July 7, 2005

Lincoln Memorial - Security Improvements
(File Number 6265)

The Commission approved a security barrier line location that crosses Memorial Circle at Bacon and French Drives and descends the lower stairs to the level of the Reflecting Pool. NCPC provided several recommendations as the National Park Service continues to develop the barrier design. NCPC’s suggestions include developing a design for the base of the lower stairs that preserves the integrity of the grass terraces; terminating the retaining wall east of Bacon and French Drives but before reaching the access ramps; and developing and testing a bollard that is appropriate for the setting. Before submitting additional plans to NCPC, the National Park Service should complete its NEPA review of the revised proposal and respond to public comments and questions on the environmental effects of the proposal.

See the Commission Action and Staff Recommendation

Georgetown Waterfront Park - Preliminary Plans
(File Number 6383)

The Commission approved preliminary site development plans for the Wisconsin Avenue Terminus, which extends from the shoreline to K Street, under the Whitehurst Freeway. Plans for the park include a promenade along the river’s edge; areas for interpretive displays; open lawn areas for passive recreation; and an interactive water feature. As part of its action, the Commission did not approve the proposed pergola design, pedestrian sidewalk, or multi-lamp Washington Globe at the Wisconsin Avenue park entrance.

See the Commission Action and Staff Recommendation

Federal Capital Improvements Program
(File Number 1485)

The Commission authorized the circulation of the proposed Federal Capital Improvements Program (FYs 2006-2011) for review and comment by federal, regional, state, and local government agencies, interested organizations, and individuals. The draft FCIP contains 176 proposed projects at an estimated total cost of $6.1 billion. The Commission noted that the recently issued Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) recommendations have impacted the FCIP and, in particular, the information provided by the Department of Defense facilities. NCPC will continue to work with BRAC-impacted facilities as it prepares the final document.

See the Commission Action and Staff Recommendation

Consent Calendar: The Commission voted on Consent Calendar items without staff presentations or public testimony.

Delegated Decisions: Projects for which the Commission delegated decision-making authority to the Chairman, Executive Committee, or Executive Director.