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Administers the aerospace medicine program; conducts medical examinations and provides medical care for flyers, missile crews, and others with special standards of medical qualification and their families. Evaluates living and working environments to detect and control health hazards and prevent disease and injury within the Air Force community.



Duties And Responsibilities

Duties And Responsibilities
Duties And Responsibilities
Provides aerospace medicine support. Implements policies and procedures and prepares directives governing flight medicine, preventive medicine, and occupational medicine. Serves as liaison with federal, state, and local agencies in matters related to aerospace medicine, preventive medicine, and occupational medicine. Follows medical standards for flying and special operational personnel and submits recommendations on waivers of medical standards. Develops programs to ensure a fit force for worldwide deployments. Participates in training programs for aeromedical personnel. Provides preventive medicine support. Directs health education and control measures for preventable diseases and injuries. Determines adequacy of living and work environments. Provides advice on nutrition, food service sanitation, water supply safety, sewage and waste disposal, immunizations, and health education. Conducts or provides consultation for disease outbreak investigations and health services research. Advises medical staff. Advises medical and dental staff on treatment of flying and special operational personnel and preparation of patients for aeromedical evacuation. Provides medical advice and guidance to bioenvironmental engineering, public health, physiological training, and other organizations. Provides epidemiological expertise for population-based health services and evidence-based medical practice. Provides occupational medicine support. Participates in the process of determining frequency and scope of occupational medicine exams required by federal regulations and workplace exposures. Conducts and supervises placement and periodic health exams for employees. Identifies occupational hazards, notifies appropriate agencies of occupational diseases, and job related injuries or illnesses. Conducts medical examinations of personnel with special standards of medical care. Examines personnel requiring special medical care standards to determine fitness for flying and special duties, or to recommend continuance, removal, or return to flying status and aviation service. Provides and organizes medical care for flyers and special operational personnel and their families, to include prospective medicine, counseling, and family unit support. Manages disorders and injuries unique to flight medicine. Provides specialty consultation to aeromedical staff. Serves as liaison between flying squadrons and other medical services. Provides continuing comprehensive health maintenance and medical care to entire family regardless of sex, age, or type of problem. Directs outpatient and inpatient care and service. Provides medical support to operational mission and serves as staff advisor to flying squadron commander. Regularly participates in the flying mission. Inflight duties include evaluation of aircrew, aircraft, environment, and mission to provide feedback and guidance to line and medical staff. Develops and manages an aggressive preventive medicine program, including education of flying and special operational personnel in healthy life styles. Establishes procedures for aircraft mishap and disaster response and managing casualties in aviation accidents and other disasters. Provides advice on air rescue and aeromedical evacuation. Serves on aircraft mishap investigation boards. Participates in flying safety and aircrew performance enhancement programs. Provides medical support during contingency operations. Conducts medical prevention, intervention and evacuation activities during contingency operations. Gathers and utilizes medical intelligence to provide optimal medical support to deployed forces. Develops support mechanisms for family members of deployed personnel. Integrates family practice with an understanding of aviation and contingency medicine to identify research needs in support of Air Force operations.


Specialty Qualifications

Specialty Qualifications
Specialty Qualifications
Knowledge. Fulfillment of education and experience requirements satisfies this requirement.

Education. For entry into this specialty, it is mandatory to possess a doctor of medicine degree or a doctor of osteopathy degree from an approved school of medicine or osteopathy.

Residency Trained Flight Surgeon is available in the following units