News / Asia

Japan: Chinese Patrol Ships Leave Disputed Waters

An aerial photo from a Kyodo News aircraft shows the Chinese marine surveillance ship Haijian No. 51 (front) cruising as a Japan Coast Guard ship sails near the disputed islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, in the East China Sea, Septembe
VOA News
All six Chinese surveillance ships have left Japanese-controlled waters after briefly conducting a patrol mission near a group of disputed islands.

Japan's Coast Guard say the ships left the area surrounding the uninhabited archipelago Friday after both sides exchanged warnings in the contested waters.

Japan had organized an emergency task force and summoned the Chinese ambassador in response to the move, which it called "regrettable" and "unprecedented."

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hong Lei said the "routine law enforcement" mission was "completely justifiable," saying the current tensions between Tokyo and Beijing are "completely caused by Japan."

China's official Xinhua news agency said the mission dealt "a big blow to the inflated swagger of Japan."

Tensions surrounding the rocky islets, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, have heightened since Tokyo angered China by purchasing them this week from a private Japanese landowner.

Since then, anti-Japan protests have broken out across China. On Friday, dozens of protesters waved Chinese flags and chanted slogans as they marched outside Japan's embassy in Beijing, calling for Japan to leave the uninhabited islands.

The protests came as the Japanese consulate in Shanghai reported that a group of Japanese citizens were hurt during an assault in a Chinese restaurant. Their injuries were minor. Japan's foreign ministry has warned its citizens in China to be aware of anti-Japan protests and not draw attention to themselves.

China's vice commerce minister, Jiang Zengwei, warned Thursday the dispute could affect trade between China and Japan, while Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba called for calm.

China is Japan’s largest trading partner.

On Monday, Japan announced a $26 million deal to nationalize the disputed island chain, whose waters contain rich fishing grounds and potential oil reserves. Japanese officials said the move was meant to ensure that no one triggers a confrontation with China by developing the uninhabited islands.

China called Japan's purchase a violation of Chinese sovereignty, saying China does not recognize any Japanese ownership of the islands.  China urged Japan to revoke the purchase immediately.

Japan rejected China's demand, saying Tokyo will not reconsider a transaction involving what it considers to be sovereign Japanese territory.

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September 15, 2012 3:35 AM
What is China today used to be a large number of lands and territories robbed or invaded by ancient Chinese dynasties. Through out history chinese governments have killed millions of foreign people to rob their lands, properties...Chinese troops have raped countless of foreign women. Take Vietnam for example, Vietnam was under thousands of years under the rules of Chinese dynasties. The Chinese killed much more Vietnamese in history than the japanese did in the WWII.
In Response

by: Nigeshabi from: Canada
September 15, 2012 5:23 PM
Think about the killings Vietnam have done to Chinese in the past thousands of year, what I know is Vietnam often robbed/raped women and treasures from the Chinese people living around border of China, and (ancient) China government had to fight back and protect their own people. Read the history please before you spout out something here. Kindly remind you of invasion of Mongolian, Manchu, Japan and some European countries to China in the past hundreds of year. You can tell how peaceful Chinese is, unless they are invaded or humiliated.
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by: jonathan huang from: canada
September 15, 2012 5:16 PM
so what? what else you can do to stop China? either Vietnam becomes part of China then we stop the war or you keep suffering from under China's suppress. that is the only destiny for little nations, and that is the trend of history, you dont have the power to stop the wheel of history, learn it!
Vietnam is under the rule of China just like Japan is under the rule of USA. Do you think Japan has any chance to get rid of american's control? Japan become part of China might be the only solution, LOL

by: Kayumangi from: Kenya
September 15, 2012 2:03 AM
Hey guys, let us all stop talking sense to the Communist Chinese because they have none! First of all, they are communist. Secondly, they are the Chinese today! As this nut Chinese from China said soon they'll even claim the moon as theirs. The best is not patronize their products and stop investing in China. They cannot be trusted. They are ready to go to World War 3 just to have their godless ambitions. They have done that to Tibet and they'll do that to other small defenseless countries before moving against bigger ones. Asia, prepare for war!
In Response

by: jonathan huang from: canada
September 15, 2012 5:23 PM
I think you made mistake here Mr. Kayumangi. Right now the situation is that every country from Europe to Asia to America is crying for China's investment! Thousands European companies are waiting for sale to China. You dont think they can refuse China's money, do you? Tell you the truth, west never trusted China even for one second ever, so what? we found a way to profit we found a way to learn technologies. you must jealous us because Kenya get no chance be like China ha?
In Response

by: Nigeshabi from: Canada
September 15, 2012 5:06 PM
This "Chinese from China" is not a Chinese or Chinese from Taiwan and Hongkong. He was trying to spout out rumors for Chinese. Yes, he is a nut, the joke that he wants to claim Moon doesn't mean other people want to do that. Chinese people have lived on their land for ~ 5 thousands of years, think about other countries in the World, how many people in the world have lived in their own land for 5 thousands of years. You can count it if you want. Chinese people was not ready in WW II when Japan invaded to China from 1931-1945, so WWII caused lots of damages to China, hopefully Chinese government is better prepared this time for WWIII if some countries/some people are too aggressive to invade China or to launch a war in the World.

by: Yoshi from: Sapporo
September 14, 2012 8:57 PM
I hope Chinese people think deeply about the meanings of what Chinese government took this time, senting patrol ships around the islets and leaving there soon after.
In Response

by: jonathan huang from: canada
September 14, 2012 11:07 PM
the meaning is clear, China doesnt recognize the buying of the island, Diaoyu island belongs to China so we go there whenever we want, it is obviously a slap on face to Japan. however China doesnt want to escalate the turmoil, so we left there very soon. Also we show japan the only way to solve the dispute is negotiate, and stop doing stupid unilateral wrongdoing even with the help of US. China scared of no one because we have nukes.

by: Kamikaze from: Japan
September 14, 2012 8:53 PM
Thanks for all comments from China or even from America (not america) that were written by a few Chinese people (or by only one Chinese) . May God teach ethics and laws to Communist Chinese (= trouble makers)!
In Response

by: nigeshabi from: Canada
September 15, 2012 2:23 PM
Think about WWII, Japanese invaded China and launched pearl harbor attack, you will know who is the trouble maker (of course, Japanese)!
In Response

by: nigeshabi from: Canada
September 15, 2012 2:19 PM
How do you "by a few Chinese people (or by only one Chinese)"? Is it only your guess? Please respect the truth, facts and history. instead of spout out rumors. Diaoyu island was robbed by Japanese from China in 1895 and suppose to return Diaoyu island to China after WWII. Let me teach you some basic history, Japanese invaded China from 1931-1945, and robbed lots of treasures and damage the entire China. Chinese people are so grateful for the nuclear bomb cast in Japan by US to end WWII.

by: Charlie from: UK
September 14, 2012 5:28 PM
Why are the Chinese so blatantly aggressive? You can't go around claiming everything yours.With an ever growing navy you think you can go around imposing your sovereignty by the threatened use of force.If China starts these territorial wars,nobody is going to come out unscathed.No country in Asia is going to sit back and let you have your way.How many times do I have to tell you guys that most of what you now call China,lie on stolen lands.They never belong to China in the first place,so stop claiming everything belongs to China in ancient times.That's loads of craps.Even Taiwan did not become part of the Manchurian Qing Dynasty until 1689.Before then it was a Dutch colony known as Formosa.The problem is most Chinese have been brainwashed and hypnotised by Communist nationalist propaganda to divert attention away from power struggles,injustice,land grabbings and corruption,etc.You will go to war at your own loss,leaving behind your loved ones,and only the high ranking officials in Beijing will benefit from all these conflicts.By encouraging public protests and attacking Japanese interests and citizens all over China without any regards for international laws and common sense,you can see how peace-loving and civilised Chinese people are!
In Response

by: jonathan huang from: canada
September 14, 2012 11:26 PM
i can see how jealous you are, sore grape. UK used to be great but now becomes second world. UK will never ever be a superpower any more. but China has the chance, actually a big chance. Every Chinese realize this point. And you are right, China is a big country because we occupied loads of lands, every great country did the same thing. question is can you keep it? few countries did it, Russia, India, China, US are few of them. pity, UK is not one of them, you lost everything during the WWII, poor boy.
diaoyu island dispute teach chinese, only the communist party can keep our country's integrity, only the chinese type democracy is the real democracy. but as brainwashed you cant understand it for sure.
In Response

by: Zongyang Li from: Beijing
September 14, 2012 11:04 PM
aggressive?Don't you remember your brutal alliance invaded our home in 19th century?China has been treated blood-badly by you western conutry even little japanese in recent 200 years。 Taiwan has been a part of our territory since almost 2,000 years ago as Wu dynasty sent people to there.
sorry about my poor english
In Response

by: leonbag from: china
September 14, 2012 10:49 PM
yeah!!what you said is right!! but what can we do??? no weapon, no power!!! we will killed by chinese government if we protest its dictator!! you know!! nobody want to die!! you too!!!

by: The Peace Maker
September 14, 2012 3:59 PM
hahaha.....China robbed several islands from Viet Nam and continue bullying smaller neighboring countries for more islands. Now it is its turn to be robbed at or dealt does it feel? God have eyes on the evil
In Response

by: jonathan huang from: canada
September 14, 2012 11:30 PM
I really dont understand how can you laugh out? If I am Vietnamese I would cry. because even Japan backed by US, China doesnt give a dime, we send ship to Diaoyu island any way as we want. What do you think the chance you have to hold your islands any longer?
When we teach Japan a lesson then all the little dogs will be quiet.
In Response

by: Zongyang Li from: Beijing
September 14, 2012 11:11 PM
Imagine you have many sisters or brothers,there is somebody cliams you have too many,so several of them must be separated from your familiy,how dos it feel?

by: Anonymous
September 14, 2012 3:51 PM
Senkaku Islands are Japanese territory!

by: Anonymous
September 14, 2012 2:24 PM
Peace for China and Japan

by: tan from: cn
September 14, 2012 11:04 AM
diaoyu island belongs to china !~not dispute
In Response

by: chinese from: China
September 14, 2012 2:40 PM
"fishing islands" eh?
The name smells pretty fishy to me ..
Drum it up boys ! drum it up !
Don't we need the oil underneath it ! one day soon we will claim the moon too .
In Response

by: Ling Zhang from: Japan
September 14, 2012 2:00 PM
We all call "Fishing Islands" even in Japan,not the Senkaku. Because we are Chinese,no afraid of confilicts and final wars.

by: Truth Teller from: Globe
September 14, 2012 9:27 AM
The history shows that Diaoyu islands belong to China. Want to know the truth? Go to study the history.
In Response

by: Chinese from: China
September 14, 2012 2:27 PM
Honestly, I can not tell between truth & lie !
But it seems everything will belong to the chinese peoples except China
In Response

by: hewenhai from: china
September 14, 2012 11:35 AM
Diaoyu archipalego belong to China. this is historical and consist with international law.please America don't meddle!,please Japanese respect history and international laws.regardless of what people else to do .I will do anything for soveight of Diaoyu islands,even die for it!
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