U.S. Fire Administration Commemorates National Fire Prevention Week

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USFA Press Office: (301) 447-1853

Emmitsburg, MD - National Fire Prevention Week will be commemorated this year from October 5-11. The theme for 2008 is "Prevent Home Fires."

"As winter months and holidays get closer, the rates of fire and fire deaths increase. Take a little time to ensure that you and your family do not have to suffer the effects of a fire in your home," said U.S. Fire Administrator Greg Cade. "Each of us would benefit from checking our own homes for fire hazards and making sure that everyone in the residence knows what to do in case of fire.

Each year, fire departments respond to over 400,000 residential fires. Annually more than 3,500 people die from fire in their own homes. In many cases, some simple steps may have prevented the fire from starting. The most common causes of home fires result from cooking, heating, electrical malfunction, smoking materials, and candles. Each of these activities carries with it a risk of fire, but that risk can be greatly lessened if you follow some common sense safety tips.

The U.S. Fire Administration has a great deal of information, related to each of the common causes of residential fire on its Website. There is also information on smoke alarms, escape planning, and fire sprinklers. Please find out what you can do to ensure that you and your family lower the risk of a home fire.

The United States Fire Administration recommends everyone should have a comprehensive fire protection plan that includes smoke alarms, residential sprinklers, and practicing a home fire escape plan.