Records Managers

AC 08.2011

September 1, 2011

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL RECORD OFFICERS: Semi-annual Report on Scheduling Electronic Records

AC 08.2011

NARA Bulletin 2010-02 reminds Federal agencies of their continuing responsibility to schedule all their electronic records series and electronic systems, including web site content records. The bulletin also requires agencies to report to NARA semi-annually on the status of their electronic records scheduling activities, in March and September. The bulletin is available on the NARA web site at

I would like to remind you that your agency's electronic records scheduling report is due on September 30, 2011. To make this task a bit simpler, NARA has developed an online reporting utility for you to enter the data documenting your agency's status in scheduling your existing electronic records. You will receive an e-mail with a link to the online reporting tool. Once in the tool, you will find more detailed instructions on how to complete your agency's report. If you have any technical questions related to using the online tool, please contact Angela Dorsey at or at (301) 837-1754.

In addition to the aggregate data for your agency, please submit inventories or spreadsheets to your appraiser or the NARA records management contact that you regularly work with that lists: (a) the name of the electronic records series and/or system, (b) a brief description, and (c) the scheduling status (i.e., pending NARA approval or drafted but not submitted to NARA). This information will be used to validate data entered into the portal, and to assist NARA staff in evaluating scheduling workload.

In November of this year, NARA will develop summary information based on your March and September submissions that will be included in NARA's annual Performance and Accountability Report (PAR), which is posted on the NARA web site and transmitted to OMB and to Congress. It is our intention to provide a fair account of all the good work achieved, and to acknowledge where agencies have not met the requirements of NARA Bulletin 2010-02.

If you have any questions about this report, please contact your appraisal archivist or NARA records management contact who can provide any additional information you might need. If you have any general questions on the bulletin, please contact Laurence Brewer in the Office of the Chief Records Officer at If you do not know who your assigned appraisal archivist or NARA records management contact is, you will find a list of these contacts on the NARA web site at


Chief Records Officer for the
U.S. Government

Records Managers >

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272