager to advance a balanced trade agenda that supports tens of thousands of well-paying jobs through increased exports to Korea, Colombia, and Panama, and that restores faith with those Americans who may be adversely affected by trade. We look forward to continuing to work with Congressional leaders toward that objective."