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Author(s): Gergel-Hackett, N. E.; Hill, A. A.; Hacker, C. A.; Richter, C. A.;
Title: The Integration of Molecular Electronic Devices with Traditional CMOS Technologies
Published: August 28, 2008
Abstract: This work describes the development of hybrid circuits composed of silicon-based molecular electronic devices and traditional CMOS technology. In the development of these circuits, we first fabricated individual CMOS-compatible molecular electronic devices and established their effectiveness. We then designed and used traditional VLSI tools to layout a hybrid circuit that includes CMOS for the on-chip characterization of the molecular devices, as well as a platform composed of the contacts and interconnects for the molecular electronic devices. Finally, we developed the procedures for the post-processing fabrication of the molecular electronic devices using CMOS-compatible techniques. This work is an important step towards the realization of hybrid molecular/traditional circuits, both for advancing novel 'beyond CMOS' molecular electronic technology, but also for enabling hybrid circuits for the on-chip characterization of the molecular electronic devices via CMOS instrumentation.
Proceedings: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Nanotechnology
Pages: 4 pp.
Location: Arlington, TX
Dates: August 18-21, 2008
Keywords: molecular electronics; hybrid circuits
Research Areas: Nanoelectronics and Nanoscale Electronics
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