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(June 25, 2012)

Keeping water around

The water in a disaster supply kit.
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From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I’m Nicholas Garlow with HHS HealthBeat.

Think about how much water you use every day. Now imagine if a water crisis were to happen and you didn’t have safe water coming from your pipes.  Water emergencies do happen, in the form of floods, hurricanes, and droughts. It’s important to be ready. You can prepare for emergencies by storing water.

Dr. Julia Gargano is an epidemiologist with the CDC’s Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch.

“All households should prepare for water emergencies by storing at least one gallon of water per day, for each person. A two-week supply is ideal, but if that’s not possible, we recommend that people store at least a three-day supply.”

A proper disaster supply kit should include water, food, and things like a first aid kit, whistle to signal for help, and local maps.

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HHS HealthBeat is a production of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. I’m Nicholas Garlow.

Last revised: June 25, 2012