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About FedCenter

FedCenter, the Federal Facilities Environmental Stewardship and Compliance Assistance Center, is a joint initiative of EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA), the Army Corps of Engineers' Construction Engineering Research Laboratory and the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive to create, for the first time, an all-services technical and compliance assistance center to help federal environmental officials, especially those in the civilian sector, better address their environmental needs.

Specific goals of FedCenter include:

  • providing the framework for federal agencies to leverage their environmental expertise and limited resources to meet their regulatory needs
  • assisting in implementing the Presidential Management Council's initiative to improve federal environmental, health and safety compliance and performance, and
  • helping federal agencies meet their sustainable practices commitments under Presidential Executive Orders 13423 and 13514.

FedCenter currently provides a wide variety of information in the following areas:

  • program development (i.e. environmental management systems, green procurement program)
  • federal and state regulatory requirements for various facility activities,
  • a 'regulatory watch' to inform you of any new or changes to existing laws or regulations,
  • P2 opportunities and best management practices
  • EPA enforcement notices
  • links to State environmental programs
  • access to existing military service and other environmental assistance centers across the country
  • environmental conferences, meetings, training, and workshops information
  • applicable Laws and Executive Orders, and
  • industry sector-specific newsletters.

FedCenter also provides member assistance services such as:

  • collaboration tools for workgroups
  • environmental reporting tools, and
  • daily newsletter and subscription services.

Federal agencies currently collaborating on FedCenter include the Departments of Commerce, Energy, Treasury, State, Interior, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs, as well as NASA, the U.S. Postal Service and Tennessee Valley Authority, EPA, Office of the Federal Environmental Executive, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Participation by all Federal agencies is welcome to help independently govern, self-promote, financially support, and guide the Center's activities.

FedCenter is administered by the Corps' Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. If you have any questions regarding FedCenter, please contact the FedCenter Manager via e-mail at sitemgr@fedcenter.gov or use our contact us page.

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Last Updated: March 29, 2012