Jennifer Harbster : My name is Jennifer Harbster. I'm a digital reference specialist at the Science, Technology, and Business Division for the Library of Congress. I'd like to welcome you to today's program, "Earth's Water Cycle in a Changing Climate." The Atlantic hurricane season has officially started so this topic is very appropriate and relevant. This program is also third in a series of five programs in 2008 that is presented through a partnership between my division and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Our speaker today is Peter Hildebrand. He is the chief of the Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory at Goddard and he was recently promoted as a deputy director of Goddard's Science and Exploration Directorate. So congratulations [ laughs ]. His credentials are very impressive. Peter obtained his B.A., his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in atmospheric sciences at the University of Chicago. He has served as a weather officer in the U.S. Navy and worked for the Illinois State Water Survey. In 1978, he joined the National Center for the [ sic ] Atmospheric Research focusing on remote sensing activities. He joined NASA in 1999 as head of the Microwave Sensors Branch at Goddard and in 2002 moved up to chief of the Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory. Peter is a member of the IEEE, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Geophysical Union, Sigma Vi [ sic, Sigma Xi ], and was recently named as a fellow of the American Meteorological Society. I was very intrigued to read that in 1998 he flew through the eye of Hurricane Danielle on a P-3. He was investigating small-scale spiral bands of the hurricane. Last but certainly not least, his leadership of the Elektra Doppler radar, which is also known as ELDORA, remains the most sophisticated airborne Doppler radar to date and its use has advanced our knowledge of tornadoes, hurricanes, winter storms and the like. Today's lecture will focus on how the water cycle can be affected by warming climate and what we might expect for the future. So please join me in welcoming -- welcoming Peter. [ applause ] Peter Hildebrand: Thank you and it's a beautiful day out there. What I'm going to talk about is the Earth's climate, what's happening in the Earth's climate, how that's affecting the water cycle and how that connects to changes in the ecosystem. And as you'll see there are things to be concerned about. And I'll close with discussing actions we can take because there's actually a lot we can do; so all is not a problem. But there are some problems we do need to deal with. This is a plot of the Earth's temperature starting in the beginning of the Industrial Age in about 1850, and coming along to now. And basically what you see is a gradually warming Earth. This is just an average temperature, with some bumps along the way and some variability. And what I'll say to you is that the most important thing is that there's this -- well there's this warming trend and there's some variability that relate to some things that happen along the ways. But the most important thing here is that it's been warming. Then we'll come back to reasons, or possible reasons, for some of those bumps. But let's look further back in time. We can understand a lot about Earth's climate over many ages over hundreds of thousands of years by looking at ice cores from Antarctica and Greenland. And what people do is they go out -- this happens to be a picture of Greenland -- they go out with drilling rigs and they drill down through the ice all the way down to bedrock. And they collect these ice cores. And so here's a drilling rig and here's a storage place and here's an ice core that's about to be sectioned up into pieces. And you can see here there are a bunch of lines here. These are like tree rings. Each one of these arrows is another year. And you can -- so you can see some variability during the year that represents the variability and the rate that ice was accreting and you can also see some little spots in there. And those are bubbles. And what you can do with these ice cores is you can cut them up and examine what happened during any particular year. And I, you know, I really for the life of me don't know how exactly they counted back 450,000 [ years ]. I mean that seems like over the top for any human. But they did it. Maybe it's just a lot of graduate students or something like that -- you know -- [ Laughter ] -- and what you can do is you can get the temperatures, if you get the water and you get the oxygen in the water you can get the temperatures from the oxygen isotope ratios. It turns out that some oxygen, most oxygen has a valence of 16 but some has a valence of 18 -- has a couple extra neutrons. And it tends to change phase a little more slowly because it's heavier. And from that you can determine that ratio -- you can determine temperatures. And you can get the greenhouse gases from the air bubble because when you melt it there's air in those bubbles and you can collect that air. So you can find out what are the greenhouse -- what's the greenhouse gas concentration. And so -- and there are other ways to validate these things. So we know that works. And what you find when you do that is you can get a temperature trace from 450,000 years ago up till now, a very long scale, and then an expanded scale -- what's happened since whenever this data was from, which I think is around 1995. I'm not sure exactly. And then warming since then, which is that previous curve you saw. And then this is methane and carbon dioxide, a couple of greenhouse gases. And what you see when you look at this is during this whole period, and actually there's a record that goes back further, during this whole period we were mostly in an ice age that was about ten degrees, eight or ten degrees centigrade colder than, than Earth is today. And then every once in a while there's a warm period. Now -- and so -- the stable state of the Earth over this period seems to be more -- be that ice age than it is this warm period that have allowed us humans to flourish so nicely. And what happened then is during, if you look back in this period of the table, what happened is the temperature would go up or down and the greenhouse gases would respond to that. They have -- temperature would change, then the greenhouse gases would change, cause, effect, cause, effect. This went on and on and on. The reason for these notches here has to do with Earth's orbital cycles. And I could talk about it later but it's not really that important for the purposes of the talk. What happened, though, in the last 150 years is that the greenhouse gases are running out ahead of the temperature change, so a different cause and effect -- fundamentally different physics going on. And this is something we actually understand pretty well because we understand greenhouse activity and how the various greenhouse gases warm the Earth. And if it wasn't for the greenhouse gases it would be too cold for us and we wouldn't be here. So we should be thankful for them. We just don't want too much of them. And we'll get back to that. The strongest greenhouse gas is actually water in terms of its concentration and effect followed by carbon dioxide and methane. And the issue is that through our various human activities we add more greenhouse gases. And they're warming the Earth. Well, how do we know this? Well actually the whole concept of greenhouse gas warming the Earth is not new at all. Actually it was figured out by scientists in Europe in the mid-1800's, so quite a long time ago. And you may recognize some of these names here. These people figured out about greenhouse gases and they actually hypothesized back then that human industrial activity would make more greenhouse gases and would warm the Earth. That's not a new idea. That's been around for a long time. Now in terms of looking at what happens in -- from year to year, what we understand now is result of this person David Keeling, who measured carbon dioxide on top of Mauna Loa. He chose Mauna Loa in Hawaii because it's high up and it's away from a lot of the human activities. And what he saw is a steady increase in carbon dioxide and an annual cycle. Now the annual cycle -- the steady increase came just because of all the human activities -- and the annual cycle came because in the summer -- most of the land on Earth is in the Northern Hemisphere. And in the summer the Northern Hemisphere greens up: and that -- the structure of the biosphere comes from carbon dioxide that the plants take in from the air. So they suck down the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And then in the winter the carbon dioxide builds up again and that's how you get this cycle like that. Now, I'll switch over to talk a little bit about the Earth's radiation budget, which is actually something we understand really well. So one of the things we understand well is what's happening to the carbon dioxide, why it's growing, and what this annual cycle is. The second thing is the Earth's radiation budget. And here's this rather complicated picture here. And the main point is that you get -- this is sort of the daily average solar radiation of 342 watts per square meter. The sun's radiation is about 1300 but if you average it over a day you get down to 342 and only about half of that makes it to the surface. The rest of it is reflected by clouds, absorbed by clouds and by aerosols, which is the dust in the atmosphere, absorbed by those aerosols. And then the radiation that gets to the surface is then absorbed by the surface and heats up the Earth. And then there are these greenhouse gases that absorb the radiation from Earth and reflect it back down. And that's what keeps us warm enough that we have nice days, just like today, outside. When we look at all the climate forcings, the biggest forcing, so this is just a whole bunch of different forcings of greenhouse gases, tropospheric ozone, stratospheric ozone, cloud changes, changes in the solar radiation, volcanoes, you see a whole bunch of things here. But the biggest impact on the change in the temperature is these greenhouse gases, the sum of the greenhouse gases. Another impact that is important are cloud changes, because if it warms up and you get more clouds then you're going to reflect more light back up. And so the Earth will cool off a little bit because of those clouds. And then there's some variability due to changes in the solar intensity. And volcanoes can either warm us or cool us depending on what's going on, where the dust that they spew out goes. So there's a couple things can happen there. But this is the big driver, right here. Now, the effect of all of this is the Earth has warmed and what this is is a little movie that starts at 1850 at the beginning of the Industrial Age and shows you the Earth's temperature, actually the difference in temperature from some average number. So it started out with lots of blues and reds, mostly whites and blues and reds. And as you see as time will go along up to 2000, it's going to get redder and redder and the -- most of the heating is actually happening over land and in the Northern Hemisphere. It happens over land because the heat capacity of the land is low and it also absorbs lots of radiation so it warms up a lot. The ocean's heat capacity is large so the same amount of radiation going into the ocean doesn't heat it up as much. I mean, it's absorbing heat, but its temperature does not increase as much. And so we end up with most of the heating happening in the Northern Hemisphere and in the northern part of the Northern Hemisphere. And that's why we see this process of heating and ice melting going on in the Arctic region. So we'll talk a little bit about the water cycle. What does all this mean for the water cycle? What happens to the water resources? And after that I'll talk a little bit about what that means for us and for ecosystems. So we'll talk about the terrestrial water cycle, a little bit about what happens to precipitation, storms, snow, run-off, tropical storms, global ice. There are other things we could talk about but those are good ones. Along with -- the equator runs right through here. It's tempting to think it's up there but it's really through here. And along with the heating that was in the far northern part of the Northern Hemisphere, that's where a lot of rain has happened. And the reason for that is that there are circulation systems. Around the equator is a band of the hottest part of Earth. And so you basically have updrafts in the atmosphere that are there and the air goes up and it goes towards the poles away form the equator in the Intertropical Convergence Zone. And the size of that circulation, this north-south circulation, which happens both in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, the size of that circulation cell has moved towards the poles because it's hotter and more powerful. And when that happened it's taken the storm track that brings us our rainstorms and our cold fronts and things like that and it's pushed it north because that cell has gotten bigger. And it's just pushed those tracks further to the north and that's what's moved the precipitation towards the poles. So that's something we understand. That's one thing that's happened. And there's a little bit of increase in precipitation over a 30-year period and that's just due to the fact there's more water vapor in the atmosphere because we're warmer and the air can hold more water. Another thing that's happened is the snow cover has been reduced. As the temperatures increase, the snow has been starting later in the season. It's starting to melt earlier. And it's been reduced overall by one to two days per year since the early 1970's. This is 30 years. This starts in '66 and goes to '04, and so -- a little bit over 30 years here. And what you can see here is this is a plot of the amount of snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere, the whole Northern Hemisphere, and I could have plotted North Dakota. I could have plotted Illinois -- Siberia. Choose any one you want. You still are going to get a plot that shows a gradual decrease over this length of time. The thing that will be different from plot to plot is the lumpiness and the plot will change according to just how the atmosphere happened to be circulating in that year. And it's characteristic of any climate record over any 30-40 year period -- is you'll see a trend, a long-term trend and a bunch of lumps; and if you remember back to that temperature graph there were lumps in that too. So this is, but this is just a uniform thing that's happened throughout the part of the globe that gets snow. Well this has changed runoff because as the temperatures increase more precipitation falls as rain. Winter runoff is increased. So here we see winter runoff and that's increasing. This is one particular stream. And summer runoff is decreasing. And again, this is stuff that I just pulled off -- that I could get off the Web. You can find these pretty easily. And these are uniform things. And the net effect is that there's less water being stored as snow in mountainous areas. And that's an important thing that we'll come back to. This is a little movie and of a topic that's really interesting for a couple of reasons. One is that the surface what you see here is the colors on the sea surface are the ocean temperature. And you only get hurricanes happening where it's greater than 82 degrees or 28 degrees centigrade. And we see hurricane tracks. And we'll see this is the '05 season. And on top of that are cloud patterns from -- via stationary satellites. And I'll just let this run a little bit. And what' you'll see is as the hurricanes develop, they'll all develop over, at least start over an area that's orange. And then as they go past an area, something that's, an area that's orange will turn blue because the ocean got cooled off by the hurricane sucking the heat out of the ocean, stirring the ocean up. And this hot ocean provides the energy to drive the storms. Now the thing that's really entertaining is this is one of the areas of climate change where there's just a lively debate going on because a lot of people in the scientific community believe that the hotter ocean will make more hurricanes. I mean, you've got to have an ocean that's some temperature to make the hurricane in the first place. If it's warmer, you'd think there might be more. They might be stronger or something. And so the argument is, "Well, so you have more or stronger hurricanes," or something. And then there's another community that says, "Well, no, that doesn't really happen." And so in this particular year, where as Jose and Katrina it's going to come along and develop this humongous eye as it goes over this very hot area, leaving the track behind it: '05 was this unusual season of lots of hurricanes and then next year there were very few in '06. What we discovered is that in '06 a lot of those aerosols blew off of North Africa, off the desert. And they were in the atmosphere. And the aerosols, the solar radiation, that heat is absorbed by the little aerosol particles. It warmed up the atmosphere. And so that the temperature difference between the ocean and the atmosphere was reduced. And it's that temperature difference really that's driving this hurricane thing, not just the absolute temperature. So there's a bunch of different things going on there. We'll move on from hurricanes here to the Arctic. And you've probably all seen these pictures on the cover of some newspapers. Here's 1980, '02,'3,'4 and '07 was much less ice than that. And if you plot the ice extent over 30 years what you get is you get a continual decrease. This is just like that snow cover plot. Again, it was lumpy, but if you look across all these years there's a consistent trend. And the trend is about 1 percent per year, decrease in ice area. And the effect of that is to start affecting the ecosystems. And so I've just put up here a couple pictures of polar bears. And no, they're not soft and cuddly. [ Laughter ] They will eat you if they're really hungry and you offer yourself to them. But the importance of the picture of the polar bear is that the polar bear is just an icon for the whole ecosystem. Underneath the polar bear in that ecosystem are seals, are fish, are smaller fish, are zooplankton, are phytoplankton, which are the plant drifters. Plankton are drifters. Nekton are the swimmers. And the phyto are the plant and that's the very bottom of the food chain, is phytoplankton in the ocean. That whole thing is getting moved around as the Arctic Ocean warms up. It's all changing. And these are, this picture then is sort of exemplary of a lot of ecosystems and we'll sort of move off into that now. But so what's happened as the Earth's warmed up and happened to water resources? By the way, if you have questions please just go ahead and ask them, but we'll have time in the end, too. Well, we've seen that there's a slight increase in global precipitation. But the intensity of the events has increased -- a rain event -- so more heavier rainstorms are occurring. And that's been a gradual thing that's gone on over the last 30 years. And you can get that off the National Weather Service, a climatic data center Web site, there are some stuff that'll show you that climate trend. Storm intensity has increased. We're seeing more strong storms and at least this scientist believes the part of the community that thinks the hurricanes are getting more intense. And that, by the way, is a lot of fun because if you go to a conference these days on hurricane intensity changes the room is packed and there are people standing two or three deep around the walls. And there's -- it's polite but there is a very intense bickering going on over what's going on there. So that's one of the things that's been a lot of fun. Snow fall has been decreasing. This is affecting the runoff. Ice heaps are melting. All of this stuff is going on. I'm sure you've heard about sea level rise. So, what's happening to ecosystems? This is a picture I like. It comes from some of our satellites that measure the color of the Earth and in a bunch of different wavelength bands. And from the color of the Earth we can -- we're running the annual cycle really fast here, it' s summer, winter, I mean, winter, summer, going on, and on, and on, here. But what you can do from the color, from these measurements, you can calculate the health of the biosphere, the things called the leaf area index, how big are the leaves, a vegetation index that tells you about the health of the plants. And here we see the phytoplankton blooming. And in the winter if there's a lot more phytoplankton as it cools off and if you stare at one spot you can see El Ni–os happen and push the phytoplankton around. And as Earth is warming, a variety of things happen to the ecosystems. And so let's just talk about those and talk about whether we should be concerned. From the point of view of science, any ecologist will be concerned about changes in the, basically the radiative balance or the temperature or the amount of rainfall in an ecosystem because it's going to change things all over the place. In that ecosystem species are going to move or they're going to die, or new species are going to come in. So it could change how we live. The other reason -- scientists are concerned on that basis, but they're also concerned, the science community is very, very concerned because the Earth system has tipping points, which are small changes that have big effects. And the example I like to use from that is from aviation, as you've probably all heard of airplanes stalling. And if an airplane is flying at the correct air speed you have smooth, that is laminar flow over the wings. And you have the distribution of pressures on the wings that hold the airplane up in the air and you fly along and everything is nice and safe and comfortable. If you slow down too much the wings start tipping up and then eventually you get turbulent flow on top, at which point you lose lift and the airplane falls out of the sky. And that is a tipping point, all of a sudden. It's not a gradual change. All of a sudden it's bounce, bounce, no flying and you're going to crash. And it's very difficult to restore. The process of restoring across a tipping point is much different than -- it's not a gradual change and it's not equally reversible. You can reverse it but you have to do extra things; so tipping points are of great concern. Well, here's an example of an ecosystem that I'm very familiar with. This happens to be a farm in the Central Valley, California. That's the San Joaquin River, and that little dot there is my uncle's house, where I'm going to be in a couple of weeks for a 90th birthday party for a different uncle. And he's concerned about what's going on. It's a really nice farm. I gave him that dog. He plants a variety of things out there. The county tried to steal his farm because he has this really nice area under the trees right next to the river. He had to fight them off. But he's concerned. He knows what I do. I know what he does. And we're going to talk about this in two weeks. He's concerned about getting snow melt water, because that's what fills up this river, for irrigation. He likes to grow a second crop. Is he going to be able to grow a second crop in the late summer? And it's getting harder. And they have a big, California water politics is something else. And just getting the permit to have the water is a big deal for my Uncle Alex. And he's also concerned about urban encroachment, that it's changing the landscape in some ways. So there are some big deals. And let's talk a little bit about how humans are changing the Earth. I took this picture. It's near -- it was taken near Shanghai. A couple years ago I was there. And this is a really nice picture that shows what humans are doing to the land because in the foreground you can see agricultural activities that are going on here. And so you have some barns and things like that and you can see people growing their crops and harvesting their crops and whatever. But then behind that here are some apartment buildings, and behind that are bigger apartment buildings. And out of the picture is a factory, a big factory, and actually an older, smaller factory and a bigger, newer factory, because there's a lot of stuff that's going on in China that's really impressive. But they're changing the landscape along with what's going on. And accompanying all of that is a lot of air pollution, aerosols and greenhouse gases and you've all heard about concerns about air pollution and the Olympics. I'm sure that the Chinese will find some way to deal with that. They do deal with these kinds of things. But they also have a huge population. They have to house them someplace. And this is a picture that is really representative of what happens in industrialization of a country that's moving from more agricultural to a much more industrial base. And a lot of stuff is going on here. And it's affecting the climate in a big way, land surface, whole -- greenhouse gas, aerosol. So there are big things going on and we humans are doing it. And I'll come back to what we humans are doing, but here's an example of the climate change tipping point. Remember I said that the sort of normal state of the Earth was ice ages, where a lot of North America is covered with ice down to Missouri or something like that, or Illinois, or Wisconsin. And then we have these little warm periods in between. Now all of this happens because of a few watts per square centimeter -- per square meter change in radiation to the Earth. And that happens because of changes in the Earth's orbit. The Earth's orbit, the Earth rotates around an axis that is tilted about 23 degrees off of vertical, so it's rotating around but it's rotating around like this -- the sun over there. And remember most of the land is in the Northern Hemisphere, so it matters a lot whether, if you're pointed at the Northern Hemisphere you're tilted up or down. You can change how much radiation is actually getting to the surface of the Earth. The other thing that the Earth's axis and rotation does is it processes around like this over many tens of thousands of years. And it matters whether the Northern Hemisphere is pointed at the sun in the summer or the winter, because that changes the amount of radiation. And the third thing that happens is that we don't really have a circular orbit around the sun. It's a little bit noncircular. Actually, right now we're pretty circular, but it gets noncircular. And it gets pulled out of being circular by the big planets Saturn and Jupiter, plus our neighbor, close neighbor, Mars. And they're close enough that they distort the orbit a little bit on this long basis. And actually, they are a whole bunch of great books out there. And I just looked at a couple of them and the couple of them that I looked at had pictures of these three orbital dynamics effects that then produce these teeth in the temperature record that then produces that. So we see there's a tipping point. And this is only as -- remember, it's only a few watts per square meter change, a sort of global radiation and isolated because of how the continents happen to be, that produces this thing. And we'll come back to that number. So the big question is, as we look forward, we have climate models now and they're getting really quite good. Biggest uncertainty is what are we humans going to do? Because what we're going in landscape change and greenhouse gases and all of that are having a big affect on how the Earth works. And so there's the international -- intergovernmental panel on climate change, IPPC, meets every four, five years, something like that and puts out, evaluates what's going on with Earth's climate and puts out the mission scenarios. And I'll just talk about two of them. One is, be complacent. Don't worry about anything. Continue to change the landscape. Continue to pollute. Let the population grow like mad. The other one I'll just mention is one in which you're worried about global sustainability, so we move towards a different paradigm, control emissions and population and the like. And what you get when you do these climate simulations starting back at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution is you can retrace what really happened-- which is, all these different lines are traces of what really happened over this period. And then you can forecast what might happen. And so that A2, the complacent scenario is A2 and you have more people, development and population. B1 is the one where you have less people, development and population. And the important thing is not just that this goes up higher and this goes lower, but the curvature. It's the curvature of the line. A1 is curving up, which means it's continuing to get worse as we go on. And that curvature really matters. B1 is curving down. That's the direction we need to go in order to stabilize things. Now, I should move back up, if this will do that, yes. The imbalance in the Earth's radiation budget that is causing the warming is about three quarters of a watt per square meter. And remember I said it was only about two or three watts per square meter that was causing this tipping point thing to happen. So we're very close to that number. And there are also issues about temperature that could themselves force a big change. So that that's the reason why we're really concerned. I'm going to finish up here by talking about impacts on the human population and about what we can do. This is a plot I got from Peter Glick's work. He has an outfit out in Oakland that looks at world water and this is a human population growth. This is the world withdrawal of water from all the places humans get water worldwide. And the other thing I'll point out is the irrigated area, which is this curve here. And - you see that the population is curved. This is pretty straight now. But we've got the world water withdrawal beginning to fall off starting in 1980, and then about 1990, a change in slope of the irrigated area. And this relates back to how we're using land and how we're pulling on water. This plot here shows the effect of climate change on human demand on water if you take human demand relative to the amount of water that's available. If we're trying to demand more water than there is it's going to be red. And if it's -- if there's more water than we need it's going to be blue. And if you just run our climate model and you have a population growth that's based on this and some assumptions that I don't quite recall, but just make some reasonable assumptions, you can see a climate change has a bunch of affects. If you keep the climate constant and you just change the population you have this big effect here, negative affect. And you combine them and you see you get a combined, a joint affect. But the population is a huge driver is the point I'm making here. This is some plots here, this is world grain production. I'm no expert in world grain production. I just got this off the Web. Worldwatch [ Institute ], I traced down where they got it. They got it from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In fact, I went and got these numbers off the Department of Agriculture Web site because, you know, I know that they have a certain point of view on them. I wanted to make sure that these are accurate numbers. And I got them and I plotted them myself. And I got these same graphs. And I used theirs because they were prettier. But world grain production, you can see a slight change in slope here. Well, you start world grain production per person leveled off by 1980. And it's actually falling. And then you look at grain stocks. And grain stocks are actually worldwide in developing countries and in industrial companies -- countries, they're falling. So where does this all end up for us? Now, this is again off the U.S. Department of Agriculture Web site. And this was, I got this in 2006. So this is pre-world price -- food price increases by a year. And this is just going to tell you -- you look at this and you say what's going to happen to the food prices? Well, you just found out. A lot of things are happening to food prices worldwide. And the bottom line here is we are -- this is consumption, production of grain -- and right now we are at the lowest level in more than 25 years. And this is not just one year. Now this all relates. It's not just climate. It's climate. It's population to some extent. You know, there was a really good series of articles in the "[ Washington ] Post" about a month ago. And the opening article, which I think was on a Sunday had some excellent, excellent graphs. So if you want to follow up on that go change. This paints a pretty bleak picture, frankly. But I really believe there's a lot we can do. And since we're fairly smart animals we can decide to do these things. We can change how we live. We can reduce energy use. That's the biggest thing any of use can do is reduce energy use. We can emphasize sustainability, reduce population growth. I know that's difficult for some folks, but frankly, it's something we have to talk about. We can change our technology and we can change policy. And I'm certainly not a policy person, but from the point of view of a scientist, science, we need to change policy to accomplish these other things because it's going to be investments by the government that spur a whole bunch of other things that then result in changes in our energy use, our sustainability, et cetera. Now, can we do that? You know, I hear people say, "Well, I don't want to do any of that because it's going to hurt my standard of living." And I just don't buy that one bit. And I'll give you two examples that show worldwide humans can make decisions about how we use energy or pollute the environment and things like that. And the first one are the series of Clean Air Acts that the U.S. put into affect here starting in 1967. There were a series of four acts going into the '90s, and they addressed air pollution, acid rain -- which was a big issue a number of decades ago -- resulted in us using unleaded fuel, getting lead out of the environment -- ozone, addressed ozone and a whole bunch of other things. And the important thing here is that we, this county acted and started this whole process, which has then spread throughout the world, is the recognition of these things, laws being and practices being enacted in Europe and other places. It's just a most powerful demonstration of the fact that we can make these big decisions that affect a lot of things going on. And a second example -- oh, I should go back up and make one other comment. What happened here, one of the reasons that the heatings starts -- warmings started up again is that when we reduced air pollution we got a lot of particulate matter, aerosols, out of the atmosphere. And remember, those aerosols reflect sunlit back up and absorb it and warm the atmosphere. And the net effect was more radiation was getting to the ground. And the Earth started heating up more. So cleaning up the skies helped with heating but that's no way to solve the problem. The other example is the Montreal Protocol. We realized back in the '80's that the chlorofluorocarbons, which we had previously thought were just a great way to have spray cans and have for air conditioners and the like, that they were destroying stratospheric ozone. And that's a bad idea because the stratospheric ozone filters out some radiation that really isn't too friendly to life. And so there was a Montreal Protocol. And as a result of that, worldwide we went to a much more expensive product for refrigeration, but it works just fine. And we went to other ways of doing aerosol cans and things like that. And the trace -- Montreal Protocol gases were on their way to being one of the biggest greenhouse gases. This is carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide. They were, that was getting -- it's a very, very potent gas, even though there wasn't much of it in the atmosphere. This is all human induced here, this red. That's an example what we can do. And this is just a plot of the impact on global warming. We stopped it worldwide. We just made a decision and we did it. So I would submit that it's easy to get -- I shouldn't say easy. It's possible to do something. The other issue has to do with just the quality of life. And we can do this. The people who complain that they don't want to change their policy of life, I just don't buy that. My daughter lives in Germany and they are -- the German person emits have the greenhouse gases as the average American and their quality of life is just as good. It's just a little different. They don't heat their houses quite as much. They don't cool them quite as much in the summer. They can use a lot more public transportation. And there's an active recycling program. And there are a whole bunch of other things that the government has done there and that we can do too. And we have a lot of capability. So, you know, I'll close here and invite some questions. But my closing argument is this is an extremely important problem. And from the point of view of scientists, changing policy, change our national policy is something we need to do and we need to lead the world in doing that. And I think that we are uniquely capable of doing that, of enacting policies that then can be picked up in other countries and can deal with the climate change problem and other sustainability issues. Thank you. [ applause ] [ End of Transcript ] ?? ?? ?? ?? 6