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May 28: OSCE Rapporteur's Report on Belarus, by Professor Emmanuel Decaux (published June 16, 2011)

May 27: Statement by President Obama on the Recent Convictions of Political Prisoners in Belarus (PDF 9kB)  [Русский]

MOSCOW MECHANISM Rapporteur Begins Fact-Finding Mission Regarding the Post-Election Human Rights Situation in Belarus

VIENNA, May 9, 2011 – Emmanuel Decaux, Professor of International Law at the University of Paris, began work on May 6 as the OSCE rapporteur for a mission to examine the human rights situation and implementation of OSCE commitments in Belarus following the December presidential election on December 19, 2010.

The process was launched on April 6, 2011, when 14 OSCE participating States invoked the Organization’s "Moscow Mechanism".

The Mechanism, agreed by consensus by all 56 OSCE States, allows for deployment of an independent, impartial fact-finding mission if one State, supported by at least nine others, "considers that a particularly serious threat to the fulfilment of the provisions of the [OSCE] human dimension has arisen in another participating State".

Professor Decaux has announced that he welcomes any information relevant to his mission. He can be reached at All sources will remain confidential.


April 6, 2011: 14 participating States ask for a fact-finding mission to Belarus

The U.S. and 13 other participating States requested that impartial, international experts undertake a fact-finding mission to Belarus to address questions regarding particularly serious threats to human rights, fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law that followed the Dec. 19, 2010 presidential election.  This request was made by invoking the Moscow Mechanism.

Archive of USOSCE Statements on Belarus: 2012

Archive of USOSCE Statements on Belarus: 2011

Other Recent State Department Statements on Belarus

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