The NewsRoom
Release: 4024
Date: August 14, 2009

MMS Awards Grant to Alaska to Assess Mining Risks

Provides Funding Through the Coastal Impact Assistance Program

ANCHORAGE – The Minerals Management Service (MMS) has awarded a $58,000 grant to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game through the Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) for a project to assess the risk of mining in the Stikine River.

The assessment will document existing data specific to water quality and sediments that may affect the various fish and wildlife resources in the Stikine River, which is located approximately 25 miles north of Wrangell. This information will be used by the department to review and evaluate proposals for hard-rock mines to identify potential changes to aquatic habitats as a result of mining activity.

“MMS is proud to partner with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game through the Coastal Impact Assistance Program on important projects that will provide protection of our coastal area and its delicate habitat,” said MMS Alaska Regional Director John Goll.

Alaska’s CIAP plan was approved by the Minerals Management Service on September 30, 2008.
The CIAP was created by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and provides $250 million in grants annually, from 2007-2010, to six eligible Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas producing states – Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Alaska, California, and Mississippi. The total funding to Alaska includes $79.8 million fiscal years 2007 through 2010.

    Nicholas Pardi   (202) 208-3985

MMS: Securing Ocean Energy & Economic Value for America
U.S. Department of the Interior

Last Updated: 09/17/2010, 05:10 PM Central Time