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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Housing   >   RMRA   >   OE   >   Reports   >   Share Reports   >   FHA-Insured Single-Family Mortgage Originations and Market Share Report
Quarterly Report to Congress on FHA Single-Family Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund Programs

Quarter 3, 2012

This report is in fulfillment of the requirement under section 2118 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (12 USC 1708(a)(5)) that HUD report to the Congress on a quarterly basis respecting mortgages that are an obligation of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund. HUD uses this report to provide public information on new endorsement activity, delinquency, claim and prepayment rate trends, and financial information on core insurance operations.


    • 2012 - Quarter 3, Full Report (PDF)
    • 2012 - Quarter 2, Full Report (PDF)
    • 2012 - Quarter 1, Full Report  (PDF), Highlights (PDF)