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Photo Set

Photos: America’s Great Outdoors Beaches

June 7, 2012

President Obama has declared June as National Oceans Month. This photo gallery highlights just a few of America’s “best beaches” that are found on Interior lands as millions of travelers plan their summer vacations. These lands include 85  marine and coastal parklands,  180 marine and coastal wildlife refuges, and 1,100 miles of the California coast administered by Interior agencies. In addition to beautiful scenery, these areas help local tourist economies.  In 2010, coastal national park units alone contributed an estimated $3.5 Billion to local economies, while refuges contributed at least $900 million.

Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge
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Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge on the Virginia end of Assateague Island includes more than 14,000 acres of beach, dunes, marsh, and maritime forest. Within a workday’s access to millions of people, Chincoteague Refuge received 1.36 million visitors in 2010.  Adjacent to Assateague National Seashore, it has a great view of Assateague Lighthouse. Visitors to this and other Virginia coastal refuges contributed an estimated $60 million to local economies in 2010.
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