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Ambassador Marantis Meets with Indonesian Officials, Works to Expand Trade Relationship

02/05/2010 - 11:21am

Today, Deputy United States Trade Representative Marantis arrived in Jakarta, Indonesia and held a full day of meetings with senior Indonesian economic officials. He met with Coordinating Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa, Trade Minister Pangestu, and senior officials at the Ministries of Agriculture and Culture and Tourism.

In his meetings, Ambassador Marantis briefed his Indonesian counterparts on the Obama Administration's trade strategy in the Asia-Pacific. He welcomed the discussions of a Comprehensive Partnership with Indonesia as a vehicle for expanding and deepening the bilateral relationship and resolving problems when they arise. He also raised specific bilateral issues related to the investment climate, agricultural and goods trade, intellectual property rights, and services. Ambassador Marantis also explored with this Indonesian counterparts new avenues for bilateral cooperation, including in the area of trade and the environment.

Ambassador Marantis in Indonesia
Ambassador Marantis with Trade Minister Pangestu and Deputy Chief of Mission in the United States Embassy in Jakarta Ted Osius.