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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Articles of Interest

April 13, 2012

This weekly compilation of articles appearing in recently released journals and newsletters includes:

  • Articles funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) or authored by AHRQ researchers.
  • Articles mentioning or discussing AHRQ staff, activities, and publications/products.
  • Articles related to AHRQ-funded Evidence-based Practice Centers.
  • Articles related to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force or Put Prevention into Practice program.
  • Articles mentioning the National Healthcare Disparities Report and National Healthcare Quality Report.
  • Other research using AHRQ data or products.

AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles

American Journal of Public Health
Roman LA, Raffo JE, Meghea CI. Maternal perceptions of help from home visits by nurse-community health worker teams. Am J Public Health 2012 Apr; 102(4):643-5. [Supported in part by grant 1 R01 HS14206.] Select to access the abstract.

BMJ Quality and Safety
Gurses AP, Ozok AA, Pronovost PJ. Time to accelerate integration of human factors and ergonomics in patient safety. BMJ Qual Saf 2012 Apr; 21(4):347-51. [Supported by grant K01 HS18762 (to first author); notes that first and third authors received other AHRQ grant support.] Select to access the abstract.

Hoffman GJ, Lee J, Mendez-Luck CA. Health behaviors among Baby Boomer informal caregivers. Gerontologist 2012 Apr; 52(2):219-30. [Supported in part by grant T32 HS00046-20 (to first author).] Select to access the abstract.

Health Affairs
Ryan AM, Blustein J, Casalino LP. Medicare's flagship test of pay-for-performance did not spur more rapid quality improvement among low-performing hospitals. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):797-805. [Supported by Career Development Award grant K01 HS18546-01A1 (to first author).] Select to access the abstract.

Health Services Research
Hernandez-Boussard T, Downey JR, McDonald K, et al. Relationship between patient safety and hospital surgical volume. Health Serv Res 2012 Apr; 47(2):756-82. [Supported by grant K01 HS18558; uses 2005-2008 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) data (citing NIS Trends Supplemental Files, 2008, and Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2007, both published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site), AHRQ's Patient Safety Indicators (citing AHRQ publication, AHRQ Quality Indicators: Guide to Patient Safety Indicators, 2003, and related AHRQ-funded and other articles), AHRQ's Patient Safety Indicators Software version 4.1b (citing AHRQ publication, Patient Safety Indicators: Technical Specifications, 2003), and AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998); cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Measures of Patient Safety Based on Hospital Administrative Data—The Patient Safety Indicators, 2002; mentions AHRQ's National Healthcare Quality Report (NHQR), 2007 and cites National Healthcare Disparities Report (NHDR), 2007; cites AHRQ publication, Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches, Volume 1: Assessment, 2008.] Select to access the abstract.

Health and Social Care in the Community
Hooker RS, Everett CM. The contributions of physician assistants in primary care systems. Health Soc Care Community 2012 Jan; 20(1):20-31. [Supported by grant T32 HS00083 (to second author).] Select to access the abstract.

Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety
Elder NC, Barney K. "But what does it mean for me?" Primary care patients' communication preferences for test results notification. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2012 Apr; 38(4):168-76, AP1. [Supported by grant K08 HS13914-01A2 (to first author); cites AHRQ publication, Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches, Volume 2: Culture and Redesign, 2008.]

Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Rubinsky AD, Sun H, Blough DK, et al. AUDIT-C alcohol screening results and postoperative inpatient health care use. J Am Coll Surg 2012 Mar; 214(3):296-305. [Supported by National Research Service Award (NRSA) grant T32 HS13853 (to first author); uses the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Biomedical Informatics
Mane KK, Bizon C, Schmitt C, et al. VisualDecisionLinc: a visual analytics approach for comparative effectiveness-based clinical decision support for psychiatry. J Biomed Inform2012 Feb; 45(1):101-6. [Supported by grant R21 HS19023.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of General Internal Medicine
Sequist TD, Morong SM, Marston A, et al. Electronic risk alerts to improve primary care management of chest pain: a randomized, controlled trial. J Gen Intern Med 2012 Apr; 27(4):438-44. [Supported by grant R18 HS17075; cites USPSTF recommendations on aspirin for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (Ann Intern Med, 2009).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
Carroll AE, Parikh PD, Buddenbaum JL. The impact of defense expenses in medical malpractice claims. J Law Med Ethics 2012 Spring; 40(1):135-42. [Supported by grant R03 HS17572.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Heaton PC, Tundia NL, Schmidt N, et al. National burden of pediatric hospitalizations for inflammatory bowel disease: results from the 2006 Kids' Inpatient Database. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2012 Apr; 54(4):477-85. [Supported in part by cooperative agreement grant U18 HS16957-03 (for the Center for Education and Research on Therapeutics (CERTs), Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center); uses 2006 HCUP Kids' Inpatient Database (KID) data, citing Introduction to the HCUP KIDS' Inpatient Database (KID), 2006, 2008, KID Description of Data Elements, All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (APR-DRGs): Methodology Overview, version 25.0, 2008, all published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site, and AHRQ-funded article by Tundia, Heaton, and Kelton (Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, 2011)); also uses HCUP Comorbidity Software version 3.5 (citing Comorbidity Software, Version 3.5, 2010), and AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998).] Select to access the abstract.

Psychiatric Services
Dusetzina SB, Gaynes BN, Weinberger M, et al. Receipt of guideline-concordant pharmacotherapy among children with new diagnoses of bipolar disorder. Psychiatr Serv 2011 Dec; 62(12):1443-9. [Supported by NRSA grant 5 T32 HS00032-20. Also refer to AHRQ-funded article by Shamliyan et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2012) cited in Evidence-based Practice Centers-Related Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

AHRQ-Related Articles

American Journal of Public Health
Layde PM, Christiansen AL, Peterson DJ, et al. A model to translate evidence-based interventions into community practice. Am J Public Health 2012 Apr; 102(4):617-24. [Cites AHRQ-authored article by Dougherty and Conway (current researcher in AHRQ's Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations and former AHRQ researcher, respectively) (JAMA, 2008).]  Select to access the abstract.

Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Bisgaier J, Polsky D, Rhodes KV. Academic medical centers and equity in specialty care access for children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2012 Apr; 166(4):304-10. [Cites AHRQ publication, Serving the Uninsured: Safety Net Hospitals, 2003, HCUP Fact Book 8, 2007; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Skinner and Mayer (BMC Health Serv Res, 2007), Forrest and Reid (J Fam Pract, 2001), Forrest et al. (Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 1999), and others.] Select to access the abstract.

BMJ Quality and Safety
Kronman AC, Paasche-Orlow M, Orlander JD. Factors associated with disclosure of medical errors by housestaff. BMJ Qual Saf 2012 Apr; 21(4):271-8. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by White et al. (Acad Med, 2008), Weissman et al. (JAMA, 2005), Pronovost et al. (Qual Saf Health Care, 2003), and others; cites AHRQ publication, Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: 2011 User Comparative Database Report, 2011, as published on the AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Current Opinion in Rheumatology
Smith R, Cattamanchi A, Steingart KR, Denkinger C, Dheda K, Winthrop KL, et al. Interferon-gamma release assays for diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection: evidence in immune-mediated inflammatory disorders. Curr Opin Rheumatol 2011 Jul; 23(4):377-84. [Acknowledges sixth author's receipt of funding under grant 1 K08 HS17552-01 for other research.] Select to access the abstract.

Family Medicine
Angstman KB, Garrison GM, Rohrer JE, et al. Retail clinic visits: are resident paneled patients more likely to make multiple visits? Fam Med 2012 Apr; 44(4):235-9. [Cites AHRQ-authored article by Meyers and Clancy (director in AHRQ's Center for Primary Care, Prevention, and Clinical Partnerships and AHRQ director, respectively) (J Prim Care Comm Health, 2010).] Select to access the abstract.

Roncoletta A, Gusso GD, Bensenor IM, et al. A reappraisal in São Paulo, Brazil (2008) of "the ecology of medical care:" the "one per thousand's rule". Fam Med 2012 Apr; 44(4):247-51. [Notes use of 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data in AHRQ-funded/authored article by Green, Fryer, Yawn, Lanier (former AHRQ researcher) et al. (N Engl J Med, 2001).] Select to access the abstract.

Wisniewski AM, Luczkiewicz DL, Servoss TJ, et al. What happens to orders written for older primary care patients? Fam  Med 2012 Apr; 44(4):252-8. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Forrest et al. (Ann Fam Med, 2007), Field et al. (J Am Geriatr Soc, 2007, and Med Care, 2005), Raebel et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2005), and Gandhi et al. (N Engl J Med, 2003).] Select to access the abstract.

Devens M, Hasnain M, Dudkiewicz B, et al. Facilitating resident well-being: a pilot intervention to address stress and teamwork issues on an inpatient service. Fam Med 2012 Apr; 44(4):265-8. [Notes that study intervention addresses the four teamwork competencies identified by AHRQ, citing AHRQ's TeamSTEPPS® Web site; cites AHRQ literature review report, Medical Teamwork and Patient Safety: The Evidence-based Relation, 2005, as published on the AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Frontiers of Health Services Management
Boothman RC, Imhoff SJ, Campbell DA Jr. Nurturing a culture of patient safety and achieving lower malpractice risk through disclosure: lessons learned and future directions. Front Health Serv Manage 2012 Spring; 28(3):13-28. [Cites article by Bahl et al. (Med Care, 2008), which uses AHRQ's Patient Safety Indicators; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Gallagher et al. (JAMA, 2003), Lamb et al. (Health Aff, 2003), and Studdert and Brennan (JAMA, 2001).] Select to access the abstract.

Sloan JP. Medicating elders in the evidence-free zone. Generations 2011 Win; 35(4):56-61. [Mentions MEPS data on prescription medicine expenses, citing Table 2: Prescription Medicines-Median and Mean Expenses per Person With Expense and Distribution of Expenses by Source of Payment: United States, 2007, as accessed on the MEPS Web site.]

Health Affairs
Blayney DW, Severson J, Martin CJ, et al. Michigan oncology practices showed varying adherence rates to practice guidelines, but quality interventions improved care. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):718-28. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Birkmeyer et al. (JAMA, 2010) and Hofer et al. (JAMA, 1999).] Select to access the abstract.

Health Services Research
Academy Health Update. Health Serv Res 2012 Apr; 47(2):ix-x. [Discusses the proposed AHRQ budget for fiscal year 2013, focusing on comparative effectiveness research (CER) funding.]

Au N. The health care cost implications of overweight and obesity during childhood. Health Serv Res 2012 Apr; 47(2):655-76. [Cites AHRQ-authored article by Monheit, Vistnes (authors are former AHRQ researchers), and Rogowski (Econ Hum Biol, 2009); cites articles by Finkelstein and Trogdon (Am J Public Health, 2008), Johnson, McInnes, and Shinogle (East Econ J, 2006), Finkelstein, Fiebelkorn, and Wang (Health Aff, 2003), and others, all of which use MEPS data.] Select to access the abstract.

HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Frampton SB. Healthcare and the patient experience: harmonizing care and environment. HERD 2012 Win; 5(2)3-5. [Discusses the role of AHRQ's Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) and Hospital CAHPS (HCAHPS) in patient centric approaches/experiences and value-based purchasing, citing AHRQ publication, 2007 CAHPS® Hospital Survey Chartbook: What Patients Say About Their Experiences With Hospital Care, 2006.]

HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Joseph A, Ensign JC, Quan X. Impact of imaging room environment: staff job stress and satisfaction, patient satisfaction, and willingness to recommend. HERD 2012 Win; 5(2):61-79. [Cites Nelson et al. (2005). [Cites AHRQ publication, The Hospital Built Environment: What Role Might Funders of Health Services Research Play?, 2005.]

Svanström H, Pasternak B, Hviid A. Association of treatment with losartan vs candesartan and mortality among patients with heart failure. JAMA 2012 Apr 11; 307(14):1506-12. [Cites AHRQ-funded article by Ray (Am J Epidemiol, 2003); cites article by Thygesen et al. (BMC Med Res Methodol, 2011), which uses the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.

Carr AJ, Robertsson O, Graves S, et al. Knee replacement. Lancet 2012 Apr 7; 379(9823):1331-40. [Mentions 2008 data on total knee replacements in the U.S., citing HCUPnet: 2008 Outcomes by Patient and Hospital Characteristic for ICD-9-CM Principal Procedure Code, as accessed on AHRQ's HCUPnet Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)/Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)-Related Articles

American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Tao G, Hoover KW, Kent CK. Chlamydia testing patterns for commercially insured women, 2008. Am J Prev Med 2012 Apr; 42(4):337-41. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for chlamydia infection (Ann Intern Med, 2007).] Select to access the abstract.

Green BB, Anderson ML, Cook AJ, et al. Using body mass index data in the electronic health record to calculate cardiovascular risk. Am J Prev Med 2012 Apr; 42(4):342-7. [Cites USPSTF recommendation statement, Screening for Lipid Disorders in Adults, 2008, and Screening for Lipid Disorders in Children, 2007, both published on the USPSTF Web site; cites USPSTF systematic evidence review, Screening for Lipid Disorders, 2001.] Select to access the abstract.

Green BB, Bogart A, Chubak J, et al. Nonparticipation in a population-based trial to increase colorectal cancer screening. Am J Prev Med 2012 Apr; 42(4):390-7. [Cites USPSTF evidence syntheses, Screening for Colorectal Cancer: An Updated Systematic Review, 2008; cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Enhancing the Use and Quality of Colorectal Cancer Screening, 2010, prepared by the RTI International-University of North Carolina Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) under contract 290-2007-10056-I; cites CDC articles on U.S. colorectal cancer screening, incidence, and mortality, 2002-2010 (MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 2011) and breast cancer screening among women aged 50-74 (MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 2010), years, which discuss USPSTF recommendation statement, Screening for Colorectal Cancer, 2008, and Screening for Breast Cancer, 2009, respectively.] Select to access the abstract.

American Journal of Public Health
Linker B. A dangerous curve: the role of history in America's scoliosis screening programs. Am J Public Health 2012 Apr; 102(4):606-16. [Discusses USPSTF recommendations on school-based scoliosis screening, citing USPSTF recommendation statement, Screening for Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adolescents, 2004, as published on the USPSTF Web site; cites AHRQ-authored article by Woolf, DiGuiseppi, Atkins (former AHRQ researcher) et al. (Annu Rev Public Health, 1996) on USPSTF methodologies, and commentaries by Richards and Vitale (J Bone Joint Surg Am, 2008), on the updated and first USPSTF recommendations, and Winter, Banta, and Engler (JAMA, 1995) on the first USPSTF recommendation.] Select to access the abstract.

Annals of Internal Medicine
Lauer MS. Lemons for obesity. Ann Intern Med 2012 Apr 9. [Epub ahead of print. Cites article by Moyer (current USPSTF chair) (Ann Intern Med, 2012), which discusses AHRQ's support of work on communicating statistical data to both patients and physicians.]

Archives of Internal Medicine
Inadomi JM, Vijan S, Janz NK, et al. Adherence to colorectal cancer screening: a randomized clinical trial of competing strategies. Arch Intern Med 2012 Apr 9; 172(7):575-82. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for colorectal cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2008) and earlier evidence summary on the same topic by Pignone et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2002.] Select to access the abstract.

Levin TR. The importance of choosing colorectal cancer screening tests. Arch Intern Med 2012 Apr 9; 172(7):582-3. [Comments on article by Inadomi et al. cited above in this section;  cites USPSTF-sponsored decision analysis on evaluating test strategies for colorectal cancer screening (Ann Intern Med, 2008).]

Choke E, Vijaynagar B, Thompson J, et al. Changing epidemiology of abdominal aortic aneurysms in England and Wales: older and more benign? Circulation 2012 Apr 3; 125(13):1617-25. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (Ann Intern Med, 2005).] Select to access the abstract.

Health Affairs
Philipson T, Eber M, Lakdawalla DN, et al. An analysis of whether higher health care spending in the United States versus Europe is 'worth it' in the case of cancer. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):667-75. [Cites USPSTF-sponsored evidence update on screening for prostate cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2002).] Select to access the abstract.

Pyenson BS, Sander MS, Jiang Y, et al. An actuarial analysis shows that offering lung cancer screening as an insurance benefit would save lives at relatively low cost. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):770-9. [Notes wide support for breast, colorectal, and cervical cancers, citing Recommendations, 2010, as published on the USPSTF Web site; mentions MEPS data on employer costs of lung cancer screening, citing Table I.G.3, Private-sector Data by Firm Size, Industry Group, Ownership, Age of Firm, and Other Characteristics, as accessed on the MEPS Web site, and Affordable Care Act provisions covering preventive services receiving Grade A or Grade B recommendations from the USPSTF, citing U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations as published on the HHS HealthCare Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Watts LA, Thiel de Bocanegra H, Darney PD, et al. In a California program, quality and utilization reports on reproductive health services spurred providers to change. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):852-62. [Mentions USPSTF recommendations for chlamydia screening for women under 25, citing USPSTF recommendation statement, Screening for Chlamydial Infection, 2007, as published on the USPSTF Web site, as the "only nationally recognized quality standard in the reproductive health arena, and notes that "evidence-based national guidelines" from the USPSTF were included in Clinical Practice Alerts sent to providers profiled in the study.] Select to access the abstract.

Greenland P. Should the resting electrocardiogram be ordered as a routine risk assessment test in healthy asymptomatic adults? JAMA 2012 Apr 11; 307(14):1530-1. [Notes that the USPSTF and other groups "advise against routine screening or routine risk assessment with resting ECG in asymptomatic patients," citing USPSTF-sponsored evidence review on screening asymptomatic adults with resting or exercise electrocardiography (Ann Intern Med, 2011).]

Journal of General Internal Medicine
Kronman AC, Freund KM, Heeren T, et al. Depression and anxiety diagnoses are not associated with delayed resolution of abnormal mammograms and pap tests among vulnerable women. J Gen Intern Med 2012 Apr; 27(4):452-7. [Cites USPSTF-sponsored evidence update on screening for breast cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2009).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Primary Care and Community Health
Dillard DA, Muller CJ, Smith JJ, et al. The impact of patient and provider factors on depression screening of American Indian and Alaska Native people in primary care. J Prim Care Community Health 2012 Apr; 3(2):120-4. [Cites USPSTF recommendations screening for depression and related evidence summary by Pignone et al. (both in Ann Intern Med, 2002); cites AHRQ-sponsored guideline, Depression in Primary Care, Volume 1: Detection and Diagnosis, 1993.]

Patnick J, Perry N, de Wolf C. Authors' reply: Effect of population-based screening on breast cancer mortality. Lancet 2012 Apr 7; 379(9823):1298. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for breast cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2009).]

Medical Clinics of North America
Almandoz JP, Gharib H. Hypothyroidism: etiology, diagnosis, and management. Med Clin North Am 2012 Mar; 96(2):203-21. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for subclinical thyroid dysfunction in nonpregnant adults (Ann Intern Med, 2004).] Select to access the abstract.

Noël PH, Wang CP, Bollinger MJ, et al. Intensity and duration of obesity-related counseling: association with 5-year BMI trends among obese primary care patients. Obesity 2012 Apr; 20(4):773-82. [Cites USPSTF-sponsored evidence summary on screening and interventions for obesity in adults (Ann Intern Med, 2003).] Select to access the abstract.

[Also refer to AHRQ-funded article by Sequist et al. (J Gen Intern Med, 2012) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles.]

Evidence-based Practice Centers-Related Articles

American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Labre MP, Herman EJ, Dumitru GG, et al. Public health interventions for asthma: an umbrella review, 1990-2010. Am J Prev Med 2012 Apr; 42(4):403-10. [Cites AHRQ technical review, Closing the Quality Gap: A Critical Analysis of Quality Improvement Strategies, 2007; uses the AHRQ Web site as a source for relevant literature; selected reviews include AHRQ report and related AHRQ-funded review by Bravata et al. (Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2009), which assessed multiple interventions and the provision of health care.] Select to access the abstract.

Annals of Internal Medicine
Shamliyan T, Wyman JF, Ramakrishnan R, Sainfort F, Kane RL. Systematic review: benefits and harms of pharmacologic treatment for urinary incontinence in women. Ann Intern Med 2012 Apr 9. [Epub ahead of print. Supported by contract 290-2007-10064-I and based on AHRQ comparative effectiveness review, Non-surgical Treatments for Urinary Incontinence in Adult Women: Diagnosis and Comparative Effectiveness,  2012, prepared by the Minnesota Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC); uses AHRQ's definition of harms and evaluated risk of bias criteria from AHRQ publication, Methods Guide for Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, 2010, and several AHRQ Effective Health Care Program methods series papers (J Clin Epidemiol, 2010); cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Treatment of Overactive Bladder in Women, 2009; cites "HHS Awards $475 Million in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Funding" from AHRQ Electronic Newsletter, 2010, as published on the AHRQ Web site; second, fourth, and last authors report previous AHRQ funding.] Select to access the abstract.

Health Affairs
Neumann PJ, Bliss SK, Chambers JD. Therapies for advanced cancers pose a special challenge for health technology assessment organizations in many countries. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):700-8. [Notes CMS' requests for formal health technology assessments from AHRQ for some national coverage decisions.] Select to access the abstract.

Mehrotra A, Hussey PS, Milstein A, et al. Consumers' and providers' responses to public cost reports, and how to raise the likelihood of achieving desired results. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):843-51. [Cites AHRQ-funded systematic review by Hussey et al. (Health Serv Res, 2009) on health care efficiency measures, prepared by the Southern California EPC-Rand Corporation under contract 282-00-0005-21; acknowledges presentation of a version of this article at the AHRQ National Summit on Public Reporting for Consumers, March 23, 2011, and feedback from Peggy McNamara (researcher in AHRQ's Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets) and attendees and reviewers at the AHRQ National Summit.] Select to access the abstract.

Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety
Kalisch BJ, McLaughlin M, Dabney BW. Patient perceptions of missed nursing care. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2012 Apr; 38(4):161-7. [Cites AHRQ-funded systematic review and meta-analysis by Kane et al. (Med Care, 2007) on the association of registered nurse staffing levels and patient outcomes, prepared by the Minnesota EPC under contract 290-02-0009; cites AHRQ-funded article by Needleman et al. (N Engl J Med, 2011).]

Capraro A, Stack A, Harper MB, et al. Detecting unapproved abbreviations in the electronic medical record. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2012 Apr; 38(4):178-83. [Cites AHRQ-funded systematic review by Kaushal et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2003) on the effects of computerized physician order entry and clinical decision support systems on medication safety, prepared by the University of California San Francisco-Stanford EPC under contract 290-97-0013; cites AHRQ-funded article by Bates and Gawande (N Engl J Med, 2003).]

New England Journal of Medicine
Ismail-Beigi F. Glycemic management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med 2012 Apr 5; 366(14):1319-27. [Cites AHRQ-funded systematic reviews by Bennett et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2012) on the evaluation of guideline recommendations on oral medications for type 2 diabetes mellitus, Bennett et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2011) on the comparative effectiveness and safety of medications for type 2 diabetes, and Bolen et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2007) on the comparative effectiveness and safety of oral medications for type 2 diabetes mellitus (all prepared by the John Hopkins EPC under contract 290-02-0018); cites article by Qaseem et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2012), recommendations from which are based on the above cited reviews by Bennett et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2011) and Bolen et al. Also refer to article by Green et al. (Am J Prev Med, 2012) cited in U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)/Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)-Related Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

National Healthcare Quality Report (NHQR)/National Healthcare Disparities Report (NHDR)-Related Articles

American Journal of Public Health
DeBruin D, Liaschenko J, Marshall MF. Social justice in pandemic preparedness. Am J Public Health 2012 Apr; 102(4):586-91. [Cites AHRQ publication, Highlights: Key Themes and Highlights from the National Healthcare Disparities Report, 2007, as published on the AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Villa VM, Wallace SP, Bagdasaryan S, et al. Hispanic Baby Boomers: health inequities likely to persist in old age. Gerontologist 2012 Apr; 52(2):166-76. [Cites AHRQ's NHDR, 2010.] Select to access the abstract.

Health Services Research
Bradley CJ, Dahman B, Shickle LM, et al. Surgery wait times and specialty services for insured and uninsured breast cancer patients: does hospital safety net status matter? Health Serv Res 2012 Apr; 47(2):677-97. [Cites AHRQ's NHDR, 2005.] Select to access the abstract.

Lee JC, Hasnain-Wynia R, Lau DT. Delay in seeing a doctor due to cost: disparity between older adults with and without disabilities in the United States. Health Serv Res 2012 Apr; 47(2):698-720. [Cites AHRQ's NHDR, 2008.] Select to access the abstract.

HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Stichler JF. Patient-centered care: a healthcare reform imperative and a hospital design opportunity.
HERD 2012 Win; 5(2):24-8. [Cites AHRQ's NHQR, 2002.]

Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety
Bandari J, Schumacher K, Simon M, et al. Surfacing safety hazards using standardized operating room briefings and debriefings at a large regional medical center. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2012 Apr; 38(4):154-60. [Cites AHRQ's NHQR, 2009; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Pronovost et al. (N Engl J Med, 2006) and others.]

Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law
Oliver A, Brown LD. A consideration of user financial incentives to address health inequalities. J Health Polit Policy Law 2012 Apr; 37(2):201-26. [Cites AHRQ's NHDR, 2010.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
Miller T. Looking for better health in all the wrong places: the road to "equality" hits a dead end. J Law Med Ethics 2012 Spring; 40(1):33-44. [Discusses purposes and methodologies of AHRQ's NHDR, citing AHRQ's NHDR, 2008; author is former member of AHRQ's National Advisory Committee. Also refer to AHRQ-funded article by Hernandez-Boussard et al. (Health Serv Res, 2012) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

Research by Others Using AHRQ Data or Products

Advances in Skin and Wound Care
Young DL, Shen JJ, Estocado N, et al. Financial impact of improved pressure ulcer staging in the acute hospital with use of a new tool, the NE1 wound assessment tool. Adv Skin Wound Care 2012 Apr; 25(4):158-66. [Uses 2006 HCUP NIS data and 2004 HCUP State Inpatient Databases (SID) data for Nevada, citing Introduction to the HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2006, 2008, and Overview of the State Inpatient Databases (SID), both published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

American Journal of Cardiology
Deshmukh A, Pant S, Kumar G, et al. Comparison of outcomes of weekend versus weekday admissions for atrial fibrillation. Am J Cardiol 2012 Apr 3. [Epub ahead of print. Uses 2008 HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2011, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site, and related articles using various HCUP NIS datasets.] Select to access the abstract.

American Journal of Kidney Diseases
Diamantidis CJ, Beliger SL, Zhan M, et al. A varying patient safety profile between black and nonblack adults with decreased estimated GFR. Am J Kidney Dis 2012 Apr 5. [Epub ahead of print. Uses selected AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs), citing AHRQ publications AHRQ Quality Indicators: Guide to Patient Safety Indicators, 2003, and Racial Disparities in Patient Safety Indicator (PSI) Rates in the Veterans Health Administration, 2008; cites AHRQ-authored articles by Coffey, Andrews, and Moy (Med Care, 2005), Romano et al. (Health Aff, 2003), and Rivard, Elixhauser et al. (Med Care Res Rev, 2010), which examined differences in rates of AHRQ PSI events between racial minorities and whites.] Select to access the abstract.

American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy
Bhattacharyya N. Functional limitations and workdays lost associated with chronic rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis. Am J Rhinol Allergy 2012 May-Apr; 26(2):120-2. [Uses 2007 MEPS data, with a merger of Household Component (HC) and Medical Provider Component (MC) data; cites AHRQ-authored article by Hill and Pylypchuk (Med Care, 2006) and article by Sullivan et al. (J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2011), which use MEPS data.] Select to access the abstract.

European Heart Journal
Hardoon SL, Morris RW, Whincup PH, et al. Rising adiposity curbing decline in the incidence of myocardial infarction: 20-year follow-up of British men and women in the Whitehall II cohort. Eur Heart J  2012 Feb; 33(4):478-85. [Uses study cohort data from the Whitehall II study, previously funded by AHRQ.] Select to access the abstract.

Health Affairs
Romley JA, Sanchez Y, Penrod JR, et al. Survey results show that adults are willing to pay higher insurance premiums for generous coverage of specialty drugs. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):683-90. [Uses 2009 MEPS data in comparison with the 2010 Current Population Survey, citing data accessed on AHRQ's MEPS Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Makarov DV, Desai R, Yu JB, et al. Appropriate and inappropriate imaging rates for prostate cancer go hand in hand by region, as if set by thermostat. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):730-40. [Uses the definitions of comorbid conditions from AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998) as determined using the algorithm developed by Quan et al. (Med Care, 2005).] Select to access the abstract.

Mitchell JM. Urologists' self-referral for pathology of biopsy specimens linked to increased use and lower prostate cancer detection. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):741-9. [Uses AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998).] Select to access the abstract.

Morden NE, Chang CH, Jacobson JO, et al. End-of-life care for Medicare beneficiaries with cancer is highly intensive overall and varies widely. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):786-96. [Uses HCUP Clinical Classifications Software (CCS), citing Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) for ICD-9-CM, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

O'Neill L, Hartz AJ. Lower mortality rates at cardiac specialty hospitals traceable to healthier patients and to doctors' performing more procedures. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):806-15. [Uses AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998) and HCUP Clinical Classifications Software (CCS), citing Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) for ICD-9-CM, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Mundt MP, Zakletskaia LI. Prevention for college students who suffer alcohol-induced blackouts could deter high-cost emergency department visits. Health Aff 2012 Apr; 31(4):863-70. [Uses 2006 MEPS data, citing AHRQ publications, Trends in Health Care Expenditures for Adults Ages 18-44: 2006 versus 1996, MEPS Statistical Brief 254, 2009, and Expenses for a Hospital Emergency Room Visit, 2003, MEPS Statistical Brief 111, 2006, both published on AHRQ's MEPS Web site; cites AHRQ-authored articles by Cohen, Cohen, and Banthin (Med Care, 2009) and Lund, Yabroff, Ibuka, Russell, Barnett, Lipscomb, Lawrence (researcher in AHRQ's Center for Outcomes and Evidence) et al. (Med Care, 2009).] Select to access the abstract.

Health Services Research
Pendergast J, Kliethermes SA, Freburger JK, et al. A comparison of health care use for physician-referred and self-referred episodes of outpatient physical therapy. Health Serv Res 2012 Apr; 47(2):633-54. [Uses HCUP Clinical Classifications Software (CCS), citing Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) for ICD-9-CM, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; mentions data on ambulatory visits for physical therapy, citing MEPS HC-110F Codebook 2007 Outpatient Department Visits, 2011, and MEPS HC-110G Codebook 2007 Office-based Medical Provider Visits, 2011, both published on AHRQ's MEPS Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Bustamante AV, Chen J. Health expenditure dynamics and years of U.S. residence: analyzing spending disparities among Latinos by citizenship/nativity status. Health Serv Res 2012 Apr; 47(2):794-818. [Uses 2000-2007 MEPS data as accessed on AHRQ's MEPS Web site; cites AHRQ-authored articles by Le Cook, McGuire, and Zuvekas (researcher in AHRQ's Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends) (Med Care Res Rev, 2009), Zuvekas and Taliaferro (former AHRQ researcher) (Health Aff, 2003), Monheit and Vistnes (former AHRQ researcher and current researcher in AHRQ's Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends, respectively) (Med Care Res Rev, 2000), and Weinick, Zuvekas, and Cohen (researcher in AHRQ's Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends) (Med Care, 2000); cites AHRQ publication, Research in Action: The High Concentration of U.S. Health Care Expenditures, 2006, as published on the AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

International Journal for Quality in Health Care
Caminiti C, Diodati F, Bacchieri D, et al. Evaluation of a pilot surgical adverse event detection system for Italian hospitals. Int J Qual Health Care 2012 Apr; 24(2):114-20. [Uses AHRQ's Patient Safety, citing AHRQ publication, AHRQ Quality Indicators—Patient Safety Indicators: Software Documentation, 2002, as published in Patient Safety Indicators Overview on AHRQ's Quality Indicator Web site; cites AHRQ-authored articles by Romano, Geppert, Davies, Miller, Elixhauser (fourth and fifth authors are former AHRQ researcher and current researcher in AHRQ's Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets, respectively) et al. (Int J Qual Health Care, 2012) and Zhan (researcher in AHRQ's Center for Outcomes and Evidence) and Miller (Qual Saf Health Care, 2003); research reflects findings of other patient safety indicators validation studies, citing articles by Rosen et al. (Health Serv Res, 2009) and Kaafarani and Rosen (Am J Surg, 2009), both of which use AHRQ's Patient Safety Indicators.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Business Research
Hales DN, Kroes J, Chen Y, et al. The cost of mindfulness: a case study. J Bus Res 2012 Apr; 65(4):570-8. [Uses metrics classified according to National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™ categories described on AHRQ's National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™ Web site; cites AHRQ publication, Becoming a High Reliability Organization: Operational Advice for Hospital Leaders, 2008.]

Journal of General Internal Medicine
Ngo-Metzger Q, Sorkin DH, Billimek J, et al. The effects of financial pressures on adherence and glucose control among racial/ethnically diverse patients with diabetes. J Gen Intern Med 2012 Apr; 27(4):432-7. [Adapts study's Presence of Financial Barriers to Medical Care scale from the MEPS questionnaire, as accessed from AHRQ's MEPS Web site, and adapts study's Perceived Financial Burden of Diabetes Scale from the AHRQ-funded Diabetes Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT) article by Greenfield et al. (Diabetes Care, 1994); cites AHRQ-authored article by Kirby, Taliaferro, and Zuvekas (Med Care, 2006). Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Public Health Dentistry
Bader JD, Shugars DA. Dental care plan assessment using the CAHPS Dental Plan Survey. J Public Health Dent 2012 Apr 13. [Epub ahead of print. Uses Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Dental Plan Survey, citing  Get the Dental Plan Survey and Instructions as published on AHRQ's CAHPS Web site; AHRQ-authored article by Darby, Crofton, and Clancy (former and current researchers in AHRQ's Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety and AHRQ director, respectively) (Am J Med Qual, 2006).] Select to access the abstract.

Maternal and Child Health Journal
Knapp C, Madden V, Sloyer P, et al. Effects of an integrated care system on quality of care and satisfaction for children with special health care needs. Matern Child Health J 2012 Apr; 16(3):579-86. [Uses nine CAHPS composite scores, citing CAHPS Health Plan Survey 4.0: Child Medicaid Questionnaire, 2007, as published on AHRQ's CAHPS Web site; cites AHRQ-authored article by Monheit (Med Care, 2003), which uses MEPS data.] Select to access the abstract.

New England Journal of Medicine
Litt HI, Gatsonis C, Snyder B, et al. CT angiography for safe discharge of patients with possible acute coronary syndromes. N Engl J Med 2012 Apr 12; 366(15):1393-1403. [Uses HCUP data as accessed on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; cites AHRQ-funded article by Selker et al. (Ann Intern Med, 1998).] Select to access the abstract.

Obesity Surgery
Worni M, Guller U, Shah A, et al. Cholecystectomy concomitant with laparoscopic gastric bypass: a trend analysis of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample from 2001 to 2008. Obes Surg 2012 Feb; 22(2):220-9. [Uses 2001-2008 HCUP NIS data and the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992). Also refer to AHRQ-funded articles by Hernandez-Boussard et al. (Health Serv Res, 2012), Rubinsky et al. (J Am Coll Surg, 2012), and Heaton et al. (J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 2012) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

Current as of April 2012

Internet Citation:

Articles of Interest, April 13, 2012. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care