Testimonials from Service

Don’t just take it from us. Here’s what senior leaders in the service industry say:

“For seven years in a row, we’ve improved customer satisfaction, we’ve improved occupancy, we’ve improved employee satisfaction, we’ve lowered employee departures [and] turnover, and we’ve improved annually our profit.”
—Horst Schulze, president/CEO, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC, 1999 Award recipient

“We work hard at performance improvement, always looking ahead, finding and overcoming the next challenge. The Baldrige culture is DM’s culture. DM’s superb performance during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita is but one example of our can-do attitude. . . . Within 72 hours of Katrina striking the Gulf Coast, 100 percent of our employees called in and asked only, ‘When and where do I report for work?’”
—Robert E. McGough, CEO/president, DynMcDermott Petroleum Operations Company, 2005 Award recipient

“One of the big things about [the Baldrige] process is [that] you measure everything, and you find you’re not quite as good as what you thought you were. But more importantly, you find out specifically the areas you need to improve.”
—Edward Schultz, chairman and CEO, Dana Commercial Credit Corporation, 1996 Award recipient

 “[The Baldrige Award] is the recognition and verification by an external group of people that we’re on the right track.”
—Thomas J. Dolan, president, Xerox Business Services, 1997 Award recipient

“The application feedback helps us prioritize scarce resources on the highest-leverage areas for improvement. And, Baldrige involvement increased employee buy-in, providing terrific professional development and personal learning and achievement opportunities.”
—Roger B. Quayle, executive vice president, Quality and Technology, OMI, Inc., 2000 Award recipient

“When we began applying the Baldrige principles to our business, little did I realize how different my life and business would become. We achieved significant improvements in business performance, both in increased productivity and reduced cycle time, enabled by a cultural transformation to an empowered workforce. I changed jobs, and again we applied the Baldrige principles. In three years, we saw double-digit increases in both revenue and earnings while maintaining double-digit margins also with a cultural transformation! . . . So when asked, ‘Why Baldrige?’, I have to answer, ‘Why not?’”
—E. David Spong, former vice president and general manager, Boeing Airlift and Tanker Programs, 1998 Award recipient; former president, Boeing Aerospace Support, 2003 Award recipient

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