Apr 16, 2012 Issues: Tax Reform

Washington, DC (April 17, 2012) Today, Congressman Steve Pearce released the following statement regarding Tax Day:

“Tax Day is a day which brings frustration to many hard working Americans.  Amidst the most challenging economic times we have seen in decades, Americans want hope, but Washington gives them no light at the end of the tunnel. Once a year, citizens open up their wallets to Washington and contribute their hard-earned money to a government that continues to squander it.”

“Washington is taking too much from businesses and individuals. Last month, we voted for tax code reform in the budget passed by the House of Representatives. This would lower corporate taxes and put more money back in the pockets of hard working Americans. By doing so, we can begin to combat our economic crisis with small business growth. I am committed to continuing the fight to put more money back in your pockets."

“The money you pay in taxes is not simply a government figure to be altered at will, but your property, for which you have sacrificed hard work and valuable hours.  It is time for Washington to act accordingly with legislation that remembers the American worker—the American taxpayer. American families are tightening their belts, and Washington must do the same.”

“On Tax Day, let us remember to hold our elected officials accountable to spend our money carefully and responsibly.  And, as businesses continue to struggle under oppressive taxes, let us remember those American families who are still without jobs today.”
