Chris Van Hollen

Van Hollen Statement in Opposition to H J Res 37

Washington, Apr 7 -

I rise today to oppose H J Res 37, a resolution disapproving of the recent FCC net neutrality rule. 

The FCC’s net neutrality rule is designed to ensure that the internet remains affordable and accessible to all Americans.  This goal is critical for Americans to engage the world and for the internet to continue to be the engine of economic growth, job creation and innovation we have known it to be.  To continue fulfilling this vital role in our society and economy, the internet must be unencumbered and free from arbitrary or commercially driven disruptions.  The FCC rule is tailored to achieve that objective.

Mr. Speaker, the FCC’s net neutrality rule is the product of years of careful analysis, deliberation and review.  The question of whether the FCC has the authority to issue the rule will ultimately be decided by the courts.  We should not be considering such a serious matter under the expedited procedures and closed rule before us today.

I urge a no vote, and I yield back the balance of my time.