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Events and Training

September 18, 2012 - Webinar.  Join us for a FREE webinar! The REO Appraisal will acquaint the audience with the correct reporting procedures that FHA Roster appraisers should follow when completing FHA appraisal reports for HUD Real Estate Owned (REO) properties. Appraisers new to the FHA Roster, as well as seasoned professionals looking for a refresher will benefit. Registrants will receive an email confirmation prior to the webinar with a web link, a toll-free dial-in number, and instructions for participating in the training.   Registration required, no fee.  Questions? Email us.  Course Materials.

September 20, 2012 - Phoenix, AZ. FHA Basic Loss Mitigation training for HUD approved housing counseling agencies, local servicing lenders and nonprofits. Registration required, no fee.

September 20 & 21, 2012 - Los Angeles, CA, FHA Lender Training. FHA's Santa Ana Homeownership Center will be conducting 2-day classes on recent changes, automated (AUS) vs. manual underwriting, review and discussion of feedback certificate and documentation, post endorsement technical reviews, insuring deficiencies, highlights of underwriting the FHA appraisal and much more. This training is highly beneficial for mortgage lending professionals; Underwriters, Processors, and Loan Officers, but all are welcomed.  Registration required, no fee. This event is closed for registration.

September 24, 2012 - Chicago, IL. FHA Appraiser Training for Appraisers and Underwriters. The training includes coverage of recent Mortgage Letters, valuation policies, appraising HUD REO properties, Minimum Property Requirements (MPR), and defining required repairs vs. cosmetic deficiencies. Registration required, no fee.

September 25, 2012 - Chicago, IL. FHA Lender Training for Underwriters. The credit underwriter training includes coverage of recent Mortgage Letters, Post Endorsement Technical Reviews (PETRs), and general do's and don'ts. Registration required, no fee.

October 10, 2012 - Denver. The FHA Appraisal.  This FREE one-day class discusses FHA appraisal requirements including FHA Appraisal Protocol, updates to FHA appraisal policy, as well as equips attendees with the knowledge to determine property eligibility. This course provides a refresher to seasoned FHA appraisers, as well as provides valuable information to appraisers new to the FHA roster.  Registration required, no fee.  Questions? E-mail us.

October 11, 2012 - Denver. FHA FAQ & Updates. This FREE all day classroom training will provide clarification to current hot topics and frequently asked questions (FAQs) in today's FHA lending environment. Covered topics will include: Credit and Income Scenarios, Occupancy and Refinance Transactions, 203K, REO, EEM, FHA Connection, and 203H transactions as well as most recent Mortgagee Letters.  There will also be time for open discussion between the audience and HUD staff.  Registration required, no fee.  Questions? E-mail us.

October 15-17, 2012 - San Antonio, TX. National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association Annual Meeting & Expo. Join NRMLA at the largest annual gathering of reverse mortgage professionals to discuss HECM counseling, servicing and other policy issues. Registration required,, fee.

December 10-14, 2012 - Washington, DC. NeighborWorks Training Institute. Attend a broad range of professional development courses for housing counselors. Registration required.


Recurring Events & Online Training

Electronic Class (EClass) on FHA Loss Mitigation & Servicing System: The EClass System provides additional training on FHA's Loss Mitigation Programs, including FHA's Home Affordable Modification Program (FHA-HAMP), as well as continuing education on loss mitigation & servicing issues that have generated the most industry questions & requests for further training. The EClass System is designed to provide web-based training to HUD-Approved Servicers, HUD-Approved & Nonprofit Housing Counseling Agencies. Find out more...

FHA Homeownership Center Webinar Archive. Did you miss a webinar? Catch up by visiting the webinar archive.

HOPE LoanPort hosts on-line training. Training classes are offered Tuesdays at 3:00 PM EST and Thursdays at 1:00 PM EST. Once you have joined the training session, you will be able to download the meeting materials and follow along with the presenter. Registration Required. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the HOPE LoanPort team by email.

National Council of La Raza presents on-line webinar training for housing counselors. Visit their website for a schedule of upcoming courses.

Foreclosure Prevention Workshops for Consumers. Looking for foreclosure prevention advice? Attend a workshop for homeowners sponsored by a community-based organization in your area. Visit the calendar on FreddieMac's website.

The Illinois Mortgage Bankers Association (IMBA) conducts frequent training workshops for mortgage professionals on FHA subjects. Visit their website for a calendar of upcoming training opportunities. Fee.

NeighborWorks Training Institute conducts frequent training workshops around the nation for non-profit housing professionals. Scholarships are available on a limited basis for qualified non-profit agencies.

HECM Counselors can get information about HECM training at:

HUD has Webcasts that provide training for housing industry partners. A Webcast is a video you can watch right from your computer screen. HUD offers live Webcasts & an archive of previously aired training sessions & programs.

The Illinois Association of Mortgage Professionals has frequent training courses for mortgage industry professionals. Visit their website for more information. Fee.

This Calendar may provide training opportunities & event announcements for non-profit & local government HUD partners. HUD does not endorse the sponsoring organizations, or the views they express, or the products/services they or their community/business partners may offer. Learn more about HUD's web policies.

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