Financial Opportunities

Here you'll find information on funding opportunities and grants from the Tribal Energy Program (TEP) for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects on tribal lands.As an implementing arm of the program, the Golden Field Office solicits, awards, administers, and manages these financial assistance agreements.

Funding and grants through the Tribal Energy Program are awarded via a competitive process. Each funding opportunity announcement (FOA) will include instructions on how to apply, application content, and the criteria by which applications will be selected for funding.To see past FOAs and the projects selected, view the program's past financial opportunities.

For a general overview of the funding and grant process, see Federal Financial Assistance Opportunities at the Department of Energy.

Current Funding Opportunity Announcements

No Tribal Energy Program solicitations are currently open. Funding is through annual appropriations by Congress. Check back for future competitive funding opportunities.

Also see related financial opportunities for funding and grants from other government programs.

Project Financing

Developing energy projects on tribal lands can require not only tapping into government funding and grants but also other financing options. For more information, see project financing in the Guide for Tribal Energy Development.