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Information Technology Portal - Overview

Advancing the state-of-the-art in IT in such applications as cyber security and biometrics, the National Institute of Standards and Technology accelerates the development and deployment of systems that are reliable, usable, interoperable, and secure; advances measurement science through innovations in mathematics, statistics, and computer science; and conducts research to develop the measurements and standards infrastructure for emerging information technologies and applications.

Cloud Computing >>

Computer Security Resource Center >>

Information Technology Laboratory >>

Smart Grid >>

National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) >>

Programs and Projects
Measurement Science for Complex Information Systems

This project aims to develop and evaluate a coherent set of methods to understand behavior … more

TRECVid Surveillance Event Detection Evaluation Track

The Surveillance Event Detection (SED) evaluation track is part of the TRECVid Evaluation and is intended to help promote technology development … more

Statistical Metrology Short Courses

Staff members of the Statistical Engineering Division regularly offer short courses on uncertainty analysis, design of experiments, and other … more

Metrics for Manipulation and Enhancements of Forensic Images

Latent fingerprints are, by definition, left unintentionally and are obtained using diverse physical and chemical techniques. It follows that the … more

Federal Computer Security Program Managers' Forum (Forum)

The Federal Computer Security Program Managers' Forum is an informal group sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology … more

Machine Translation Program

The Multimodal Information Group's machine translation (MT) program includes several activities contributing to machine … more

Network Modeling Software

This software is a set of NetworkX additions for the creation of graphs to model networks. Graphicality Testing -- This is a set of routines for … more

Simulation tool for P25 ISSI protocols

The P25 ISSI Simulation Tool is designed to allow Public Safety users to analyze and to understand the behavior of the network when deploying the … more

Video-based Automated System for Iris Recognition (VASIR)

Video-based Automatic System for Iris Recognition (VASIR) is a NIST implemented iris recognition algorithm designed to work on both conventional … more

Seamless and Secure Mobility - Tools

A simulation platform based on NS-2 as been developed in order to leverage publicly available modules for several wireless and wired technologies. more

Extreme Winds and Wind Effects on Structures

The Building and Fire Research Laboratory has an established long-term collaboration with the NIST Statistical Engineering Division in the … more

OOF: Finite Element Analysis of Microstructures

The OOF software provides a finite-element modeling capability to users in the field of materials science. It encapsulates advanced numerical … more

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