• ADP 1 - The Army Released!<p>This capstone doctrine publication frames how we, as the Soldiers and Civilians of the United States Army, think about the strategic environment, develop and refine doctrine, and chart a course into the future.</p><p>Read: <a href='http://armypubs.army.mil/doctrine/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/adp1.pdf' target='_blank' title='ADP 1'  onclick='_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "PDF", "Download", "ADP 1"]);'>ADP 1 ››</a>   |  Chapter 2: Our Profession</p>
  • Mobile Device Apps Coming Soon!<p>We currently have several apps under development. Go to our Apps Page to find a brief description and screenshots of the apps.</p><p>Go to: <a href='http://cape.army.mil/apps.php' title='CAPE Apps Page'> Apps Page ››</a> |    Download AP Pamphlet for: <a href='https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alion.cape.ap&hl=en' target='_blank'>Android ››</a> </p>
  • Hazing and Harassment Resources <p>Hazing, sexual harassment and sexual assault are not acts of an Army professional. Below are some resources to reinforce the expectations of Army professionals.<br>
                    Read: <a href='http://cape.army.mil/Brochures/Trust%20and%20respect%20Brochure%204-14printready.pdf' target='_blank' title='Trust and Respect Brochure'  onclick='_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "PDF", "Download", "Brochures/Trust%20and%20respect%20Brochure%204-14printready.pdf"]);'>Brochure ›› </a>   |   
                    <a href='repository/SMA Sends Hazing.pdf' target='_blank' title='SMAs Letter about Hazing'  onclick='_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "PDF", "Download", "repository/SMA Sends Hazing.pdf"]);'>SMA Hazing Letter ››</a><br>Scenes are identified in Virtual Simulators to address hazing:<br> 
                    <a href='repository/BackboneHazing.pdf' target='_blank'  onclick='_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "PDF", "Download", "repository/BackboneHazing.pdf"]);'>Backbone of the Army</a> | 
                    <a href='repository/FutureisNowHazing.pdf' target='_blank'  onclick='_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "PDF", "Download", "repository/FutureisNowHazing.pdf"]);'>The Future is Now</a> | 
                    <a href='repository/HighGroundHazing.pdf' target='_blank' onclick='_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "PDF", "Download", "repository/HighGroundHazing.pdf"]);'>The High Ground</a> | 
                    <a href='repository/TFAHazing.pdf' target='_blank'  onclick='_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "PDF", "Download", "repository/TFAHazing.pdf"]);'>True Faith and Allegiance</a>
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Top 5 Downloaded Videos (9/16 - 9/22)

  1. The Army Profession
  2. Army Ethic
  3. Profession of Arms Official Video
  4. Army Culture
  5. Trust

Senior Leaders Combat

"Trust is the bedrock of our profession," Stewart said. "If we cannot stop hazing each other, bullying each other or calling each other names, then how can we trust each other as an organization?"
-SGM David Stewart     Full Article ››

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