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Environment/Climate Programs & Projects

(showing 1 - 15 of 47)
HML Organic Chemical Metrology Program Areas
Last Updated Date: 09/10/2012

The Organic Chemical Metrology Program exists within the Analytical Chemistry Division, MML, which is located at the Hollings Marine Laboratory in … more

Carbon Mitigation Measurements
Last Updated Date: 08/29/2012

The global environmental problems caused by emission of CO 2 (global warming, rising sea levels and increased acidity of oceans) must be abated. … more

Fundamental Chemical Metrology
Last Updated Date: 07/03/2012

The Analytical Chemistry Division serves as the Nation’s reference laboratory for chemical compositional measurements and standards to … more

Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases
Last Updated Date: 05/07/2012

The Gas Metrology Group has undertaken a major climate change program that involves collaborations with key stakeholders in the United … more

Pipeline-Scale Flow Measurement Standards for Natural Gas
Last Updated Date: 12/15/2011

NIST is developing gas flow calibration tools known as critical flow venturis (CFV), or sonic nozzles, to calibrate natural gas flow meters used … more

Traceable Calibration Gases: SRMs, NTRMS, and Protocol Gases
Last Updated Date: 11/23/2011

The Gas Metrology Group in the Analytical Chemistry Division is tasked with providing traceability in gas analysis for the U.S. This group works … more

Aperture area measurements
Last Updated Date: 11/03/2011

Radiometric and photometric measurements require defining apertures. The accuracy to which these measurements can be accomplished requires … more

NIST Intercomparison Exercise Program for Organic Contaminants in the Marine Environment
Last Updated Date: 11/03/2011

Since the beginning of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program in 1987, NIST … more

Synchrotron Radiation-Based Calibrations for Space Weather Prediction
Last Updated Date: 10/04/2011

Orbital ultraviolet and extreme-ultraviolet spectrometers are calibrated on beamline 2, taking advantage of the calculability of synchrotron … more

Fiber Sources and Applications
Last Updated Date: 10/03/2011

Optical frequency combs convert a laser source containing a single frequency of light into pulses that include thousands of frequencies. This … more

Measurements and Standards for Contaminants in Environmental Samples
Last Updated Date: 09/01/2011

For the past 40 years NIST has developed SRMs for the determination of inorganic and organic contaminants in environmental matrices such as … more

Renewable Polymers
Last Updated Date: 06/24/2011

Economic growth, such as that experienced in developed countries over the last century, cannot continue into the next century nor spread to less … more

Measurements and Standards to Support Global Climate Change Studies
Last Updated Date: 05/16/2011

Much of the world's assessment and critical evaluation of currently available data on contributions to climate change comes from the … more

Spectroscopic Measurements of Atmospheric Gases for Monitoring Greenhouse Gases
Last Updated Date: 04/19/2011

Climate scientists are developing a new generation of spectrometers for the NASA-sponsored inventory of atmospheric greenhouse gases, most notably … more

Monitoring Contaminants in the Arctic and Subarctic Using Banked Seabird Eggs
Last Updated Date: 03/24/2011

More than 95% of the seabirds breeding in the continental United States nest at colonies in the Bering and Chukchi seas and Gulf of Alaska. In … more

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