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Grant News

Enduring Questions Awards, March 2012

March 28, 2012 | By NEH Staff

The Division of Education Programs announced 22 awards in the Enduring Questions program in March 2012.

These grants support the development of a new course on a fundamental question addressed by the humanities. For more information about Enduring Questions, please click here.

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “Thinking About Law: What Is It and What Are Its Claims on Us?”      
Alice Behnegar, Boston College

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is the Value of a Liberal Arts Education?”      
Scott Campbell, Nazareth College of Rochester

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is a Neighbor?”      
Jason Cohen, Berea College

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is Free Will?      
William Deal, Case Western Reserve University

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “How Do We Best Educate Citizens?”      
Christine Dinkins, Wofford College

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “Who Owns the Past?”      
Casey Due-Hackney, University of Houston

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is Civility?”      
Ann Hartle, Emory University

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is Human Dignity?”      
Glenn Hughes, St. Mary’s University of San Antonio

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “Is Virtue Its Own Reward?”      
Jonathan Jacobs, CUNY Research Foundation, John Jay College

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “How Can Meaning Be Found When a Culture Has Been Lost?”      
Linda Johnson, Concordia College, Moorhead

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is Nature?”      
Elizabeth Kindleberger, University of Maine, Machias

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is a Person?”      
Steven McGuire, Eastern University

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is the Role of Reading in Human Life?”      
Stuart Patterson, Shimer College

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is Time?”      
Marcella Paul, St. Norbert College

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is Belief?”      
William Robert, Syracuse University

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “How Is the World Ordered?”      
Joanne Robinson, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is Memory?”            
Martha Rust, New York University

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Form of Government Is Best Suited to Human Society?”
Robert Saldin, University of Montana

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Makes Us Human?”
David Smith, University of New England

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is Free Will?”
Howard Steeves, DePaul University

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is the Nature of Happiness?”
Mark Walker, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces

NEH Enduring Questions Course on “What Is Racial Difference?”
Cord Whitaker, University of New Hampshire