A Public Value Analysis Tool for Open Government Planning

Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Meghan Cook, Center for Technology in Government
Kristin Baldwin, DOT

On–Demand Webinar

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Open Government has traditionally been defined in terms of transparency, participation, and collaboration, however the real value of Open Government is in the public value that these principles generate. The Center for Technology in Government at the University at Albany has developed an approach to planning that helps organizations understand public value and allows them to analyze their efforts in order to develop their own portfolio view of public value.

Public value can be described as the link between government action and the multiple types of public value that can accrue. It can be described in terms of seven general types of value that capture the range of possible results of government actions:  Economic, Political, Social, Strategic, Quality of Life, Ideological, and Stewardship.

What You'll Learn

What is the concept of public value, the value proposition, and examining the ways public value is created.

  • How Open Government principles can lead to public value
  • How a Public Value Approach to planning can complement and link to an Return on Investment (ROI) analysis.
  • What is the importance of stakeholders and methods of stakeholder analysis. How to deal with the competing interests and values.

About the Presenters

Meghan Cook works as program manager with teams from government, corporate, and academic organizations to address information management issues through a unique collaborative process. She is responsible for overall planning and management of major Center projects, which includes conceptualizing, developing, and overseeing work focused on the policy, management, and technology issues surrounding information and information technology use in the public sector.

Over the past 15 years, Meghan has made major contributions in the areas of open government, mobile government, intergovernmental information sharing management, strategic planning, and IT business case planning. Her current portfolio includes work in open government, public value, smart cities, mobile government, and international community building. 

Kristen Baldwin joins DOT from the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Secretary, where she worked in the Web Communications Division of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs.  As the operations manager, she created department-wide policies, plans, and guidance to govern the HHS strategic outreach community and managed the day-to-day budget, procurement, and operation activities associated with the division.  Kristen will be concentrating on procurement, budget, and human resource efforts for the Office of the Chief Information Officer as the Director of the Resource Management Office.

Kristen received her BA from the University of Virginia and an MS in Information Systems from George Washington University.   

Content Lead: DigitalGov Univsity Team
Page Reviewed/Updated: June 13, 2012

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