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White Paper Information

TIP Seeks Comments on White Papers

TIP announces that it is seeking comments on white papers prepared by TIP staff from any interested party, including academia; Federal, state, and local governments; industry; national laboratories; and professional organizations/societies. Comments will assist in the further refinement of areas of critical national need and the associated technical challenges that could be addressed in future TIP competitions. Comments on white papers must be submitted to TIP using the comment button found on the first and last page of each white paper.

The following white papers are available for comments. If you would like to comment, click on the blue comment button located on the top, right-hand corner of the first page or the bottom, right-hand corner of the last page, which have been placed on each white paper. Upon clicking on the button, you will be able to enter your comments using your default e-mail program.

These white papers are for comment only, not a solicitation for proposals.

TIP Call for White Papers

TIP is seeking White Papers to help shape TIP’s collaborative outreach and future competitions. White papers in all areas of critical national need are encouraged. White papers, along with the vision of the Administration, NIST, other government agencies, the technical communities, and other stakeholders, help TIP shape the scope of future competitions. For general information and upcoming deadlines, see our Call for White Papers.

For detailed instructions on how to prepare and submit white papers please refer to “A Guide for Preparing and Submitting White Papers to the Technology Innovation Program.”

Publicly Submitted White Papers

White Paper Fact Sheet- March 2011

2010 Competition White Papers

Manufacturing and Biomanufacturing: Materials Advances and Critical Processes

2009 Competition White Papers

Accelerating the Incorporation of Materials Advances into Manufacturing Processes

Advanced Sensing Technologies and Advanced Repair Materials for the Infrastructure: Water Systems, Dams, Levees, Bridges, Roads, and Highways

2008 Competition White Papers

Advanced Sensing Technologies for the Infrastructure: Roads, Highways, Bridges and Water Systems