NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

05 Oct. 2011 – 06 Oct. 2011

NATO Defence Ministers Meetings

NATO HQ, Brussels

Ministers determined to pursue operation in Libya as long as threats persist

Ministers determined to pursue operation in Libya as long as threats persist

06 Oct. 2011

NATO Defence Ministers and Partners involved in Operation Unified Protector today in Brussels discussed the prospects for ending the mission for Libya. Ministers affirmed that the time for terminating Operation Unified Protector is approaching but that the mission is not over yet.


ISAF Ministers pledge support to Afghanistan beyond 2014

ISAF Ministers pledge support to Afghanistan beyond 2014

06 Oct. 2011

Today, Defence Ministers of the 49 nations which contribute to ISAF expressed strong commitment to support Afghanistan throughout the transition process and well beyond.


Wednesday 5 October 2011 document audio photo video
10:30 Bilateral meeting between the NATO Deputy Secretary General and the Minister of Defence of New Zealand     photo  
12:30 Bilateral meeting between the NATO Secretary General and the Minister of Defence of Australia     photo  
13:00 Bilateral meeting between the NATO Secretary General and the Minister of Defence of Estonia     photo  
13:30 Bilateral meeting between the NATO Secretary General and the US Secretary of Defense     photo  
14:00-15:30 Meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence photo  
•   Opening statement by the NATO Secretary General EN EN
15:35 Official Portrait photo  
15:45 Press conference by the NATO Secretary General EN Orig


•   Statement to the press by the NATO Secretary General
•   Questions and answers
16:30-18:30 Meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence    
18:45 Visit to NATO HQ by the Prime Minister of Spain     photo  
19:00 Announcement by the NATO Secretary General, the Prime Minister of Spain and the US Defense Secretary EN Orig
19:30-22:00 Working Dinner of NATO Ministers of Defence    


Thursday 6 October 2011 document audio photo video
8:30-11:30 Meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence with non-NATO ISAF contributing nations photo  
•   Opening statement by the NATO Secretary General EN EN
12:00-14:00 Working lunch of NATO Ministers of Defence with non-NATO contributors to Operation Unified Protector    
14:00 Press conference by the NATO Secretary General EN Orig
•   Statement to the press by the NATO Secretary General
•   Questions and answers
14:30 Press conference by the US Secretary of Defense   EN photo  
15:00 Bilateral meeting between the NATO Secretary General and the Defence Minister of Denmark     photo  
15:00 Press conference by the Defence Minister of Afghanistan EN EN photo  
15:00 Bilateral meeting between NATO Deputy Secretary General and Minister Delegated for Defence of Morocco     photo  
15:30 Press conference by the Defence Minister of Germany   GE    
15:30 Briefing by NATO Secretary General to a group of Arabic journalists     photo  
16:10 Bilateral meeting between NATO Deputy Secretary General and Minister of Defence of Mongolia     photo  
16:30 Meeting NATO Secretary General with NATO Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan     photo  


Last updated: 07-Oct-2011 17:18

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For the media


NATO Press Release(2011)112 - 13 Sept. 2011
Defence Ministerial Meetings, Brussels, 5-6 October 2011
OTAN Communiqué de presse(2011)112 - 13 sept. 2011
Réunions des ministres de la Défense, Bruxelles, 5-6 octobre 2011