Center for Post-Conflict Peace and Stability Operations

Iraq elections Photo Credit: (Moises Saman/The New York Times)   (NYT Photos)

Center Highlights

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William Taylor (Photo: USIP)
Senior Vice President, Center for Conflict Management

Center Experts

Chairman, Haiti Working Group
Country Director, Afghanistan

The Center for Post-Conflict Peace and Stability Operations designs and manages the Institute's efforts in areas emerging from conflict. The Center also conducts research, identifies best practices, develops new tools for post-conflict peace and stability operations, and supports related training and education efforts.

The Center for Post-Conflict Peace and Stability Operations conducts work in the following zones of conflict:

  • Afghanistan - USIP is conducting a number of initiatives in this country to: promote a secure environment; build the rule of law; strengthen public education and civil society; and promote a better understanding in the U.S. policy community of critical issues related to the country.
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo - The conflict in the DRC involved seven countries and took four million lives. USIP is raising awareness of continuing threats to peace in the DRC; providing a forum for discussions of peace efforts in the country; and investing in local peacebuilding projects.
  • Haiti - Recent events in Haiti have produced a sense of cautious optimism that the country is making progress, although significant problems persist, including bitter social divisions and abject poverty. In this light, USIP has established the Haiti Working Group, the only D.C.-based forum of its kind, to promote peacebuilding in Haiti and to strengthen U.S.-Haitian relations.
  • Iraq - In Iraq, it is now vital to create safe space for reconciliation efforts at the local, provincial, and national levels and to promote peaceful political engagement. USIP is helping these endeavors by promoting reconciliation; strengthening government institutions, and facilitating positive international engagement.
  • Liberia - Liberia's November 2005 elections capped the end of long period of conflict. On the ground in Liberia, USIP is helping promote the rule of law. In Washington, we are continuing to sponsor the Liberia Working Group—a forum for Liberian leaders to collaborate with U.S. policymakers and organizations.
  • Sri Lanka - After twenty-six years of civil war, in May 2009, the Government of Sri Lanka announced it had defeated the separatist group the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).  USIP is working to help Sri Lanka move from a post-war to post-conflict environment through supporting constructive political negotiations and supporting sound demobilization, disarmament, and reintegration policies and practices of former combatants.