How can I get help with my SOP's?

Please contact your MILVAX Regional Analyst or the MILVAX Clinical Education Coordinator with any questions regarding Standard Operating Procedures, or you can contact the quality-improvement professionals at your facility.

Contact MILVAX Regional Analyst


Locate a MILVAX Regional Analyst to assist you with your vaccine questions or ITS issues.

What are Standard Operating Procedures?

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are a set of general instructions that describe who, what, where, when and how to operate in a functional area. Wherever you work in the medical field, you can expect to find an SOP. If your immunization clinic doesn’t have one or wants to improve its current one, you can use the model posted in this section as a starting point and modify it to meet your section needs. The key topics are:

  • References - the places where you got your guidance
  • Purpose - the reason you have the SOP
  • Scope - what areas or populations the SOP pertains to
  • Responsibilities - which staff members are responsible for which tasks
  • Procedures - how to perform a given task

A thorough SOP will enable a medically trained individual from another facility to perform a task according to local standards using your procedure.

Hint: Keep it simple. If you can’t understand it, it won’t help anyone who comes in to perform the same job you do.

How often & who should review our Clinic SOP's?

The Medical Director at your facility should review your clinic’s SOPs annually and update them as appropriate. Staff should document their annual review of SOPs in their Personal Competency Assessment File.

How can I submit my SOP to Immunization University?

If you think you have a good SOP (or a better SOP) and would like to share it with others around the world, please send your e-files to

Mail To:

Military Vaccine Agency (DASG-HCZ-MILVAX)
7700 Arlington BLVD STE 5143
Falls Church, VA 22042-5143

(877) GET-VACC
(703) 681-5558
761-5558 DSN
(703) 681-7541 FAX