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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Articles of Interest

July 17, 2009

This weekly compilation of articles appearing in recently released journals and newsletters includes:

  • Articles funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) or authored by AHRQ researchers.
  • Articles mentioning or discussing AHRQ staff, activities, and publications/products.
  • Articles related to AHRQ-funded Evidence-based Practice Centers.
  • Articles related to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force or Put Prevention into Practice program.
  • Articles mentioning the National Healthcare Disparities Report and National Healthcare Quality Report.
  • Other research using AHRQ data or products.

AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles

AARP Bulletin Today
Clancy CM. Finding your way: talking about end-of-life treatment decisions. AARP Bulletin Today 2009 Jul 8 (Online):1-3. [Author is the AHRQ director.]

American Family Physician
Lin KW, Slawson DC. Identifying and using good practice guidelines. Am Fam Physician 2009 Jul 1; 80(1):67-9. [First author is a medical officer in AHRQ's Center for Primary Care, Prevention, and Clinical Partnerships and associate editor for the journal.]

Lin KW. Simple charts compare health risks for adults. Am Fam Physician 2009 Jul 1; 80(1):86-91. [First author is a medical officer in AHRQ's Center for Primary Care, Prevention, and Clinical Partnerships and associate editor for the journal; reviews and summarizes article by Woloshin et al. (J Natl Cancer Inst, 2008).]

Annals of Internal Medicine
Linzer M, Manwell LB, Williams ES, et al. Working conditions in primary care: physician reactions and care quality. Ann Intern Med 2009 Jul 7; 151(1):28-36, W6-W9. [Supported by grant 5 R01 HS11955; also go to editorial comments in article by Mechanic (Ann Intern Med, 2009) cited in AHRQ-Related Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

American Journal of Emergency Medicine
Levin SK, Metlay JP, Maselli JH, et al. Perceived social support among adults seeking care for acute respiratory tract infections in US EDs. Am J Emerg Med 2009 Jun; 27(5):582-7. [Supported in part by grant 1 R01 HS13915.] Select to access the abstract.

American Journal of Occupational Therapy
Rowe VT, Blanton S, Wolf SL. Long-term follow-up after constraint-induced therapy: a case report of a chronic stroke survivor. Am J Occup Ther 2009 May-Jun; 63(3):317-22. [Supported by grant R01 HS37606.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Poon EG, Cusack CM, McGowan JJ. Common Issues with Evaluating Healthcare Information Technology: Observations from the National Resource Center for Healthcare Information Technology at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2009 Jun 30; (Epub):1-21. [Supported in part by AHRQ National Resource Center for Health IT contract 290-04-0016.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of the Cardiometabolic Syndrome
Brown TM, Sanderson BK, Bittner V. Drugs are not enough: the metabolic syndrome—a call for intensive therapeutic lifestyle change. J Cardiometab Syndr 2009 Winter; 4(1):20-5. [Supported in part by grant 5 T32 HS13852 (to first author).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Clinical Rheumatology
Garcia-Gonzalez A, Gonzalez-Lopez L, Gamez-Nava JI, et al. Doctor-patient interactions in Mexican patients with rheumatic disease. J Clin Rheumatol 2009 Apr; 15(3):120-3. [Supported in part by U18 HS16093 (to last author, Suarez-Almazor).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Nursing Care Quality
Hughes RG, Clancy CM. Complexity, bullying, and stress: analyzing and mitigating a challenging work environment for nurses. J Nurs Care Qual 2009 Jul-Sep; 24(3):180-3. [First author is a researcher in AHRQ's Center for Primary Care, Prevention, and Clinical Partnerships and second author is AHRQ director.]

Weingart SN, Price J, Duncombe D, et al. Enhancing safety reporting in adult ambulatory oncology with a clinician champion: a practice innovation. J Nurs Care Qual 2009 Jul-Sep; 24(3):203-10. [Supported in part by a Mentored Clinical Scientist Career Development Award grant 1 K08 HS11644 (to first author).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Palliative Medicine
Ford D, Zapka JG, Gebregziabher M, et al. Investigating critically ill patients' and families' perceptions of likelihood of survival. J Palliat Med 2009 Jan; 12(1):45-52. [Supported by EXCEED grant P01 1 HS10871.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
Stein JC, River G, Kalika I, et al. A survey of bedside ultraound use by emergency physicians in California. J Ultrasound Med 2009 Jun; 28(6):757-63. [Supported by grant 1 K08 HS15569.] Select to access the abstract.

Winterstein AG, Gerhard T, Shuster J, et al. Cardiac safety of methylphenidate versus amphetamine salts in the treatment of ADHD. Pediatrics 2009 Jul; 124(1):e75-e80. [Supported in part by grant U18 HS16097.] Select to access the abstract.

Alexander DC, Bundy DG, Shore AD, et al. Cardiovascular medication errors in children. Pediatrics 2009 Jul; 124(1):324-32. [Supported in part by grant 1 R03 HS16774-01A1. Also go to AHRQ-funded articles by Chou et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2009) cited in U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)/Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)-Related Articles and by Terasawa et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2009) cited in Evidence-based Practice Centers-Related Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

AHRQ-Related Articles

American Journal of Health Promotion
Dall TM, Fulgoni VL 3rd, Zhang Y, et al. Predicted national productivity implications of calorie and sodium reductions in the American diet. Am J Health Promotion 2009 Jul-Aug; 23(6):423-30. [Cites Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) statistical brief, Hypertension in America, 2002: Estimates for the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population Ages 18 and Older, 2004, as published on AHRQ Web site.]

Annals of Internal Medicine
Gordon JR, Wahls T, Carlos RC, et al. Failure to recognize newly identified aortic dilations in a health care system with an advanced electronic medical record. Ann Intern Med 2009 Jul 7; 151(1):21-7, W5. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Poon et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2004) and Schiff et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2005).] Select to access the abstract.

Mechanic D. The uncertain future of primary medical care. Ann Intern Med 2009 Jul 7; 151(1):66-7. [Comments on AHRQ-funded article by Linzer et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2009) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles.]

Laine C, Williams SV, Wilson JF. In the clinic: preoperative evaluation. Ann Intern Med 2009 Jul 7; 151(1):ITC1-1-16. [Lists AHRQ publication, Quick Tips —When Planning for Surgery as a resource in the "Tool Kit" and on the Patient Information page; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Gawande et al. (Surgery, 1999), Schein et al. (N Engl J Med, 2000), and Lee et al. (Circulation, 1999).]

Norris SL. Clinical practice guidelines and scientific evidence. JAMA 2009 Jul 8; 302(2):142. [Author is former AHRQ researcher; comments on AHRQ-funded article by Tricoci et al. (JAMA, 2009).]

McAlister FA. Clinical practice guidelines and scientific evidence. JAMA 2009 Jul 8; 302(2):142-43. [Comments on AHRQ-funded article by Tricoci et al. (JAMA, 2009).]

Enia F. Clinical practice guidelines and scientific evidence. JAMA 2009 Jul 8; 302(2):143. [Comments on AHRQ-funded article by Tricoci et al. (JAMA, 2009).]

Pettker CM, Funai EF. Clinical practice guidelines and scientific evidence. JAMA 2009 Jul 8; 302(2):143. [Comments on AHRQ-funded article by Tricoci et al. (JAMA, 2009).]

Antman EM, Gibbons RJ. Clinical practice guidelines and scientific evidence. JAMA 2009 Jul 8; 302(2):143-4. [Comments on AHRQ-funded article by Tricoci et al. and associated editorial by Shaneyfelt and Centor (JAMA, 2009).]

Concato J, Horwitz RI. Clinical practice guidelines and scientific evidence. JAMA 2009 Jul 8; 302(2):145. [Comments on AHRQ-funded article by Tricoci et al. and associated editorial by Shaneyfelt and Centor (JAMA, 2009).]

Tricoci P, Califf RM, Smith SC Jr. Clinical practice guidelines and scientific evidence. JAMA 2009 Jul 8; 302(2):145-6. [Responds to comments on AHRQ-funded article by Tricoci et al. (JAMA, 2009) cited above.]

Arts MP, Brand R, van den Akker ME, et al. Tubular diskectomy vs conventional microdiskectomy for sciatica: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2009 Jul 8; 302(2):149-58. [Cites AHRQ-funded article by Patrick et al. (Spine, 1995).] Select to access the abstract.

van Gils EJ, Veenhoven RH, Hak E, et al. Effect of reduced-dose schedules with 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on nasopharyngeal pneumococcal carriage in children: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2009 Jul 8; 302(2):159-67. [Cites AHRQ-funded article by Grijalva et al. (Lancet, 2007).] Select to access the abstract.

Epstein RM, Peters E. Beyond information: exploring patients' preferences. JAMA 2009 Jul 8; 302(2):195-7. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Peters et al. (Health Aff, 2007) and Silberman et al. (J Gen Intern Med, 2008).]

Journal of Ambulatory Care Management
Samaan ZM, Klein MD, Mansour ME, et al. The impact of the electronic health record on an academic pediatric primary care center. J Ambul Care Manage 2009 Jul-Sep; 32(3):180-7. [Cites Institute of Medicined publication, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century, 2001, which was partly supported by AHRQ.] Select to access the abstract.

McAllister JW, Sherrieb K, Cooley WC. Improvement in the family-centered medical home enhances outcomes for children and youth with special healthcare needs. J Ambul Care Manage 2009 Jul-Sep; 32(3):188-96. [Cites Institute of Medicine publication, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century, 2001, which was partly supported by AHRQ.] Select to access the abstract.

Starfield B, Chang HY, Lemke KW, et al. Ambulatory specialist use by nonhospitalized patients in us health plans: correlates and consequences. J Ambul Care Manage 2009 Jul-Sep; 32(3):216-25. [Cites AHRQ-authored article by Franks, Clancy, and Nutting (N Engl J Med, 1992); cites AHRQ-funded articles by Bertakis et al. (Fam Med, 1999), Forrest et al. (Arch Pediatr Adoles Med, 2000), Grumbach et al. (Health Serv Res, 1999), and others.] Select to access the abstract.

Yasaitis L, Fisher E, Mackenzie TA, et al. Healthcare intensity is associated with lower ratings of healthcare quality by younger adults. J Ambul Care Manage 2009 Jul-Sep; 32(3):226-31. [Cites AHRQ-funded article by Wasson et al. (J Ambul Care Manage, 2006).] Select to access the abstract.

Selim AJ, Kazis LE, Qian S, et al. Differences in risk-adjusted mortality between Medicaid-eligible patients enrolled in Medicare advantage plans and those enrolled in the Veterans Health Administration. J Ambul Care Manage 2009 Jul-Sep; 32(3):232-40. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Iezzoni et al. (Int J Qual Health Care, 2002), Petersen et al. (N Engl J Med, 2000), and Schneeweiss et al. (Health Serv Res, 2003).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Idler EL, McLaughlin J, Kasl S. Religion and the quality of life in the last year of life. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 2009 Jun; 64(4):528-37. [Cites AHRQ-funded article by Patrick et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2003).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Nursing Care Quality
Andrews T, Nathaniel AK. Awareness of dying revisited. J Nurs Care Qual 2009 Jul-Sep; 24(3):189-93. [Cites AHRQ-funded article by Yabroff et al. (Palliat Med, 2004).]

Redding DA, Robinson S. Interruptions and geographic challenges to nurses' cognitive workload. J Nurs Care Qual 2009 Jul-Sep; 24(3):194-200; quiz 201-2. [Cites AHRQ-authored article by Clancy (AHRQ director), Farquhar, and Sharp (J Nurs Care Qual, 2005); cites AHRQ-funded articles by Potter et al. (J Nurs Admin, 2004) and Balas et al. (Appl Nurs Res, 2004); cites from AHRQ publication, Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation, 2005, as published on AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Samuels JG, Fetzer S. Pain management documentation quality as a reflection of nurses' clinical judgment. J Nurs Care Qual 2009 Jul-Sep; 24(3):223-31. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Jiang et al. (J Clin Anesth, 2001) and Morrison et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2006).] Select to access the abstract.

Tzeng HM, Yin CY. Are call light use and response time correlated with inpatient falls and inpatient dissatisfaction? J Nurs Care Qual 2009 Jul-Sep; 24(3):232-42. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Hitcho et al. (J Gen Intern Med, 2004) and Krauss et al. (Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol, 2007).] Select to access the abstract.

Ryu YM, Roche JP, Brunton M. Patient and family education for fall prevention: involving patients and families in a fall prevention program on a neuroscience unit. J Nurs Care Qual 2009 Jul-Sep; 24(3):243-9. [Cites AHRQ-funded article by Speroff and O'Connor (Qual Manag Health Care, 2004).] Select to access the abstract.

Jeffs L, M Smith O, Wilson G, et al. Building knowledge for safer care: nursing research advancing practice. J Nurs Care Qual 2009 Jul-Sep; 24(3):257-62. [Cites AHRQ-authored article by Hughes (researcher in AHRQ's Center for Primary Care, Prevention, and Clinical Partnerships) and Clancy (AHRQ director) (J Nurs Care Qual, 20090, cited above in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

Modern Healthcare
Rhea S. Decisive moment: comparative-effectiveness reports set high bar. Mod Healthc 2009 Jul 6; 39(27):8-9. [Quotes Clancy (AHRQ director and member of the Federal Coordinating Council) from her June 29 briefing on the coordinating council's report; mentions AHRQ and the monetary funds as allocated under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.]

Bergman DA, Beck A, Rahm AK. The use of internet-based technology to tailor well-child care encounters. Pediatrics 2009 Jul; 124(1):e37-e43. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Newacheck et al. (Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2005) and Hassol et al. (J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2004).] Select to access the abstract.

Beekman RH 3rd, Duncan BW, Hagler DJ, et al. Pathways to approval of pediatric cardiac devices in the United States: challenges and solutions. Pediatrics 2009 Jul; 124(1):e155-e162. [Mentions AHRQ's instructions by Congress to "develop a plan for expanding pediatric medical device research and development" and the resulting July 23, 2008 Pediatric Medical Devices Stakeholders' Workshop (p. e157).] Select to access the abstract.

Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention. Policy statement—Role of the pediatrician in youth violence prevention. Pediatrics 2009 Jul; 124(1):393-402. [Cites AHRQ publication, Preventing Violence and Related Health-Risking Social Behaviors in Adolescents, 2004.] Select to access the abstract.

Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health and Task Force on Mental Health. Policy statement—The future of pediatrics: mental health competencies for pediatric primary care. Pediatrics 2009 Jul; 124(1):410-21. [Includes AHRQ's National Guideline Clearinghouse in Appendix 2: Web Resources for Treatment and Referral Decisions for Primary Care.] Select to access the abstract.

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)/Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)-Related Articles

American Family Physician
Willenbring ML, Massey SH, Gardner MB. Helping patients who drink too much: an evidence-based guide for primary care physicians. Am Fam Physician 2009 Jul 1; 80(1):44-50. [Cites USPSTF-sponsored summary of the evidence on behavioral counseling interventions in primary care to reduce risky/harmful alcohol use by adults (Ann Intern Med, 2004).]

Serlin DC, Lash RW. Diagnosis and management of gestational diabetes mellitus. Am Fam Physician 2009 Jul 1; 80(1):57-62. [Cites USPSTF-sponsored summary of the evidence on screening for gestational diabetes (Obstet Gynecol, 2003).]

Annals of Internal Medicine
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for impaired visual acuity in older adults: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med 2009 Jul 7; 151(1):37-43, W10. [Presents the USPSTF recommendation statement on screening for impaired visual acuity in older adults; based on USPSTF-sponsored evidence review on screening for impaired visual acuity in older adults (Ann Intern Med, 2009) cited below.] Select to access the abstract.

Chou R, Dana T, Bougatsos C. Screening older adults for impaired visual acuity: a review of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med 2009 Jul 7; 151(1):44-58, W11-W20. [Supported by contract HHSA-290-2007-10057-I-EPC3, Task Order 3, to the Oregon Health & Science University Evidence-based Practice Center; updates the 1996 USPSTF-sponsored evidence review on benefits and harms of screening for impaired visual acuity in primary care settings in adults age 65 years or older (in Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2nd edition, 1996) and supports updated USPSTF recommendation statement on screening for gestational diabetes mellitus (Am Fam Physician, 2009), cited above, as the basis for the case study questions.] Select to access the abstract.

Summaries for Patients. Screening older adults for eyesight problems: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation. [Summarizes USPSTF recommendation statement on screening older adults for eyesight problems as cited above.]

Bobrow RS. Clinical practice guidelines and scientific evidence. JAMA 2009 Jul 8; 302(2):145. [Responds to editorial commentary on AHRQ-funded article by Tricoci et al. (JAMA, 2009), noting that "USPSTF guidelines are comprehensive, neutral, evidence-based, and referenced. They are updated as frequently as necessary. Their only short-coming is that they seem to receive insufficient attention." ]

Shaneyfelt TM, Centor RM. Clinical practice guidelines and scientific evidence. JAMA 2009 Jul 8; 302(2):146-7. [Responds to comments on AHRQ-funded article by Tricoci et al. and the authors' associated editorial (JAMA, 2009) cited in the previous article and in AHRQ-Related Articles above; notes that the "USPSTF only develops preventive guidelines, while our Editorial focused on diagnostic and treatment guidelines."]

Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Rennert G. Are we getting closer to molecular population screening for colorectal cancer? J Natl Cancer Inst 2009 Jul 1; 101(13):902-3. [Cites USPSTF-sponsored updated systematic review on screening for colorectal cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2008).]

Bloom JM. Rosuvastatin, C-reactive protein, LDL cholesterol, and the JUPITER trial. Lancet 2009 Jul 4-10; 374(9683):25-6. [Cites USPSTF-sponsored evidence summary on aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular events (Ann Intern Med, 2002).]

New England Journal of Medicine
Clarke-Pearson DL. Clinical practice. Screening for ovarian cancer. N Engl J Med 2009 Jul 9; 361(2):170-7. [Cites USPSTF recommendation statement on screening for ovarian cancer (Am Fam Physician, 2005).]

Pain Physician
Manchikanti L, Glaser SE, Wolfer L, et al. Systematic review of lumbar discography as a diagnostic test for chronic low back pain. Pain Physician 2009 May-Jun; 12(3):541-59. [Uses USPSTF level of evidence criteria; assesses quality of evidence using modified AHRQ diagnostic accuracy evaluation; cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Systems to Rate the Strength of Scientific Evidence, 2002; cites article by Berg and Allan (Am J Prev Med, 2001) on USPSTF methodologies.] Select to access the abstract.

Evidence-based Practice Centers-Related Articles

American Journal of Health Promotion
Ridpath JR, Wiese CJ, Greene SM. Looking at research consent forms through a participant-centered lens: the PRISM readability toolkit. Am J Health Promotion 2009 Jul-Aug; 23(6):371-75. [Cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Literacy and Health Outcomes, 2004.]

Annals of Internal Medicine
Terasawa T, Balk EM, Chung M, et al. Systematic review: comparative effectiveness of radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation. Ann Intern Med 2009 Aug 4; 151(3):1-12, W-1. [Supported by contract 290-02-0022 to Tufts Evidence-based Practice Center.] Select to access the abstract.

National Healthcare Quality Report (NHQR)/National Healthcare Disparities Report (NHDR)-Related Articles

Brandon GD, Adeniyi-Jones S, Kirkby S, et al. Are outcomes and care processes for preterm neonates influenced by health insurance status? Pediatrics 2009 Jul; 124(1):122-7. [Cites AHRQ's NHDR, 2006.] Select to access the abstract.

Research by Others Using AHRQ Data or Products

American Journal of Epidemiology
Ikeda N, Murray CJ, Salomon JA. Tracking population health based on self-reported impairments: Trends in the prevalence of hearing loss in US adults, 1976-2006. Am J Epidemiol 2009 Jul 1; 170(1):80-7. [Uses and cites 1996-2005 MEPS data.] Select to access the abstract.

American Journal of Health Promotion
Dall TM, Fulgoni VL 3rd, Zhang Y, et al. Potential health benefits and medical cost savings from calorie, sodium, and saturated fat reductions in the American diet. Am J Health Promotion 2009 Jul-Aug; 23(6):412-22. [Uses and cites 2000-2004 MEPS data.]

American Journal of Infection Control
de Lissovoy G, Fraeman K, Hutchins V, et al. Surgical site infection: incidence and impact on hospital utilization and treatment costs. Am J Infect Control 2009 Jun; 37(5):387-97. [Uses and cites 2005 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) data.] Select to access the abstract.

American Journal of Ophthalmology
Lad EM, Hernandez-Boussard T, Morton JM, et al. Incidence of retinopathy of prematurity in the United States: 1997 through 2005. Am J Ophthalmol 2009 Jun 19; (Epub):1-8, 8.e1-8.e2. [Uses and cites 1997-2005 HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Zilberberg MD, Nathanson BH, Sadigov S, et al. Epidemiology and outcomes of Clostridium difficile-associated disease among patients on prolonged acute mechanical ventilation. Chest 2009 May 22; (Epub):1-24. [Uses and cites 2005 HCUP NIS data; uses and cites Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998); cites HCUP statistical brief Clostridium Difficile-associated Disease in U.S. Hospitals, 1993-2005, as published on AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
Kurtz SM, Lau E, Ong K, et al. Future young patient demand for primary and revision joint replacement: national projections from 2010 to 2030. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2009 Apr 10; (Epub):1-7. [Uses 1993 and 2006 HCUP NIS data; cites HCUP report Using the HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample to Estimate Trends: (Updated for 1988-2004), 2006, as published on AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Bozic KJ, Kurtz SM, Lau E, et al. The epidemiology of revision total knee arthroplasty in the United States. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2009 Jun 25; (Epub):1-7. [Uses 2005-2006 HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Diseases of the Colon and Rectum
Etzioni DA, Beart RW Jr, Madoff RD, et al. Impact of the aging population on the demand for colorectal procedures. Dis Colon Rectum 2009 Apr; 52(4):583-90; discussion 590-1. [Uses 2005 HCUP NIS data; cites MEPS statistical brief, Screening Colonoscopy Among US Noninstitutionalized Adult Population Age 50 and Older, 2005, as published on AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

European Journal of Endocrinology
Mukherjee D, Zaidi HA, Kosztowski T, et al. Predictors of access to pituitary tumor resection in the United States, 1988-2005. Eur J Endocrinol 2009 May 15. [Epub ahead of print. Uses 1988-2005 HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Government Accountability Office Report
United States Government Accountability Office. Hospital emergency departments: crowding continues to occur, and some patients wait longer than recommended time frames. GAO-09-347 2009 Apr; i-iii, 25-31. [Uses 2006 HCUP NIS data.]

International Journal for Quality in Health Care
Drösler SE, Klazinga NS, Romano PS, et al. Application of patient safety indicators internationally: a pilot study among seven countries. Int J Qual Health Care 2009 Apr 24; (Epub):1-7. [Uses and cites AHRQ patient safety indicators; cites AHRQ technical review, Measures of Patient Safety Based on Hospital Administrative Data—The Patient Safety Indicators, 2002; cites AHRQ's NHQR, 2005; cites AHRQ publication, Adaptation of AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators for Use in ICD-10 Administrative Data by an International Consortium, 2008, as published on AHRQ Web site; sites articles by Glance et al. (Med Care, 2008) and Coffey et al. (Med Care, 2005) using AHRQ inpatient quality indicators and safety indicators, respectively).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Joseph B, Morton JM, Hernandez-Boussard T, et al. Relationship between hospital volume, system clinical resources, and mortality in pancreatic resection. J Am Coll Surg 2009 Apr; 208(4):520-7. [Uses HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Juillard C, Lashoher A, Sewell CA, et al. A national analysis of the relationship between hospital volume, academic center status, and surgical outcomes for abdominal hysterectomy done for leiomyoma. J Am Coll Surg 2009 Apr; 208(4):599-606. [Uses 1999-2003 HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
SooHoo NF, Krenek L, Eagan MJ, et al. Complication rates following open reduction and internal fixation of ankle fractures. J Bone Joint Surg 2009 May; 91(5):1042-9. [Uses 1995-2005 HCUP State Inpatient Databases (SID) data from the California patient-discharge database.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Simons JP, Shah SA, Ng SC, et al. National complication rates after pancreatectomy: beyond mere mortality. J Gastrointest Surg 2009 Jun 9; (Epub):1-13. [Uses 1998-2006 HCUP NIS data; cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Esophageal Doppler Ultrasound-based Cardiac Output Monitoring for Real-Time Therapeutic Management of Hospitalized Patients, 2007, as published on AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Interventional Cardiology
Movahed MR, Ramaraj R, Jamal MM, et al. Nationwide trends in the utilization of multivessel percutaneous coronary intervention (MVPCI) in the United States across different gender and ethnicities. J Interv Cardiol 2009 Apr 14. [Epub ahead of print. Uses 1988-2004 HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
Knudson A, Casey M, Burlew M, et al. Disparities in pediatric asthma hospitalizations. J Public Health Manag Pract 2009 May-Jun; 15(3):232-7. [Uses and cites 2001-2004 HCUP SID data for six states.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
Alshekhlee A, Walbert T, DeGeorgia M, et al. The impact of Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education duty hours, the July phenomenon, and hospital teaching status on stroke outcomes. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2009 May-Jun; 18(3):232-8. [Uses 2000-2005 HCUP NIS data; cites article by Dubinsky et al. (Neurology, 2006) using NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Surgical Research
Choi JC, Bakaeen FG, Huh J, et al. Outcomes of coronary surgery at a Veterans Affairs hospital versus other hospitals. J Surg Res 2009 May 3; (Epub):1-5. [Uses and cites 2004 HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Jen HC, Shew SB. Hospital differences in short-term outcomes for uncomplicated pediatric patients with gallbladder disease. J Surg Res 2009 May 15; 153(2):195-200. [Uses and cites 2003 HCUP Kids' Inpatient Database (KID).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Konety SH, Rosenthal GE, Vaughan-Sarrazin MS. Surgical volume and outcomes of off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery: does it matter? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2009 May; 137(5):1116-23.e1. [Uses and cites AHRQ patient safety indicators, as published on AHRQ Web site; cites AHRQ quality indicators, 2005; uses and cites Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al. (Med Care, 1998).]Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Vascular Surgery
Schwarze ML, Shen Y, Hemmerich J, et al. Age-related trends in utilization and outcome of open and endovascular repair for abdominal aortic aneurysm in the United States, 2001-2006. J Vasc Surg 2009 Jun 25; (Epub):1-8, 8.e1-8.e2. [Uses and cites 2001-2006 HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Steppacher R, Csikesz N, Eslami M, et al. An analysis of carotid artery stenting procedures performed in New York and Florida (2005-2006): procedure indication, stroke rate, and mortality rate are equivalent for vascular surgeons and non-vascular surgeons. J Vasc Surg 2009 Jun; 49(6):1379-85. [Uses 2005-2006 HCUP SID data for New York and Florida).] Select to access the abstract.

Alshekhlee A, Miles JD, Katirji B, et al. Incidence and mortality rates of myasthenia gravis and myasthenic crisis in US hospitals. Neurology 2009 May 5; 72(18):1548-54. [Uses 2000-2005 HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Osteoporosis International
Nieves JW, Bilezikian JP, Lane JM, et al. Fragility fractures of the hip and femur: incidence and patient characteristics. Osteoporos Int 2009 May 30; (Epub):1-10. [Uses 1996-2006 HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Lewis C, Teeple E, Robertson A, et al. Preventive dental care for young, Medicaid-insured children in Washington State. Pediatrics 2009 Jul; 124(1):e120-e127. [Uses and cites 2003 MEPS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Current as of July 2009

Internet Citation:

Articles of Interest, July 17, 2009. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care