OMB Policy 7: Implement Security Controls


Your agency is already required to implement security policies in OMB Circular A–130, Appendix III; OMB memorandum M–04–25, "Reporting Instructions for the Federal Information Security Management Act and Updated Guidance on Quarterly IT Security Reporting"; National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800–44, "Guidelines on Securing Public Web Servers"; and other associated guidance from NIST. For additional information see:

Your agency is already required to provide adequate security controls to ensure information is resistant to tampering to preserve accuracy, remains confidential as necessary, and the information or service is available as intended by the agency and expected by users. Agencies must also implement management controls to prevent the inappropriate disclosure of sensitive information.

From OMB Policies for Federal Agency Public Websites
(PDF, 55 KB, 5 pages, December 2004) 

Implementation Guidance

Supporting Documents



Content Lead: Rachel Flagg
Page Reviewed/Updated: July 23, 2012

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