Emissions from Hybrid and Plug-In Electric Vehicles

Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and all-electric vehicles (EVs) typically produce lower emissions than conventional vehicles do. When measuring well-to-wheel emissions, the electricity source is important: For PHEVs and EVs, part or all of the power comes from off-board sources of electricity. There are emissions associated with the majority of electricity production in the United States.

Electricity Sources and Emissions

EVs and PHEVs running only on electricity have zero tailpipe emissions, but emissions may be produced by the source of electrical power, such as a power plant. In geographic areas that use relatively low-polluting energy sources for electricity generation, PHEVs and EVs typically have a well-to-wheel emissions advantage over similar conventional vehicles running on gasoline or diesel. In regions that depend heavily on conventional fossil fuels for electricity generation, PEVs may not demonstrate a well-to-wheel emissions benefit.

Compare Electricity Sources and Annual Vehicle Emissions

Enter a ZIP code to see a breakdown of the electricity sources used to charge EVs and PHEVs on a local grid and compare the annual emissions generated from vehicles using electricity from the grid, gasoline, or a combination of the two.
ZIP Code
National Averages
Annual Emissions per Vehicle
(lb of C02 equivalent)

Comparing Well-to-Wheel Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Compare greenhouse gas emissions and fuel costs for a selection of common conventional and electric drive vehicles for a 100-mile trip in the table below.

Emissions and Fuel Cost for a 100-Mile Trip
(compact sedans)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(pounds of CO2 equivalent)
Total Fuel Cost
(U.S. Dollars)
Conventional 87 lb CO2 $13.36
Hybrid Electric 57 lb CO2 $8.78
Plug-in Hybrid Electric 62 lb CO2 $7.10
All-Electric 54 lb CO2 $3.74
Sources and Assumptions

Direct and Well-to-Wheel Emissions

Vehicle emissions can be divided into two general categories: Air pollutants, which contribute to smog, haze, and health problems; and greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as carbon dioxide and methane. Both categories of emissions can be evaluated on a direct basis and a well-to-wheel basis.

Direct emissions are emitted through the tailpipe, as well as through evaporation from the vehicle's fuel system and during the fueling process. EVs produce zero direct emissions. PHEVs produce zero tailpipe emissions when they are in all-electric mode, but they do produce evaporative emissions. And when using the internal combustion engine, PHEVs also produce tailpipe emissions. However, their direct emissions are typically lower than those of comparable conventional vehicles.

Well-to-wheel emissions include all emissions related to fuel production, processing, distribution, and use. In the case of gasoline, emissions are produced while extracting petroleum from the earth, refining it, distributing the fuel to stations, and burning it in vehicles. In the case of electricity, most electric power plants produce emissions, and there are additional emissions associated with the extraction, processing, and distribution of the primary energy sources they use for electricity production.

Related Report

Learn more about electric drive vehicle emissions in Argonne National Laboratory's report: Well-to-Wheels Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles.