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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Diabetes Care

Research Findings

Research Activities, August 2012:
Insulin pump and glucose monitoring improve blood-sugar control for diabetes patients

Research Activities, July 2012:
Costly, ineffective tests used more often than more effective, but inexpensive tests to diagnose peripheral neuropathy
Rise in prescription copays puts different patients at risk for nonadherence to medications
Web videonovela series helps Spanish-speaking patients compare treatments for diabetes

Research Activities, May 2012:
Study outlines factors associated with untreated diabetes

Research Activities, April 2012:
Primary care visits every 2 weeks linked to better treatment outcomes for patients with diabetes
A "diabetes dashboard" screen helps clinicians quickly and accurately access patient data needed for quality diabetes care
Hospital readmissions higher for chronic conditions

Research Activities, March 2012:
Some diabetes practice guidelines do not reflect all available evidence

Research Activities, February 2012:
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) associated with elevated hemoglobin A1c levels in low-income blacks with diabetes

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Research Activities, December 2011:
Many challenges remain in the design and use of consumer health informatics interventions
Similarly effective international guidelines for managing cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes vary in costs

Research Activities, November 2011:
Among patients with diabetes, racial/ethnic discrimination by health care providers is uncommon

Research Activities, October 2011:
A structured goal-setting approach can improve care outcomes for patients with type 2 diabetes
Patients with type 2 diabetes express mixed reactions to a mobile phone and Web-based disease management program

Research Activities, September 2011:
Metformin just as effective as other medications for treating type 2 diabetes

Research Activities, July 2011:
Chronic Care Model linked to exercise discussions during primary care office visits for diabetes
Metformin remains the medication of first choice in treating type 2 diabetes
Empowerment approach to diabetes education works better than the traditional didactic approach

Research Activities, June 2011:
Treatment by physicians with same race and language as the patient may improve medication adherence

Research Activities, May 2011:
Patient Web portals improve diabetes care and outcomes
Diabetes testing plummets among poor, minority, and inner-city adults

Research Activities, April 2011:
Obese patients with hypertension and diabetes have a greater risk of dying after noncardiac surgery
Medications differ in their effect on risk of foot ulcers and limb amputations in patients with diabetes
Diet and medication adherence can reduce cardiovascular disease for patients with type 2 diabetes
Many patients with diabetes who reach the Medicare Part D drug coverage gap don't talk about drug costs with their doctors
Patients with limited health literacy less likely to use an Internet portal for diabetes and other health information
Spending for prescriptions to control diabetes, cholesterol, and other metabolic conditions exceeds $52 billion

Research Activities, March 2011:
Better adherence to diabetes medications means fewer hospitalizations and emergency department visits
AHRQ's Health Care Innovations Exchange offers innovative solutions to caring for women with gestational diabetes

Research Activities, February 2011:
Research comparing diabetes medications helps patients and clinicians choose the right one
The number of U.S. adults treated for diabetes more than doubled between 1996 and 2007
One in 16 women hospitalized for childbirth has diabetes

Research Activities, January 2011:
Most patients with type 2 diabetes suffer an adverse event between office visits

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Research Activities, December 2010:
Fragmentation of care for complex diabetes patients may be associated with greater use of the emergency department
For hypertensive patients with diabetes, blood pressure drops quicker with more frequent interactions with clinicians
Despite their helpfulness to guiding care, home blood pressure readings are rarely documented in routine clinical care
Race/ethnic origin of mother and father influence whether the mother develops gestational diabetes

Research Activities, November 2010:
Use of diabetes pills up, insulin use down

Research Activities, October 2010:
Patients with adult-onset diabetes with limited health literacy more likely to suffer hypoglycemic episodes
Treating Americans with diabetes cost hospitals $83 billion

Research Activities, August 2010:
Health literacy level has no impact on frequency of blood-glucose monitoring for inner-city patients with diabetes

Research Activities, June 2010:
More adults with diabetes are getting flu shots

Research Activities, April 2010:
Providing customized clinical information to patients and physicians does not improve diabetes care
Counseling education does not significantly boost residents' dietary counseling of patients with diabetes
Cholesterol and diabetes drugs lead drug spending for the elderly

Research Activities, March 2010:
Primary care organizational characteristics are linked to the self-management behaviors of patients with diabetes
Clinicians should be cautious when prescribing one class of diabetes drugs for patients at high risk for heart attack

Research Activities, January 2010:
Web-based programs help patients with diabetes feel empowered to take care of themselves
Two-thirds of people with diabetes miss some critically important exams to manage the disease

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Research Activities, December 2009:
Best time to start statins in patients with diabetes depends on the cardiovascular risk model used
Care is poor for diabetic patients without insurance and no regular care provider
Men with prostate cancer who receive androgen deprivation therapy are at elevated risk of bone fractures, cardiovascular mortality, and diabetes
Electronic patient-provider messaging is linked to good diabetes control

Research Activities, November 2009:
Medicare coverage gap may prompt some patients with diabetes to cut back on their medicines

Research Activities, October 2009:
Cost and depression serve as barriers to performing self-care behaviors for people with diabetes
Self-management support results in better diabetes outcomes
New guides can help pregnant women and doctors compare treatments for gestational diabetes

Research Activities, September 2009:
Uninsured and partially insured patients with diabetes are less likely to be screened at Federally Qualified Health Centers
Primary care practice structure affects control of risk factors for cardiovascular disease among patients with diabetes

Research Activities, August 2009:
Coronary artery bypass surgery may be better than angioplasty for older patients and those with diabetes

Research Activities, July 2009:
More comprehensive American Indian and Alaska Native diabetes education programs are linked to better diabetes care
Fewer than half of patients with diabetes are referred for lifestyle counseling, nutrition, and exercise
Patients with diabetes and depression are less likely to achieve goals for glucose control
Hospitalizations for asthma, diabetes, and other conditions are much higher among the poor
Keeping diabetes under control is still elusive for many Americans
Nearly two in three publicly insured adults under age 65 suffer from one or more chronic conditions

Research Activities, June 2009:
Home care problems can put patients with diabetes at risk for visits to the emergency room or hospitalization
Failure to intensify drug therapies may lead to suboptimal control of diabetes despite adequate monitoring
Weekly telephone calls help patients with limited English proficiency and literacy self-manage diabetes

Research Activities, May 2009:
Telephone nurse support can be cost-effective to help improve functioning and quality of life for patients with diabetes
New plain language guides on the comparison of insulin treatments for Type 2 diabetes are available

Research Activities, April 2009:
Young women with diabetes do not receive recommended preventive services
A new tool helps companies estimate costs and possible savings for diabetes care

Research Activities, March 2009:
Indigent patients with diabetes who get free medications have lower blood-sugar levels

Research Activities, February 2009:
Social support did not yield better health results in study of patients with diabetes

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AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care