Jul 11, 2012 Issues: Health Care, Tax Reform

Washington, DC (July 11, 2012) Congressman Pearce issued the following statement on the House of Representatives’ passage of H.R. 6079, the Repeal of Obamacare Act.

“Today, I am pleased the House of Representatives acted so decisively to repeal the damaging healthcare legislation recently viewed as constitutional by the Supreme Court.

“Since the Supreme Court validated this overreaching law as a tax, I have heard from constituents throughout the Second District calling for the immediate repeal of this bill that creates 21 new or higher taxes.  If this law is fully implemented, average New Mexican families will be forced to pay roughly $4,700 a year in new taxes alone.

“On top of the huge expense, this bill places bureaucrat’s between patients and their doctors.  This is just unacceptable.  Now that the House has repealed this bill, Congress must work on creating real healthcare reform centered on patients needs.”

H.R. 6079 passed by a final vote of 244-185.

In 2010 Congress enacted Obamacare which created sweeping changes to our nation’s healthcare system.  Included within these changes was an individual mandate clause, stating that virtually all Americans must purchase healthcare insurance.  On June 28, 2012, the Supreme Court  in a 5 to 4 decision ruled to uphold Obamacare and the provisions within the law.  SCOTUS determined that Congress has the ability to levy the individual mandate as a tax.
