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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Articles of Interest

January 13, 2012

This weekly compilation of articles appearing in recently released journals and newsletters includes:

  • Articles funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) or authored by AHRQ researchers.
  • Articles mentioning or discussing AHRQ staff, activities, and publications/products.
  • Articles related to AHRQ-funded Evidence-based Practice Centers.
  • Articles related to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force or Put Prevention into Practice program.
  • Articles mentioning the National Healthcare Disparities Report and National Healthcare Quality Report.
  • Other research using AHRQ data or products.

AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles

American Journal of Managed Care
Persell SD, Friesema EM, Dolan NC, et al. Effects of standardized outreach for patients refusing preventive services: a quasiexperimental quality improvement study. Am J Manag Care 2011 Jul 1; 17(7):e249-e254. [Supported by grant 1 R18 HS17163-01 and Career Development Award grant 1 K08 HS15647-01 (to first author); cites USPSTF-sponsored systematic review on enhancing the use and quality of colorectal cancer screening (Ann Intern Med, 2010) and several AHRQ-funded articles.] Select to access the abstract.

Newcomer SR, Steiner JF, Bayliss EA. Identifying subgroups of complex patients with cluster analysis. Am J Manag Care 2011 Aug 1; 17(8):e324-e332. [Supported by grant K08 HS15476.] Select to access the abstract.

Anesthesia and Analgesia
Toledo P. What's new in obstetric anesthesia? The 2011 Gerard W. Ostheimer Lecture. Anesth Analg 2011 Dec; 113(6):1450-8. [Supported by grant F32 HS20122 (principal investigator is first author); mentions the use of data published in AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: New Insights, 2010, prepared by the Oregon Health and Science University Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) under contract 290-2007-10057-I and summarized in AHRQ-funded article by Guise et al. (Obstet Gynecol, 2010) for National Institutes of Health publication, Consensus Development Conference Statement: Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: New Insights, March 8-10, 2010, 2010.] Select to access the abstract.

Fehr JJ, Boulet JR, Waldrop WB, Snider R, Brockel M, Murray DJ. Simulation-based assessment of pediatric anesthesia skills. Anesthesiology 2011 Dec; 115(6):1308-15. [Supported in part by grant R01 HS18734-01 (to first and last authors).] Select to access the abstract.

Annals of Family Medicine
Rich EC, Lipson D, Libersky J, Peikes DN, Parchman ML. Organizing care for complex patients in the patient-centered medical home. Ann Fam Med 2012 Jan; 10(1):60-2. [Last author is a researcher in AHRQ's Center for Primary Care, Prevention, and Clinical Partnerships; supported by contract HHSA290-2009-00019-I, task order 2; summarizes AHRQ-sponsored white paper, Coordinating Care for Adults with Complex Care Needs in the Patient-Centered Medical Home: Challenges and Solutions, 2012 (prepared by Mathematica Policy Research under same contract number) and gives AHRQ's definition of the medical home from What is the PCMH?, both published on AHRQ's Patient Centered Medical Home Resource Center Web site.]

Archives of Dermatology
Lamel S, Chambers CJ, Ratnarathorn M, Armstrong AW. Impact of live interactive teledermatology on diagnosis, disease management, and clinical outcomes. Arch Dermatol 2012 Jan; 148(1):61-5. [Supported in part by Career Development Award grant K08 HS18341 (to last author).] Select to access the abstract.

Archives of Internal Medicine
Lewis SE, Nocon RS, Tang H, et al. Patient-centered medical home characteristics and staff morale in safety net clinics. Arch Intern Med 2012 Jan 9; 172(1):23-31. [Supported in part by postdoctoral fellowship in health services research award 5 T32 HS00084-12; also refer to comments by Friedberg (Arch Intern Med, 2012) cited in AHRQ-Related Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

Arthritis Care and Research
Zhang J, Shan Y, Reed G, Kremer J, Greenberg JD, Baumgartner S, Curtis JR. Thresholds in disease activity for switching biologics in rheumatoid arthritis patients: experience from a large U.S. cohort. Arthritis Care Res 2011 Dec; 63(12):1672-9. [Supported in part by grants T32 HS13852 (to first author) and R01 HS18517 (to last author).] Select to access the abstract.

Arthritis Research and Therapy
Curtis JR, Baddley JW, Yang S, et al. Derivation and preliminary validation of an administrative claims-based algorithm for the effectiveness of medications for rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther 2011 Sep 20; 13(5):R155. [Supported in part by grant R01 HS18517; uses the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.

Cardiology Journal
Kong MH, Al-Khatib SM, Sanders GD, et al. Use of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators for primary prevention in older patients: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Cardiol J 2011; 18(5):503-14. [Supported by grant U18 HS16964; cites data from AHRQ technology assessment report, Use of Bayesian Techniques in Randomized Clinical Trials: A CMS Case Study, 2009, prepared by the Duke EPC.] Select to access the abstract.

Diabetes Care
Laiteerapong N, Karter AJ, Liu JY, et al. Correlates of quality of life in older adults with diabetes: the Diabetes & Aging Study. Diabetes Care 2011 Aug;34(8):1749-53. [Epub ahead of print. Supported in part by grant T32 HS00084 (to first author).] Select to access the abstract.

Drugs and Alcohol Dependence
Binswanger IA, Blatchford PJ, Lindsay RG, et al. Risk factors for all-cause, overdose and early deaths after release from prison in Washington state. Drug Alcohol Depend 2011 Aug 1; 117(1):1-6. [Supported in part by grant K12 HS19464.] Select to access the abstract.

Health Affairs
Fletcher JM, Richards MR. Diabetes's 'health shock' to schooling and earnings: increased dropout rates and lower wages and employment in young adults. Health Aff 2012 Jan; 31(1):27-34. [Supported in part by training grant T32 HS17589-03 (to second author).] Select to access the abstract.

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
Binswanger IA, Nowels C, Corsi KF, et al. "From the prison door right to the sidewalk, everything went downhill," a qualitative study of the health experiences of recently released inmates. Int J Law Psychiatry 2011 Jul-Aug; 34(4):249-55. [Supported in part by grant K12 HS19464 (to first author).] Select to access the abstract.

International Journal of Medical Informatics
Lomotan EA, Hoeksema LJ, Edmonds DE, et al. Evaluating the use of a computerized clinical decision support system for asthma by pediatric pulmonologists. Int J Med Inform 2011 Dec 26. [Epub ahead of print. Supported by contract HHSA 290-2008-10011; first author is a researcher in AHRQ's Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Clancy CM. Patient-centered outcomes research and nurse practitioners' role in shared decision making. J Am Acad Nurse Pract 2012 Jan; 24(1):59-61. [Author is the AHRQ director; discusses AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program, citing comparative effectiveness reviews, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs), Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists (ARBs), and Direct Renin Inhibitors for Treating Essential Hypertension: An Update, 2011, Comparative Effectiveness, Safety, and Indications of Insulin Analogues in Premixed Formulations for Adults With Type 2 Diabetes, 2008, and Comparative Effectiveness of Treatments To Prevent Fractures in Men and Women With Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis, 2007, all published on AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Wagner PJ, Dias J, Howard S, et al. Personal health records and hypertension control: a randomized trial. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2012 Jan 10. [Epub ahead of print.Supported in part by grant R18 HS17234; uses Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) survey data, citing CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey, and Development of the CAHPS Health Information Technology Item Set, both published on AHRQ's CAHPS® Web site; cites AHRQ publication, Managing Personal Health Information: An Action Agenda, 2010, prepared by Insight Policy Research under contract HHSA290-2007-10072T.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Kim MT, Han HR, Hedlin H, et al. Teletransmitted monitoring of blood pressure and bilingual nurse counseling-sustained improvements in blood pressure control during 12 months in hypertensive Korean Americans. J Clin Hypertens 2011 Aug; 13(8):605-12. [Supported in part by grant R01 HS13160 (Clinical Trials Registry NCT00473681).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Nursing Care Quality
Clancy CM. Alleviating "second victim" syndrome: how we should handle patient harm. J Nurs Care Qual 2012 Jan-Mar; 27(1):1-5. [Author is the AHRQ director; discusses AHRQ's Patient Safety Organizations program and the creation of Common Formats, citing Common Formats as published on AHRQ's Patient Safety Organizations Web site, and AHRQ funding of regional implementation of a medical errors disclosure program; cites AHRQ publication, Advancing Patient Safety: A Decade of Evidence, Design, and Implementation, 2009, as published on the AHRQ Web site; cites Perspectives on Safety articles "The Second Victim Phenomenon: A Harsh Reality of Health Care Professions," by Scott, 2011, "In Conversation with... Albert Wu, MD, MPH," by Wachter, 2008, and Case and Commentaries article "Duty to Disclose Someone Else's Error?," by Gallagher, 2011, all published on AHRQ's Morbidity and Mortality Rounds on the Web (WebM&M) Web site.]

Wehbe-Janek H, Lenzmeier CR, Ogden PE, et al. Nurses' perceptions of simulation-based interprofessional training program for rapid response and Code Blue events. J Nurs Care Qual 2012 Jan-Mar; 27(1):43-50. [Supported by grant U18 HS16634-01.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Reidenberg MM. Drug discontinuation effects are part of the pharmacology of a drug. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2011 Nov; 339(2):324-8. [Supported by cooperative agreement grant 5 U18 HS16075.] Select to access the abstract.

Medical Oncology
Nurgalieva Z, Liu CC, Du XL. Chemotherapy use and risk of bone marrow suppression in a large population-based cohort of older women with breast and ovarian cancer. Med Oncol 2011 Sep; 28(3):716-25. [Supported by grant R01 HS16743; uses the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson/Deyo comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Romano, Roos, and Jollis (J Clin Epidemiol, 1993).] Select to access the abstract.

Patient Education and Counseling
Bertakis KD, Azari R. Determinants and outcomes of patient-centered care. Patient Educ Couns 2011 Oct; 85(1):46-52. [Supported by grant R18 HS06167.] Select to access the abstract.

Grenard JL, Uy V, Pagán JA, et al. Seniors' perceptions of prescription drug advertisements: a pilot study of the potential impact on informed decision making. Patient Educ Couns 2011 Oct; 85(1):79-84. [Supported in part by grant T32 HS00046-14.] Select to access the abstract.

Pediatric Blood and Cancer
Sobota A, Graham DA, Neufeld EJ, et al. Thirty-day readmission rates following hospitalization for pediatric sickle cell crisis at freestanding children's hospitals: risk factors and hospital variation. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2012 Jan; 58(1):61-5. [Supported in part by National Research Service Award (NRSA) grant T32 HS00063 (to first author, for the Harvard Pediatric Health Services Research Fellowship); cites 3M Health Information Systems (HIS) APR™-DRG Classification Software—Overview, 2009, as published on the AHRQ Web site; cites measure summary Asthma: Risk-Adjusted Rate of Unplanned Readmission Following Discharge for Asthma, 2010, as published on AHRQ's National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Pediatric Emergency Care
Sills MR, Fairclough D, Ranade D, et al. Emergency department crowding is associated with decreased quality of care for children. Pediatr Emerg Care 2011 Sep;27(9):837-45. [Supported in part by grant 5 R03 HS16418 (to first, second, and third authors).] Select to access the abstract.

Pakyz A, Carroll NV, Harpe SE, et al. Economic impact of Clostridium difficile infection in a multihospital cohort of academic health centers. Pharmacotherapy 2011 Jun; 31(6):546-51. [Supported by Career Development Award grant K08 HS18578 (to first author).] Select to access the abstract.

Quality of Life Research
Fu AZ, Qiu Y, Radican L, et al. Marginal differences in health-related quality of life of diabetic patients with and without macrovascular comorbid conditions in the United States. Qual Life Res 2011 Aug; 20(6):825-32. [Uses pooled 2001 and 2003 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) and MEPS-defined clinical classification categories generated using HCUP Comorbidity Software, Version 3.4, citing MEPS HC-079: 2003 Full Year Consolidated Data File, 2005, Comorbidity Software, Version 3.4, 2009 (as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site), and AHRQ publication, Clinical Classifications for Health Policy Research: Hospital Inpatient Statistics, 1995, HCUP Research Note 3, 2000.] Select to access the abstract.

Witt WP, Litzelman K, Spear HA, Wisk LE, et al. Health-related quality of life of mothers of very low birth weight children at the age of five: results from the newborn lung project statewide cohort study. Qual Life Res 2011 Dec 10. [Epub ahead of print. Supported in part by predoctoral NRSA training grant T32 HS00083 (to fourth author; principal investigator is Maureen Smith).] Select to access the abstract.

AHRQ-Related Articles

Archives of Internal Medicine
Friedberg MW. The potential impact of the medical home on job satisfaction in primary care. Arch Intern Med 2012 Jan 9; 172(1):31-2. [Comments on AHRQ-funded article by Lewis et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2012) cited in AHRQ-Funded/ Authored Articles; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Linzer et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2009), Quinn et al. (Med Care, 2009), and DiMatteo et al. (Health Psychol, 1993).]

Samal L, Lipsitz SR, Hicks LS. Impact of electronic health records on racial and ethnic disparities in blood pressure control at US primary care visits. Arch Intern Med 2012 Jan 9; 172(1):75-6. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Hicks et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2010 and J Gen Intern Med, 2008).]

Fakih MG, Watson SR, Greene MT, Kennedy EH, Olmsted RN, et al. Reducing inappropriate urinary catheter use: a statewide effort. Arch Intern Med 2012 Jan 9. [Epub ahead of print. Acknowledges contractual arrangements between AHRQ and several authors for work on catheter-associated urinary tract infection prevention projects; cites AHRQ-funded article by Saint et al. (Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf, 2005); see comments by Mourad and Auerbach cited below in this section.] Select to access the abstract.

Mourad M, Auerbach A. Improving use of the "other" catheter. Arch Intern Med 2012 Jan 9. [Epub ahead of print.Discusses the AHRQ-funded Michigan Health and Hospital Association (MHA) Keystone initiative, citing article by Saint et al. (Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf, 2009).]

Health Affairs
Thorpe KE. The Affordable Care Act lays the groundwork for a national diabetes prevention and treatment strategy. Health Aff 2012 Jan; 31(1):61-6. [Mentions MEPS data on diabetes prevalence among the elderly and Medicare beneficiaries, citing 2008 MEPS data and AHRQ publication, Sample Design of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component, 1998-2007, MEPS Methodology Report 22, 2008, as published on AHRQ's MEPS Web site, and AHRQ publications, Sample Design of the 1987 Household Survey, National Medical Expenditure Survey, MEPS Survey Methods 3, 1991, and National Medical Expenditure Survey, 1987.] Select to access the abstract.

Burke RE, O'Grady ET. Group visits hold great potential for improving diabetes care and outcomes, but best practices must be developed. Health Aff 2012 Jan; 31(1):103-9. [Cites Group Visits, as published on AHRQ's CAHPS® Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Huckfeldt PJ, Meeker D, Peters A, et al. Diabetes management for low-income patients in Los Angeles: two strategies improved disease control in the short term. Health Aff 2012 Jan;31(1):168-76. [Cites innovation profile "Public Health-Led Disease Management Programs Improve Outcomes for Individuals With Diabetes and Children With Asthma," 2010, as published on AHRQ's Health Care Innovations Exchange Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Larsson S, Lawyer P, Garellick G, et al. Use of 13 disease registries in 5 countries demonstrates the potential to use outcome data to improve health care's value. Health Aff 2012 Jan; 31(1):220-7. [Describes AHRQ's definition of a registry as given in AHRQ publication, Registries for Evaluating Patient Outcomes: A User's Guide, second edition, 2010; cites Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Bui AL, Fonarow GC. Home monitoring for heart failure management. J Am Coll Cardiol 2012 Jan 10; 59(2):97-104. [Second author acknowledges previous AHRQ funding; mentions that AHRQ "has recently provided substantial funding to support research into the use of wireless and telephone care management to reduce HF [heart failure] readmissions," citing Recovery Act Awards for Evidence Generation Awards Grant Summary for grant number R01 HS19311-01, as published on AHRQ's Grants Online Database (GOLD) Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Nursing Care Quality
Deitrick LM, Baker K, Paxton H, et al. Hourly rounding: challenges with implementation of an evidence-based process. J Nurs Care Qual 2012 Jan-Mar; 27(1):13-19. [Cites AHRQ-authored article by Coopey, Nix, and Clancy (AHRQ director) (J Nurs Care Qual, 2006) and AHRQ-funded article by Titler and Everett (Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am, 2001).] Select to access the abstract.

Wagner LM, Harkness K, Hébert PC, et al. Nurses' perceptions of error reporting and disclosure in nursing homes. J Nurs Care Qual 2012 Jan-Mar; 27(1):63-9. [Cites AHRQ publication, Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation, 2005; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Gallagher et al. (both in Arch Intern Med, 2006), Balas, Scott, and Rogers (Appl Nurs Res, 2004), Jeffe et al. (Jt Comm J Qual Saf, 2004), and others.] Select to access the abstract.

Cohen-Mansfield J, Jensen B, Resnick B, et al. Quality of nursing home care: perceptions of physicians, psychologists, and nurse practitioners. J Nurs Care Qual 2012 Jan-Mar; 27(1):70-6. [Cites AHRQ-authored article by Briesacher, Limcangco (researcher in AHRQ's Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets), et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2005).] Select to access the abstract.

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)/Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)-Related Articles

American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Peterson BA, Gwinn ML, Valdez RA. Use of family history in clinical guidelines for diabetes and colorectal cancer. Am J Prev Med 2012 Jan; 42(1):65-70. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for colorectal cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2008) and screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults (Ann Intern Med, 2008).] Select to access the abstract.

Goode AD, Reeves MM, Eakin EG. Telephone-delivered interventions for physical activity and dietary behavior change an updated systematic review. Am J Prev Med 2012 Jan; 42(1):81-8. [Cites USPSTF-sponsored evidence summary on counseling to promote a healthy diet in adults (Am J Prev Med, 2003).] Select to access the abstract.

Archives of Internal Medicine
Fox J, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Gross CP. Older patient experiences in the mammography decision-making process. Arch Intern Med 2012 Jan 9; 172(1):62-4. [Cites USPSTF recommendation statement, Screening for Breast Cancer, 2009, as published on the USPSTF Web site; cites AHRQ-funded article by Walter et al. (JAMA, 2004), which discusses USPSTF recommendations on screening for colorectal cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2002); see comments by Grady cited below in this section.]

Grady D. Making decisions about screening mammography in older women. Arch Intern Med 2012 Jan 9; 172(1):64. [Comments on article by Fox, Zikmund-Fisher, and Gross cited above in this section; mentions updated 2009 USPSTF recommendations on screening for breast cancer.]

Seshasai SR, Wijesuriya S, Sivakumaran R, et al. Effect of aspirin on vascular and nonvascular outcomes: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Arch Intern Med 2012 Jan 9. [Epub ahead of print. Cites USPSTF recommendations on aspirin for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and associated AHRQ-authored evidence update by Wolff, Miller, et al. (both in Ann Intern Med, 2009); see comments by Mora cited below in this section.] Select to access the abstract.

Mora S. Aspirin therapy in primary prevention: to use or not to use? Arch Intern Med 2012 Jan 9. [Epub ahead of print.Cites USPSTF recommendations on aspirin for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (Ann Intern Med, 2009) and  comments on article by Seshasai et al. cited above in this section.]

Archives of Ophthalmology
Rein DB, Wittenborn JS, Zhang X, et al. The cost-effectiveness of Welcome to Medicare visual acuity screening and a possible alternative Welcome to Medicare eye evaluation among persons without diagnosed diabetes mellitus. Arch Ophthalmol 2012 Jan 9. [Epub ahead of print. Cites USPSTF-sponsored evidence review on screening older adults for impaired visual acuity (Ann Intern Med, 2009).] Select to access the abstract.

Current Psychiatry
Goulding E, Fleming M. Strategies to reduce alcohol use in problem drinkers: a targeted approach can help reduce alcohol-related harm in at-risk patients. Curr Psychiatr 2011 Nov; 10(11):30-33, 41-2. [Cites USPSTF-sponsored evidence summary on behavioral counseling interventions in primary care to reduce risky/harmful alcohol use by adults (Ann Intern Med, 2004).]

Health Affairs
Fradkin JE. Confronting the urgent challenge of diabetes: an overview. Health Aff 2012 Jan; 31(1):12-19. [Mentions USPSTF recommendations on fasting blood glucose testing for diabetes or prediabetes, possibly referencing USPSTF recommendation statement, Screening for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Adults, 2008.] Select to access the abstract.

Vojta D, De Sa J, Prospect T, et al. Effective interventions for stemming the growing crisis of diabetes and prediabetes: a national payer's perspective. Health Aff 2012 Jan; 31(1):20-6. [Cites USPSTF recommendation statement, Screening for Obesity in Adults, 2003, and USPSTF-sponsored systematic evidence review on the effectiveness of primary care-relevant treatments for obesity in adults (Ann Intern Med, 2011).] Select to access the abstract.

Villarivera C, Wolcott J, Jain A, et al. The US Preventive Services Task Force should consider a broader evidence base in updating its diabetes screening guidelines. [Discusses the USPSTF's mission and Affordable Care Act provisions related to USPSTF methodologies and health coverage for A- or B-rated preventive services and presents evidence to support revision and update of USPSTF recommendations on screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus to include other high-risk groups in addition to those with hypertension, citing USPSTF recommendations on screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults and related evidence review by Norris et al. (both in Ann Intern Med, 2008), USPSTF recommendation statement, Screening for Obesity, 2003 (as published on the USPSTF Web site), and article by Lesser et al (Ann Fam Med, 2011), which compares USPSTF recommendations to Medicare coverage.] Select to access the abstract.

Mayo Clinic Proceedings
Shuster LT, Bundrick JB, Litin SC. Clinical Pearls in women's health. Mayo Clin Proc 2012 Jan; 87(1):89-93. [Cites USPSTF recommendation statement, Screening for Cervical Cancer, 2003, as published on the USPSTF Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Wein LM, Yang Y, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD. Assessing screening policies for childhood obesity. Obesity 2012 Jan 12; [Analyzes USPSTF recommendations on screening for obesity in children and adolescents and related targeted systematic review by Whitlock (both in Pediatrics, 2010) in comparison with recommendations from an Expert Committee and an optimal biennial screening policy model.] Select to access the abstract.

Preventing Chronic Disease
Zera C, McGirr S, Oken E. Screening for obesity in reproductive-aged women. Prev Chronic Dis 2011 Nov; 8(6):A125. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for obesity in adults (Ann Intern Med, 2003). Also refer to article by Persell et al. (Am J Manag Care, 2011) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

Evidence-based Practice Centers-Related Articles

Families, Systems, and Health
Velasquez J, Knatterud-Hubinger N, Narr D, et al. Mano a Mano: Improving health in impoverished Bolivian communities through community-based participatory research. Fam Syst Health 2011 Dec; 29(4):303-13. [Cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Community-based Participatory Research: Assessing the Evidence, 2004.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Nursing Care Quality
Maiocco G, Coole C. Use of ultrasound guidance for peripheral intravenous placement in difficult-to-access patients: advancing practice with evidence. J Nurs Care Qual 2012 Jan-Mar; 27(1):51-5. [Cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Making Health Care Safer: A Critical Analysis of Patient Safety Practices, 2001.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Pediatrics
Quigley MA, Hockley C, Carson C, et al. Breastfeeding is associated with improved child cognitive development: a population-based cohort study. J Pediatr 2012 Jan; 160(1):25-32. [Cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Breastfeeding and Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes in Developed Countries, 2007. Also refer to articles by Toledo (Anesth Analg, 2011), Kong et al. (Cardiol J, 2011), and Clancy (J Am Acad Nurse Pract, 2012) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

Research by Others Using AHRQ Data or Products

American Journal of Medicine
Stein PD, Matta F, Steinberger DS, et al. Intracerebral hemorrhage with thrombolytic therapy for acute pulmonary embolism. Am J Med 2012 Jan; 125(1):50-6. [Uses 1998-2008 HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 1998-2008, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Bateman BT, Mhyre JM, Callaghan WM, et al. Peripartum hysterectomy in the United States: nationwide 14 year experience. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2012 Jan; 206(1):63.e1-e8. [Uses 1994-2007 HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), HCUP Databases, and HCUP Data Use Agreement Training, 2009, all published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Annals of Family Medicine
Jerant A, Fenton JJ, Franks P. Primary care attributes and mortality: a national person-level study. Ann Fam Med 2012 Jan; 10(1):34-41. [Uses 2000-2005 MEPS Household Component (MEPS-HC) data, citing Survey Questionnaires, 2011, and Survey Background, 2009, both published on AHRQ's MEPS Web site; cites Expanded 12-Month Survey with CAHPS Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Items, as published on AHRQ's CAHPS® Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

European Journal of Surgical Oncology
Sun M, Abdollah F, Shariat SF, et al. Propensity-score matched comparison of complications, blood transfusions, length of stay, and in-hospital mortality between open and laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: a national series. Eur J Surg Oncol 2012 Jan; 38(1):80-7. [Uses 1998-2007 HCUP NIS data and the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.

Health Affairs
Zhuo X, Zhang P, Gregg EW, et al. A nationwide community-based lifestyle program could delay or prevent type 2 diabetes cases and save $5.7 billion in 25 years. Health Aff 2012 Jan; 31(1):50-60. [Uses MEPS data as published on  AHRQ's MEPS Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Garfield RL, Damico A. Medicaid expansion under health reform may increase service use and improve access for low-income adults with diabetes. Health Aff 2012 Jan; 31(1):159-67. [Uses 2007-2008 MEPS-HC data, including the Clinical Classification Codes and Diabetes Care Survey Component within MEPS; cites AHRQ-authored article by Sing, Banthin, Selden et al. (Health Care Financ Rev, 2006), which uses MEPS data; cites AHRQ publication, Diabetes Care Quality Improvement: A Resource Guide for State Action, 2004, as published on the AHRQ Web site; cites AHRQ-funded article by DeVoe, Tillotson, and Wallace (Diabetes Care, 2009) and others.] Select to access the abstract.

Phelan EA, Borson S, Grothaus L, et al. Association of incident dementia with hospitalizations. JAMA 2012 Jan 11; 307(2):165-72. [Uses HCUP data, citing AHRQ publications, Hospitalizations in the Elderly Population, 2003, HCUP Statistical Brief 6, 2006 (as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site), and Preventable Hospitalizations: A Window Into Primary and Preventive Care, 2000, HCUP Fact Book 5, 2004 (as published on the AHRQ Archive Web site); cites AHRQ-authored article by Zhan, Miller, Wong, and Meyer (Health Serv Res, 2004), which uses HCUP State Inpatient Databases (SID) data, and AHRQ-funded article by Bindman et al. (JAMA, 1995).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Shah RU, Freeman JV, Shilane D, et al. Procedural complications, rehospitalizations, and repeat procedures after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2012 Jan 10; 59(2):143-9. [Uses 2005-2008 HCUP SID data for California, citing Overview of the State Inpatient Databases (SID), 2005-2009, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Mayo SC, Gilson MM, Herman JM, et al. Management of patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma: national trends in patient selection, operative management, and use of adjuvant therapy. J Am Coll Surg 2012 Jan; 214(1):33-45. [Uses AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998); cites articles by Li et al. (BMC Health Serv Res, 2008), Baldwin et al. (Med Care, 2006), Southern, Quan, and Ghali (Med Care, 2004), and Quan, Parsons, and Ghali (Med Care, 2002), all of which use AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures and/or the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.

Al-Refaie WB, Muluneh B, Zhong W, et al. Who receives their complex cancer surgery at low-volume hospitals? J Am Coll Surg 2012 Jan; 214(1):81-7. [Uses 2003-2008 HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site, and HCUP Comorbidity Software, as described in article by Elixhauser et al. (Med Care, 1998); cites AHRQ-funded articles by Birkmeyer et al. (N Engl J Med, 2002 and 2003) and others.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Nursing Care Quality
Lacey SR, Olney A, Cox KS. The Clinical Scene Investigator Academy: the power of staff nurses improving patient and organizational outcomes. J Nurs Care Qual 2012 Jan-Mar; 27(1):56-62. [Uses AHRQ data on average costs for treating pressure ulcers (citing AHRQ publication, Hospitalizations Related to Pressure Sores, 2003, HCUP Statistical Brief 3, 2006, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site) to calculate savings achieved through the project described in this article;  cites AHRQ publication, Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses, Section II: Evidence-based Practice, 2008, as published on the AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Venugoplan SR, Nanda V, Turkistani K, et al. Discharge patterns of orthognathic surgeries in the United States. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012 Jan; 70(1):e77-e86. [Uses 2008 HCUP NIS data, citing NIS Database Documentation, 2008, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Vascular Surgery
Khatri R, Chaudhry SA, Vazquez G, et al. Age differential between outcomes of carotid angioplasty and stent placement and carotid endarterectomy in general practice. J Vasc Surg 2012 Jan; 55(1):72-8. [Uses 2005-2008 HCUP NIS data as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site and cites HCUP Databases, 2011.] Select to access the abstract.

Hertzer NR. The Nationwide Inpatient Sample may contain inaccurate data for carotid endarterectomy and carotid stenting. J Vasc Surg 2012 Jan; 55(1):263-6. [Uses HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Shah RK, Lander L, Berry JG, et al. Tracheotomy outcomes and complications: a national perspective. Laryngoscope 2012 Jan; 122(1):25-9. [Uses 2006 HCUP NIS data, citing Introduction to the HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2006, 2008, and Nationwide Inpatient Sample Data Use Agreement, 2006, both published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Gourin CG, Frick KD. National trends in laryngeal cancer surgery and the effect of surgeon and hospital volume on short-term outcomes and cost of care. Laryngoscope 2012 Jan; 122(1):88-94. [Uses 1993-2008 HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site, and the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Romano, Roos, and Jollis (J Clin Epidemiol, 1993); cites AHRQ-funded article by Birkmeyer et al. (N Engl J Med, 2002).] Select to access the abstract.

Medical Principles and Practice
Ovbiagele B. Sex-specific time trends in very elderly patients (aged =80 years) hospitalized with myocardial infarction. Med Princ Pract 2012; 21(1):93-6. [Uses 1997-2006 HCUP NIS data as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; mentions HCUP SID data.] Select to access the abstract.

Borhani Haghighi A, Edgell RC, Cruz-Flores S, et al. Mortality of cerebral venous-sinus thrombosis in a large national sample. Stroke 2012 Jan; 43(1):262-4. [Uses 2000-2007 HCUP NIS data and HCUP Clinical Classifications Software (CCS). Also refer to articles by Curtis et al. (Arthritis Res Ther, 2011), Wagner et al. (J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2012), Nurgalieva, Liu, and Du (Med Oncol, 2011), and Fu et al. (Qual Life Res, 2011) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

Current as of January 2012

Internet Citation:

Articles of Interest, January 13, 2012. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


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