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Ambassador Kirk Hosts "Jobs on Main Street, Customers Around the World: A Positive Trade Agenda for US Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises" Conference

01/21/2010 - 11:37am

Ambassador Kirk is currently hosting a USTR Conference event "Jobs on Main Street, Customers Around the World: A Positive Trade Agenda for US Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises."

Ambassador Kirk at SME Conferece

Ambassador Kirk spoke at the conference about how USTR is working to help small- and medium-sized businesses expand their exports in the global marketplace through a robust trade policy agenda.

"I know that many of you in this room are small- or medium-sized business owners yourselves. Critical enterprises like yours - from multigenerational family operations to brand-new start-up companies - are the backbone of the American economy. Today, there are nearly 30 million small- and medium-sized businesses of every kind. And during the last 15 years, those businesses have generated almost two-thirds of all new employment. But even among these star job creators, one kind of business shines brightest: businesses that export grow faster, add jobs faster, and pay higher wages."

Panelists at SME Conference

During the conference, Ambassador Kirk announced the designation of an Assistant United States Trade Representative (AUSTR) for Small Business, Market Access, and Industrial Competitiveness. The position will be filled by Jim Sanford, who now adds responsibility for small business issues to his existing portfolio and previous title of AUSTR for Market Access and Industrial Competitiveness. You can read more about the position and Jim Sanford here.